Reginald  W  Drown, 1190809, RAF 112 Sqdn (Shark), 24/4/43 to 19/5/44 Flight Log Book Extracts.

Celebrating 8000 of his over 10000 hours of Flight time with the RAF

24 Apr 43

Kittyhawk III,  FR348

BoGara-Wing E/A encountered, Macchi and 109, (Website note FR-348,  42-46141 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR348. Crashed into sea 5 mi N of Zuara May 24, 1943 following engine failure, pilot at this time unknown)

28 Apr 43

Kittyhawk III, "C", FL701

Bombing 500 lb did not bomb

29 Apr 43

Kittyhawk III, "C", FL701

Bombing 500 lb, Barges off Tunis, no hits, Light Breda on return

1 May 43

Kittyhawk III, "R", FL509

Bombing 500 lb, Returned side panel of Hood blew out

5 May 43

Kittyhawk III, "C", FL714

Top cover to 450 Sqdn, uneventful Cape Bon visibility poor

6 May 43

Kittyhawk III, "C", FL714

Top cover to 450 Sqdn, Cape Bon dived on 2, 109 but could not get in range

6 May 43

Kittyhawk III, "C", FL714

Armed Recco, 500 lb bomb “Cooks Tour” Followed bomb line and hit coast  West of Biserta and returned, uneventful

7 May 43

Kittyhawk III, "C", FL714

Escort to Bostons (18), (called Douglas A-20 in USAAF service) to St Cyprieh (Big Battle) erhehetp 40MM Ack not accurate

8 May 43

Kittyhawk III, "C", FL714

Bombing 2x250 lb Bombed ship in Tunis harbour, Yance Barnes (Fg Off Harold James Martin Barnes, 112407, RAFVR)  strafed HE-115 in harbour

9 May 43

Kittyhawk III, "C", FL714

Bombing 2x250 lb, Bombed Keliba, accurate 88MM bursting between Blue 1 and myself. Breda at Keliba (109’s messed up Sqdns)

10 May 43

Kittyhawk III, "N",

Bombing 2x250 lb, Followed bomb line to Tunis, 40MM poor, Bombed Kalba, light 20MM Fire S.W. of Drome

11 May 43

Kittyhawk III, "C", FL714

Bombing 2x250 lb, Bombed Menzel Heurre, Train on fire confirmed by 250 Sqdn, Breda, ( Website loses webpage indicates this plane was hit later that day.  Sgt Ronald William Staveley, 1231263, RAFVR, A/C forced down when hit by AA landed at Hammamet 42-9770 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FL714. (Rob))

13 May 43

End of Operations in -

Tunisia - Axis stopped fighting

24 May 43

Kittyhawk III, "K", FR483

Squadron practice bombing Attacked by C.O. Bombed ship wreck with 20lb, (Zuara- Rest Period)

27 May 43

Kittyhawk III, "K", FR483

Shadow firing, (Website note FR483,GA-K, 42-10340 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR483. SOC Feb 22, 1945)

29 May 43

Kittyhawk III, "H",

Battle Formation Turn abouts (Website note possibly FR489,GAH, 42-10349 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR489. Crashed after pilot bailed out near Catania Aug 4, 1943)

3 Jun 43

Kittyhawk III, "K", FR483

Practice Gaggle

4 Jun 43

Kittyhawk III, "K", FR483

Shadow firing

12 June 43

Kittyhawk III, "F"

Bombing and Squadron Formations, Spiral dive onto target (Wreck at Sabratha)

30 June 43

Kittyhawk III, "Z"

Aerobatics !

5 July 43

Kittyhawk III, "C", FL714

Squadron Formation

10 July 43

Kittyhawk III, "N”

Formation, Line Astern, Chase, invasion of Sicily 0300 hours ( Monty requested 239 Wing)

11 July 43

Kittyhawk III, FR478

Formation, Line Astern, Chase

12 July 43

Kittyhawk III, FR478

Shadow firing, Line Astern, Chase, (Website note FR478, 42-10335 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR478. SOC Mar 8, 1944)

13 July 43

Kittyhawk III, FR478

Formation Dive Bombing 8-2000 feet, S/Ldr Norton C.O. Ops over Sicily HS Vance missing. b. killed. (Sqn Ldr George Harold Norton, RAF 89308, A/C shot down by flak near Lentini, Sicily, pilot KIA, FR 793.GA J, Curtiss P-40M-5-CU, 43-5586, Missing from attack on enemy motor transport near Lentini Jul 13, 1943 )) (Flt Sgt Fred Renshaw Vance,R80721, RCAF (American) A/C shot down by flak near Lentini, Sicily, KIA) F/O Hearne missing – Returned (Fg Off Raymond Vincent  :"Steely Grey" Hearn, Force landed at Pachino within 8th Army lines pilot ok , returned to Sqdn)

14 July 43

Douglas DC3, FD883

Pilot WO Bone, Co-Pilot WO Reg Drown, Zuara- Luca

15 July 43

Kittyhawk III, "W”

Air test (Website note possibly FR494,GAW, 42-10359 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR494. SOC Feb 22, 1945)

18 July 43

Kittyhawk III, "V” FR827

Bombing 2x250lb, (Website note FR827. GAV, 43-5632, SOC Feb 22, 1945)  Missed, 112 Sqdn Top cover to 3 and 250 Sqdns, Augustus Returned to Pachino not Safi, Malta

18 July 43

Kittyhawk III, "V” FR827

Pachino – Pachino Main

19 July 43

Kittyhawk III, "V” FR827

Bombing 2x250lb, Bombed Riposto Quay, Direct hit on Quay & fishing boats 60 – 90 footers no Ack Ack no E/A

20 July 43

Kittyhawk III, "V” FR827

Bombing 2x250lb, 3, 112 and 26o Sqdns, Wing dropped 66,00 lbs of bombs today Bombed West of Catania Indiscriminate bombing, Moral Perfect Breda and 40MM fairly accurate

21 July 43

Kittyhawk III, “K”, FR483

Bombing 2x250lb, 3, 112 and 26o Sqdns,  (Website note, FR483,GAK, 42-10340 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR483. SOC Feb 22, 1945) Bombed railway sidings, Hits, 88MM AA, Flew over Etna, Saw Toe of Italy off to the West

25 July 43

Kittyhawk III, “K”, FR483

Bombing 2x250lb, 3, 112 and 26o Sqdns,   Looked for MT on Roads West of Mount Etna No MT , Bombed Bronte

26 July 43

Kittyhawk III, “K”, FR483

Bombing 2x250lb, 450 & 112 Sqdns,  Bombed Catenianouva Station Hits in target area, Slight 88MM AA,

27 July 43

Kittyhawk III, “K”, FR483

Squadron Gaggle, Mussolini disappears!

28 July 43

Kittyhawk III, “K”, FR483

Armed Recce, 2x250lb, 3 & 112 Sqdns, Patrolled West of Etna to North Coast & Return nothing doing

30 July 43

Spitfire, MA247

Air Test, Boost Surge, Wizard kite, Burst tire on landing

31 July 43

Kittyhawk III, “K”, FR483

Armed Recco, Bombed MT, N.E. Etna, Strafed transport at 10 feet

1 Aug 43

Kittyhawk III, “K”, FR483

Practice Gaggle, Tried out as White 1

2 Aug 43

Kittyhawk III, “H”, FR489

Bombing 2x250lb, Army Pin Point Regalbuto Smoke Puffs, light Ack Ack   (Website note Fg Off Harold James Martin Barnes, 112407, RAFVR, A/C crashed into the sea near Catania, Sicily. pilot baled out, FR489,GAH, 42-10349 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR489. Crashed after pilot bailed out near Catania Aug 4, 1943)

2 Aug 43

Kittyhawk III, “K”, FR483

Bombing 2x250lb, Bombed and strafed German Mortar & Machine Gun Post (West of Catania) Straf House, Bombing Good

3 Aug 43

Kittyhawk III, “Q”, FR806

Rhubarb, Mister Bianco to Paterno Straffed Houses no MT or Camps (Website note FR806,GAQ, 43-5605, SOC Mar 29, 1945)

4 Aug 43

Kittyhawk III, “K”, FR483

Bombing 2x250lb, North of Etna, Straffed Main Road Fiume Freddo, Accurate  light AA, P/O Wild DFC & F/O Guess missing ( Website notes P/O Reginald Albert Wild, 407884, RAAF, 42-45892 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR302 Jul 1942. Ditched off Sicily Aug 4, 1943 following engine failure Returned. Fg Off Raymond D "Goose" Guess, RCAF J10277, A/C shot  down by flak near Randazzo, Italy, pilot POW according to Medical Officer F/LT Crews 4 aircraft where lost due to glycol leaks caused by flak, during the month of August with only one pilot returning to the Sqdn (Reg Wild 9 Aug 43)

4 Aug 43

Kittyhawk III, “V”, FR827

Bombing and Rhubarb, Bombed Mister Bianco Down East of Etna,  AA Good, Exceedingly low (Website note FR827. GAV, 43-5632, SOC Feb 22, 1945)

7 Aug 43

Kittyhawk III, “H”,

Bombing, 2x250lb, Bombed road East of Fiume Freddo no Ack Ack Results Good Sgt Treloar missing (Website note possibly FR801,GAH, 43-5598, SOC Feb 29, 1944) (Flt Sgt Ian Treloar, 401551, RAAF, A/C shot down by flak near Randazzo, Italy, MT was spotted and attacked but heavy and light AA was encountered at Grid D0213. This aircraft failed to return and is believed lost to AA Fire near Randazzo, pilot KIA, FR849,GAZ, 43-5743, Missing from ground attack mission over Sicily Aug 7, 1943

8 Aug 43

Kittyhawk III, “K”, FR483

Rhubarb, Strafed Linguloussa to Giarre, 1 MT damaged 1 Railway Stn Messed

9 Aug 43

Kittyhawk III, “K”, FR483

Bombing 500lb, Visited Italy, No Shipping, Bombed Barge on Return Journey, 66MM Accurate P/O Reg Wild Returns

12 Aug 43

Kittyhawk III, “K”, FR483

Rhubarb, Fiume Freddo to Bomb Line, No Joy No AA

13 Aug 43

Kittyhawk III, “K”, FR483

Bombing 500lb, Bombed Barge (Italy) – Good Bombing, Strafed Marshalling Yards Got 1 Flamer

14 Aug 43

Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR511

Bombing 500lb, Did not Bomb, Nothing Doing, Patrolled Toe of Italy

15 Aug 43

Kittyhawk III, “K”, FR483

Bombing 500lb, Bona Maria Marshalling Yards, Excellent Bombing 8 Direct Hits

16 Aug 43

Kittyhawk III, “K”, FR483 30

Bombing 500lb, Barges in Messina Strait, (Squirters Alley) Ack Ack !! Jerry Pulling Out

17 Aug 43

Kittyhawk III, “K”, FR483 31

Bombing 500lb (Black 1) , Barges in Messina Strait, Ack Ack Placed Over Target, 2200 hours Messina Has Fallen

17 Aug 43

Kittyhawk III, “K”, FR483 32

Bombing 500lb, 450,112 and 250 Sqdns, Messina Strait Again, Shufti Greyhair, Barges Again AA Still Good

18 Aug 43

Kittyhawk III, “K”, FR483

Bombing 500lb, Bombed MT on Road, Strafed Train at Melito, Got 1 Flamer, 88MM AA Too Accurate (Make a Wizard Rhubarb Area)

23 Aug 43

Kittyhawk III, “H”,

Line Astern Chase, Germans forces Retired to Italy 135,000 Prisoners

27 Aug 43

Kittyhawk III, “K”, FR483

Close escort to Mitchells USAAF, Yanks Pattern Bombed Catanza Ro- What a Mess 88MM Good

3 Sep 43

Kittyhawk III, “M”, FR864

Bombing, 2x250lb Army Invasion of Italy, Bombed Melito Gun Positions Holding 8th Army Advance.  (Website note FR864,GAM, 43-5758, Crashed at Ripa Dec 30, 1943 after pilot bailed out following flak hit)

4 Sep 43

Kittyhawk III, “Q”, FR806

Armed Recce 2x250lbs. Toe of Italy Bombed MT on Road

8 Sep 43

Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR297

Bombing, 2x250lb, Returned Early U/C (Under Carriage) trouble,  Italy Capitulated 5 Days After Invasion (Website note FR297 GAF) 42-45887 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR297 Jul 1942. SOC Mar 29, 1945)

11 Sep 43

Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR297

Air Test, a/c Serviceable (a/c  aircraft)

12 Sep 43

Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR297

Head On Display

14 Sep 43

Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR297

DC-3 Escort,  Agone to Grottaglie, Agnone to Taranto

15 Sep 43

Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR297

Armed Recce 6x40lb Bombs, Nothing Doing,  Plenty of Mist

15 Sep 43

Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR297

Armed Recce 6x40lb Bombs , Holed Twice in Port Wing, 40MM,  East of Boli, AA Very Good, F/Lt Macbryde  Down – Returned, W/o Middlemist Missing ( Website notes F/Lt Lucus  Mc Bryde, 407005 , RAAF, WO Kenneth  Forrest Middlemist, 1376378, RAFVR, FR814 GAT, A/C shot down by flak near Pertosa, Italy, pilot KIA, he was making a second run on the target

16 Sep 43

Kittyhawk III, “K”, FR866

Armed Recce 2x250lb Bombs, Returned Thought Rough Running Nearly Bailed Out, Jettisoned Bombs West of Potenza (Website notes FR866 GAT, 43- 5760, (GAK on 16 Sep 43 to GAD on 17 Sept 43) then GAM, 43-5760, Struck pole during attack near Melito Aug 21, 1943)

17 Sep 43

Kittyhawk III, “D”, FR866

Armed Recce 2x250lb Bombs, Potenza to Avellino, Bombed and Strafed MT No AA, No E/A

18 Sep 43

Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR803

Armed Recce 2x250lb Bombs, Potenza Area, No MT, AA or  E/A, Boring,  F/Sgt Stavely Missing (Website notes Flt Sgt Ronald William Staveley, 1231263, RAFVR, FR866, A/C shot down by flak near Vallata, Italy, took off at 16:55hrs as part of 10 aircraft formation on Armed recce in the Potenza-Vallata area. During this mission MT was attacked at grid O.1350 and O.1267. During this flight this aircraft was last seen strafing in grid O.0533 and was seen to be hit and crashed into the ground from approx 500 ft. pilot KIA)

19 Sep 43

Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR803

Bombing and Strafing 2x250lb Bombs, Spinazolla, mmo Dump, 2 Big Fires, Strafed 2 times, W/O Brown Missing (Website Note WOI Wilfred David Brown, R/86267, RCAF,, FR860 GAD, A/C shot down near Avigliano. Italy map reference RAF Napoli 40/14, N9854 to Avigliano 0.0852 KIA, took off at 14:30hrs as part of 10 aircraft formation on Armed Recce Potenza-Vallata-Grottaminarda-Lioni-Aveglino areas. MT was attacked at Grid N.9754 and at Grid N.9854. Light intense AA was received from grid N.9854. This aircraft was last seen when it spun into the ground,1520 hours,  from approx 1500ft, and burst into flames. pilot KIA On 19 September 1943, after completing a successful bomb run he and his 9 team mates where returning to base and strafing targets of opportunity. Documentation shows the small arms and machine gun fire was “heavy and intense”, from a column of trucks that had been engaged. Wilfred’s plane Kittyhawk Mk III FR860, was hit while over the column, he climbed it to approximately 1500 feet, rolled it onto its back to allow the pilot to escape when it was engulfed in flames and entered a spin from which it never recovered. Although his plane crashed somewhere between Apoli and Avellino in Italy, nothing was ever found)

20 Sep 43

Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR803

Armed Recce 2x250lb Bombs, Lalided Brindisi, Very Boring Trip, No Movement on Road

21 Sep 43

Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR803

Armed Recce 2x250lb Bombs, Benevento Area, Nothing Doing, Slight Accuate 88MM

22 Sept 43

Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR803

Armed Recce 2x250lb Bombs, Cross Roads North of Benevento Via Foggia, Nothing Doing, No AA, 3 Macchi (Italian made fighter)

24 Sep 43

Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR803

Bombing 2x250lb Bombs, Melfi Town, German HQ, Indiscriminate Bombing no AA

28 Sep 43

Kittyhawk, "JD".

Air and Gun Test (Website notes, personal aircraft of John Darwen, Kittyhawk Mk III FR868 Coded JD)

2 Oct 43

Kittyhawk III, “D”, FR521

Bombing 2x250lb Bombs, Returned earley, Oil in Cockpit, Leaking from filler cap (Website Note FR521,GAD then GAJ then GAN  42-10414 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR521. SOC Feb 22, 1945)

3 Oct 43

Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR803

Bari - Foggia

4 Oct 43

Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR803

Armed Recce, 6x40lb Bombs, Recce’D Pescara Road, No MT, Visability Poor, Light AA Good

5 Oct 43

Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR803

Armed Recce 2x250lb Bombs, Recce’D Avenzza Area, AA 8/10, 88MM, xbled (clobbered) several times

6 Oct 43

Kittyhawk III, “A”, FL897

Armed Recce 2x250lb Bombs, Recce’d Pescara – Very Boring 8/10 cloud, Lead Top section Back, (Website Note FL897,GAA) 42-45785 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FL897 Jul 1942. SOC Mar 29, 1945)

6 Oct 43

Kittyhawk III, “A”, FL897

Bombing 2x250lb Bombs, Bombed road North of Pennapi, Slight AA,

9 Oct 43

Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR803

Bombing 2x250lb Bombs, Palata District, 400+ MT in Woods, No AA, Two Fires

11 Oct 43

Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR803

Armed Recce 2x250lb Bombs, Recce’d West of Bomb line, 10/10 cloud - Boring

13 Oct 43

Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR803

Armed Recce 2x250lb Bombs, Bombed MT, Good Bombing, AA Valley did not fail to Bore us

19 Oct 43

Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR803

Bombing 2x250lb Bombs (6 hour delay) 112 and 3 Sqdns, Bombing railroad North od Pescara, No A/A or E/A

20 Oct 43

Kittyhawk III, “J”, FR863

Bombing, Bombed and Strafed in Front of VIII Army, North of Termon (Website Note, FR863, GAJ, 43-5757 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR863. Lost Sep 10, 1943 <- incorrect Reg Drown Flight Log Book shows this plane was flown on 20 Oct 1943

20 Oct 43

Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR803

Air Test, Inlet Plugs tested 10,000 feet

23 Oct 45

Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR803

Bombing 2x250lb Bombs, Bombed Railway and Strafed Home West of Pescara, Dropped 40lbs amongst 50+ MT in Railway Yard

1 Nov 43

Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR803

Air Test,

13 Nov 43

Kittyhawk III, “M”, FR864

Long Range Strafe, Aquilla, Popoli Very Accurate 40 and 88MM AA, Strafed 3 Gharries.  (Website Note FR864,GAM, 43-5758, Crashed at Ripa Dec 20, 1943 after pilot bailed out following flak hit, Fg Off Robert Matthew "Hawkeye" also known as “Old Wilkinson” or  “Letchie Wilkinson”, Wilkinson, RAF 135092)

17 Nov 43

Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR803

Bombing 500lb Bomb, Bombed Barrea North of Isernea, Dived through 10/10 cloud 3000 feet, No A/A

16 Nov 43

Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR803

Practice Gaggle, Battle Close Formation, Practice Strafing North of Marco

19 Nov 43

Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR803

Bombing 500lb Bomb, Supposed to Bomb Barrea Again but low 10/10 cloud covered Target, No A/A

29 Nov 43

Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR803

Push Started at Sangro Shuttle Service !!! Jerry Bomb “Happy” Bombing 2x250lb Bombs Grid System, Bombed Gun Positions west of Lanciano, V.G. Bombing, Slight Breda, CAB Rank !!

30 Nov 43

Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR803

Bombing 2x250lb Bombs Grid System, Bombed same Position as yesterday, SAAF 2 109 destroyed 1 damaged. Yanks Strafing our Lines !!!

1 Dec 43

Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR803

Satellite 3 to Base

2 Dec 43

Kittyhawk III, “M”, FR864

Base 232 Wing

2 Dec 43

Kittyhawk III, “M”, FR864 63

Bombing 2x250lb Bombs Army Target, Bombing 150MM and Breda Post East of  Orsogna, Missed 8 190’s, R/T U/S (F/S Worbey)

3 Dec 43

Kittyhawk III, “B”, FR812

232 Wing to Base, Test Generator U/S (Website Note FR812,GAB, 43-5613, Crashed N of Genazzano Mar 13, 1944 after pilot bailed out following flak hit, Flt Sgt Stanley Thomas Worbey, 174081, RAFVR)

3 Dec 43

Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR803

Bombing 2x250lb Bombs, Tanks and Infantry at S. Martino, Slight, Acuurate, 88MM, No E/A

5 Dec43

Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR803

Bombing 500lb Bomb, Split Harbour, Yugoslavia, 2 Direct Hits, Near Misses, 4000 Tons, No A/A or E/A

8 Dec 43

Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR803

Bombing 2x250lb Bombs, Orsogna Gun Positions, No A/A or E/A

8 Dec 43

Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR803

Bombing 2x250lb Bombs, Orsogna Gun Positions, More or Less Practice, Bombing, No A/A or E/A

8 Dec 43

Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR803

Cellone to Base

9 Dec 43

Kittyhawk III, “P”, FR823

Bombing 2x250lb Bombs, Tollo Gun Positions, Slight Breda, No E/A, (Website Notes FR823,GAP later, GAQ, 43-5628, SOC Mar 29, 1945)

9 Dec 43

Kittyhawk III, “V”, FR492 

Bombing 2x250lb Bombs, Tollo Gun Positions, Breda Again But Silenced, Shifted for 190's. (Website Notes FR492,GAV, 42-10352 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR492. SOC Mar 29, 1945)

10 Dec 43

Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR803 

Bombing 2x250lb Bombs, Gun Positions West of Ortona, No A/A or E/A

10 Dec 43 Kittyhawk III, “P”, FR823  Bombing 2x250lb Bombs, 88MM Gun Positions !, Warm Reception North of Tollo
18 Dec 43 Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR803  Bombing 2x250lb Bombs, Abortive 10/10 Clouds 1500 feet
19 Dec 43 Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR803  Bombing 2x250lb Bombs, Francavilla Artillery Guns, Area Well Plastered, Slight A/A, No E/A
18 Dec 43 Kittyhawk III, “J”, FR839 239 Wing - 232 Wing
19 Dec 43 Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR803  Bombing 2x250lb Bombs,  Miglianco Gun Positions, Good Bombing Acc 20MM, Sgt Cocks hit by A/A force landed. F/O Wilkinson bailed out over enemy territory
21 Dec 43 Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR803  Bombing 2x250lb Bombs, East of Chifie through Cloud Strafed Home Claimed Breda Position and 1 MT Damaged Sqdn Claims 9 MT and 3 Breda Positions
22 Dec 43 Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR803  Bombing 2x250lb Bombs, Gun Positions Miglianco, Too Accurate 88MM, Slight Haze
8 Jan 44 Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR803 Bombing 500lb Bomb, Oil Storage at Placa (Yugoslavia) Abortive, Light A/A No E/A
9 Jan 44 Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR803 Bombing 500lb Bomb, Oil Storage at Placa (Yugoslavia) Bombed Strafed, Very Accurate AA, 2/Lt Sharp Missing
9 Jan 44 Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR803 Search for Missing Pilot 2/Lt Sharp Yugoslavia and back searching Sea Islands false Alarm Pilot force landed at Gioa. (Website Note 2/Lt N.G.Sharpe 328278V. SAAF, FR299 GAQ, This aircraft was damaged Cat III when it force landed at Grid J.332)
11 Jan 44 Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR803 Bombing and Strafing 500lb Bomb, Bombed ships at Markhrska, Fire in Town, Staffed ships at Velalulka (Yugoslavia)
14 Jan 44 Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR803 Bombing 500lb Bomb, Ships in Sibenik Harbour, Started fire in 1000 Tonner, Slight 40MM
16 Jan 44 Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR803 Bombing 2x250lb Bombs, VIII Army, Close support Fortified Gun Position, Well and Truly Plastered, Slight A/A, Bombed from 3500 feet
17 Jan 44 Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR803 Bombing 500lb Bomb, Placa harbour, 6x40MM, Well and Truly Plastered, Successful Show
19 Jan 44 Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR803 Bombing 500lb Bomb, Placa Harbour, A/A not so arduous this time, Ship near Miss
20 Jan 44 Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR803 Bombing 500lb Bomb, Popoli Harbour, Bags of Ships, No A/A, Badly Knocked around by previous Sqdns
21 Jan 44 Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR803 Bombing and Strafing 500lb Bomb, Placa, 3 Ships, Made 3 Staffing Runs, Ran out of Ammo, Paid respects to A/A Positions
22 Jan 44 Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR803 Bombing Armed Recce 2x250lb Bombs, Avezzano - Aquila - Popoli for MY, Allied Land 20 miles from Rome No A/A or E/A
27 Jan 44 Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR803 Bombing 500lb Bomb, Sebenik Harbour 2x1000 Tonners, Bombing Fair, Slight A/A
28 Jan 44 Kittyhawk III, “J”, FR839 Bombing 500lb Bomb, Sebenik Harbour - Corvettes, Near Misses, 4 Thunderbolts Top Cover, 40MM A/A Barrage
29 Jan 44 Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR803 Cellone - Crutella
29 Jan 44 Kittyhawk III, “K”, FR439 Armed Recce Long Range, Popoli - Avezzano - Arce - Cassino, 9 MT Destroyed 3 Damaged, 10/10 A/A Arce, Intense Accurate
8 Feb 44 Kittyhawk III, “S”, FR863 Air Test  a/c u/s Inclination to Roll in a Dive ( Website notes FR863, GAJ, then GAS, 43-5757 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR863)
17 Feb 44 Kittyhawk III, “B” Bombing 500lb Bomb, Briefed to Bomb Cassino Monastery
22 Feb 44 Kittyhawk III, “C” Bombing 500lb Bomb, Soline (Dugi Island) Bombed Ship No A/A Near Misses
23 Feb 44 Mustang "C" HK944 Practice Flying, Experience on Type (Website Notes Series HK was reserved for the planes taken into account directly in the Middle East. 42-84018 HK944/C, condemned excess inventory Jul 8, 1944)
24 Feb 44 Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR390 Bombing 500lb Bomb, UIJan Island West of Zara, Good Bombing No A/A (Website notes FR390.GAF, later GAQ, 42-9906 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR390. SOC Apr 26, 1945)
27 Feb 44 Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR390 Armed Recce 500lb Bomb, Avezzano - Carsoli - Arsoli - Tivoli - Poor Trip, Saw Rome, Slight Breda
10 Mar 44 Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR390 Armed Recce 500lb Bomb,* Lead Sqdn to Anzio, Velettri, No Movement, Intense Light A/A
19 Mar 44 Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR390 Bombing 500lb Bomb, Bombed Railway Communication North of Terni, Damaged Transport North of Avezzano
20 Mar 44 Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR390 Bombing 500lb Bomb, Bombed Railway Bridge South of Terni, Direct Hit, Strafed Railway Trucks in siding, Many Hits
20 Mar 44 Kittyhawk III, “M”, FR861 Recce - Comm - Practice,  Mount Ahora Low Clouds, Sulmono Valley 
21 Mar 44 Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR390 Bombing 500lb Bomb, Railway Bridge Marni, No A/A or E/A
22 Mar 44 Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR390 Shipping 500lb Bomb, 3 "E" Boats Yugoslavia, North Split, Good Bombing, Light A/A, (S/Ldr Illingsworth, Missing, Glycol) (Website Notes Sqdn Ldr Peter Fredrick Illingworth, 39529, RAF, A/C shot down near Trogir, Flak causing glycol leak, Aircraft took off at 15:45hrs as part of 12 aircraft formation briefed to attack 3 "E" Boats at Grid U.8238 in Yugoslavia. Aircraft attacked their Target and this aircraft was Hit by AA. White vapor was seen coming from the aircraft and the pilot force landed on flat land near Trogir, Pilot OK, FR861,GAM, 43-5755, Force landed near Trogir, Yugoslavia Mar 22, 1944 following flak hit)
23 Mar 44 Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR390 Shipping 500lb Bomb, 2 Destroyers and 3 Merchantmen that did not Turn Up. Unfortunate!
27 Mar 44 Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR390 Bombing 500lb Bomb and  6x40lb Bombs Bombed Bridge North of Ancondo, Severed in 4 Places, Strafed Railway Siding 2 Damaged
28 Mar 44 Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR390 Armed Recce 500lb Bomb, Sibenik Split, Nothing Doing
29 Mar 44 Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR390 Bombing 500lb Bomb and  6x40lb Bombs, MT, Workshops South Aquila, Strafed a Pranged ME 202, Bullet in Acc
30 Mar 44 Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR390 Bombing 500lb Bomb and  6x40lb Bombs, Supposed Army HQ South of Rocco, light A/A
31 Mar 44 Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR390 Bombing 500lb Bomb, Pedaso Rail Bridge, Direct Hit, Strafed Rail Trucks in Siding, 88MM Francavilla
31 Mar 44 Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR390 Bombing 500lb Bomb, Guilliamova Railway Bridge, Good Bombing Direct Hit, Light A/A
2 Apr 44 Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR390 Bombing 500lb Bomb Escort to Baltimores, Railway North of Sulmona, 3 Direct Hits, Baltimores Bombing Poor, Slight A/A
3 Apr 44 Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR390 Bombing 500lb Bomb, "O.P." North of Tollo 4 Direct Hits, Armies CONGRATULATIONS, 40MM Good
4 Apr 44 Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR390 Bombing 500lb Bomb, Railway Bridge Monte Silvano, 2 Direct Hits, Intense light A/A( Lt Taylor hit in the leg by small arms)
4 Apr 44 Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR390 Bombing 500lb Bomb, Railway Pedaso, Light A/A (Sqdn Ldr Peter Fredrick Illingworth, 39529, RAF, returns from Yugoslavia)
6 Apr 44 Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR390 L.T.R. Recce Rieti - Terni, Heyday, 2 Petrol and Ammo Convoys, Perugia, 26 Flamers, Smoke 5000 feet (S/Ldr Watts, Missing,) ( Website Notes Sqn Ldr Walter Kenneth Watts,400827  RAAF, FR811, GAM, A/C shot down near Todi, This section then continued North and this aircraft was hit by AA fire from Grid.A7066. The aircraft was abandoned by the pilot who landed at Grid A.7858 near Todi, pilot POW .)
7 Apr 44 Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR390 L.T.R. Recce Rieti - Terni, !!! Jumped 10 FW-190 T.O. Rieti L.G. Scrapping 1000feet, 3 Destroyed 6 Damaged Self 1 Damaged (Later confirmed Destroyed) ( Flt Sgt Kenneth Crawford "Slim" Warburton, RAF 1435331, Flt Sgt William Edward Cocks, 1393866,RAFVR, Killed)
8 Apr 44 Kittyhawk III, “F”, FR390 Bombing 500lb Bomb, Railway Rosito, 2 Direct Hits, Slight A/A
9 Apr 44 Anson Cutella - Bari (Pilot W/O Prune, Co-Pilot Reg Drown)
11 Apr 44 Kittyhawk IV, FT921 Bari - Cutella. (Website Note (FT921,GAZ) 42-104883 to RAF as Kittyhawk IV FT921. SOC Mar 14,1946)
12 Apr 44 Kittyhawk IV, "F", FX563 Test Flying. Governor U/S.  (Website note (FX563,GAF) 42-105404 to RAF as Kittyhawk IV FX563. SOC Mar 28, 1946)
13 Apr 44 Kittyhawk IV, "F", FX563 Bombing 1x1000lb Bomb, Railway over River Tromto, 3 Very Near Misses, 2 Direct Hits on Lines, Intense Light A/A
14 Apr 44 Kittyhawk IV, "F", FX563 Bombing 1x1000lb Bomb, Railway Bridge Spoletto, 8 Very Near Misses, No A/A, A/C on Rieti L.G. , 8 Spitfires cover
15 Apr 44 Kittyhawk IV, "F", FX563 Bombing 1x1000lb Bomb, Railway Bridge Fabriano, Lead Sqdn, Poor Show, 6 Mustangs Top Cover
16 Apr 44 Kittyhawk IV, "F", FX563 Bombing 2x500lb Bombs L.T.R.,  Railway Bridge North of Orte, River Tiber, 1 very Near Miss, 1 direct Hit on Line, Intense Accurate Light A/A
17 Apr 44 Kittyhawk IV, "F", FX563 Bombing 2x500lb Bombs L.T.R., Railway Bridge Orte, River Tiber, 3 Direct Hits on Lines, 10+ ME-109 Sighted, Spitfire cover Mixed
18 Apr 44 Kittyhawk IV, "F", FX563 Bombing 2x500lb Bombs L.T.R.,  "CONGRATULATIONS" from Partisans for Show, Yugoslavia Petrol Dump Well Pranged, Kosovo, Ammo South of Sibenik. Jerry using Churches for (Ammo) Dump.
19 Apr 44 Kittyhawk IV, "F", FX563 Bombing 2x500lb Bombs L.T.R.,  Building South Benedetto, Good bombing, Medium Intense light 20 or 40 MM A/A
21 Apr 44 Kittyhawk IV, "F", FX563 Bombing 2x500lb Bombs L.T.R., Bridge North of Terni, 1 Direct Hit 1 Motor Transport Smoker, Straffed MT, Workshop Aquila, 4 smokers, 2 Flamers
23 Apr 44 Kittyhawk IV, "F", FX563 Bombing 2x500lb Bombs L.T.R., Ammo Dump west of Perugia, 2 Terrific Explosions, 15 piles on fire, Lt Foster Missing (Lt William Ewen "Fossie" Foster, 307365V, SAAF, A/C shot down at Lake Trasimeno, took off at 17:00hrs as part of 12 Aircraft formation briefed to attack an ammo dump at Grid W.4588-4589. Formation found and attacked the target, and Intense and accurate 20mm fire was encountered. During this attack this aircraft was hit as it made a run against the target from Lake Trasimeno, it hit the ground at Grid W.4585 and exploded, pilot KIA, 42-105087 to RAF as Kittyhawk IV FX516. Crashed into Lake Trasimeno Apr 23, 1944 after flak hit)
25 Apr 44 Kittyhawk IV, "F", FX563 Strafing L.T.R.  Railway Bridge West of Fabriano, 3 very Near Misses, Bombing Good No A/A
25 Apr 44 Kittyhawk IV, "F", FX563 Bombing 2x500lb Bombs L.T.R.,  Railway Bridge South of Ancona, 4 Very Near Misses, No A/A or E/A
29 Apr 44 Kittyhawk IV, "F", FX563 Bombing 2x500lb Bombs L.T.R., Railway Bridge North East of Foligno, No Direct Hits, Strafed Railway Trucks, Spitfires Cover, No A/A
1 May 44 Kittyhawk IV, "F", FX563 Bombing 2x500lb Bombs L.T.R., Rail Line North of  Foligno, 1 Direct Hit Veru Near Misses, Strafed Railway Trucks 
2 May 44 Kittyhawk IV, "F", FX563 Bombing 2x500lb Bombs L.T.R., Railway bridge North of Morittima, 1 Direct Hit Very Near Misses, No A/A
2 May 44 Kittyhawk IV, "H", FX590 Air Test (Website Note FX590 GAH, 42-105787 to RAF as Kittyhawk IV FX590. DBR when bellylanded on shore of Lake Trasimeno Oct 10, 1944 following engine failure at low altitude it was not with RAF 112 Sqdn when this occured)
3 May 44 Kittyhawk IV, "F", FX563 Bombing 2x500lb Bombs L.T.R., Viaduct Terni 1 Direct Hit, Recce Avezzano, Red section Jumped by 20= FW-190 and ME-109 Lt White Missing (Lt Micheal Grant White, 75645V SAAF, FX622, GAW, A/C shot down near Rieti, believed shot down by Bf109's - aircraft later recovered and used by 450Sqdn, the aircraft discovery near Rieti led to the burial location of the pilot, he had been buried in a vault of a local church, but because he had not been wearing his identity disc his location had not been known for some time, pilot KIA 42-106217 to RAF as Kittyhawk IV FX622. Missing near Aquila May 3, 1944, presumed shot down
4 May 44 Kittyhawk IV, "X", FX560 Bombing 2x500lb Bombs L.T.R., Railway Bridge Frossonbrone, Direct Hit on lines, very Near Misses No A/A
5 May 44 Kittyhawk IV, "F", FX563 Bombing 2x500lb Bombs L.T.R., Railway Bridge Frossonbrone, Good Bombing, (Bleeped) on Back on Pullout - Shakey
6 May 44 Kittyhawk IV, "F", FX563 Bombing 2x500lb Bombs L.T.R., 112 and 250 Sqdns. Gun Pitts South West of Perugia,  - 250 Ammo Dump, Intense Accurate A/A, Good Bombing, Gun Pitts well Strafed
9 May 44 Kittyhawk IV, "X", FX56o Sinella Return (Website Note (FX560,GAX) 42-105401 to RAF as Kittyhawk IV FX560. SOC Aug 23, 1945) 2000lb Bombing of Instruction to 450 Sqdn - Tour Expired
12 May 44 Kittyhawk IV, "W", FX724 Air Test 


Reg at 86 enjoying life with his wife Camile, thank you both for all you do and have done for us all

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