I encourage anyone
that has more information (Flight Log Book entries) or photos on 112
Squadron please send an e-mail to
raf_112_sqdn@yahoo.com before the
history is lost.
RAF 112 Squadron Bases & Claims 1940-1945
The Me 109R was a specially designed aircraft that raised the
world speed record in 1939. Me 109R itself was a spurious designation for
publicity purposes. It was actually the Me 209Vl. The only thing it had in
common with the standard fighter, the Bf 109, was that it was designed by the
same team. The Nazi propagandists gained world acclaim for the standard Bf 109
by confusing the two aircraft (as have many since). Although Willy Messerschmitt
joined the Bayerische Flugzeugwerke more than ten years before the war and
headed the team that designed the Me 109R, the factory’s name was not changed
to Messerschmitt AG until after the first Bf 109s and Bf 110s had been produced.
Only subsequently were the products of the factory known as Me 163, Me 210, Me
262, and so on. There were 33 000 Bf 109s but only one Me 109. Please
forgive my errors where I have mis-labeled them.
Date |
Pilot/Plane |
Destroyed |
Damaged |
Probable |
Notes |
13 May 1940 |
. |
. |
. |
Squadron SAAF
was equipped with Hurricanes and Furies and was
commanded by Major N G Niblock-
and was organized on a three flight basis, the flights being commanded by
Capt S van Schalkwyk, Lt B J
Boyle and Lt S van Breda Theron On 13 May 1940 the first batch of SAAF
personnel were ferried from
Air Station to Abu Sueir in Egypt.. |
2 June 1940 |
. |
. |
. |
26 May 1939, Helwan "B" Flt detached to Sudan 2 June 1940, sub
- flts at Port Sudan, working with 14 Sqdn, Khartoum, Gedarf, (finally detached from 112
Sqdn 31 August
1940 to form 250 Sqdn) |
16 June 1940 |
Plt Off G A Wolsey
no claim |
. |
. |
18:15 hours over Summit engaged 2 SM81's at 2000
feet, heading north to Port Sudan, forcing them to abandon their bombing
mission |
. |
Sgt E N Woodward
no claim |
. |
. |
. |
29 June 1940 |
Plt Off Jack Hamlyn
L7619, "K Flight"
1 SM81 |
. |
. |
SM81 shot down over Aden. First victory for 112 Sqdn over Port Sudan |
. |
Plt Off Henry
Gladiator N5768 on detachment to 33 Sqdn |
. |
1 CR32 |
. |
Air combat
Capuzzo-Sidi Aziez area |
. |
Plt Off P R W Wickham
K8031 on detachment to 33 Sqdn
1 Ro37,
by S. Tenente Weiss of 8 Gruppo
. |
. |
3m W Sidi Aziez, attached
to 33 Sqn, Fiat CR42 shot down in the same area flown by S. Tenente Weiss
of 8 Gruppo
At 06:00 on 29 June 1940 three CR.32s of the 160a
Squadriglia took off for Ponticelli and from there at 11:15 a couple of
them took off to operate in the Sollum-Sidi Omar area.
At 12:15 they were intercepted by an unrecorded number of Gladiators which
quickly shot down the plane of Sottotenente Antonino Weiss, Adjutant of
the 12o Gruppo. The pilot, wounded, made a forced landing near
the “litoranea” road, west of Bardia.
It seems that the CR.32s had clashed with 33 Squadron. At first light in
the morning six Gladiators from 33 Squadron flew to Sidi Barrani for
patrols covering Mersa Matruh and during the day several sorties (at least
three) were flown. Two of these were described in the squadron's ORB:
"Ro.37 forced to land three miles west of Sidi Aziez after being
attacked by one of our aircraft flown by Pilot Officer P. R. W. Wickham.
Rear gunner apparently hit. The aircraft apparently landed in enemy
Three CR.32s were encountered by one of our formations of three aircraft
in the Ridotta Capuzzo area
30 June
1940 |
Plt Off Peter R W
Gladiator N5783
on detachment to 33 Sqdn
1 CR32 |
. |
. |
Bardia, in the Libyan province of
08:00 on 30 June three CR.32s of the 160
Squadriglia took off from Ponticelli to escort a reconnaissance Romeo
Ro.37. Over Bir Sceferzen the Italian aircraft were attacked by
Gladiators, which immediately shot down the Ro.37, killing the crew and
the Fiat of Tenente Ivano Vanni, who parachuted from his burning aircraft.
Sergente Aldo Santucci force-landed his CR.32 close to the T5 airfield,
west of Tobruk (probably due to combat damage). While doing this he hit an
Army truck, seriously wounding the Army driver and writing off the
According to some sources Vanni was shot at by the British fighters while
descending in his parachute but managed to land safely.
It seems that the Italian aircraft had run into a patrol from 33 Squadron,
which claimed two fighters during an early morning patrol over Bardia. The
Italian aircraft were variously identified as CR.42s or CR.32s, one of
them shot down in flames. One of the planes was claimed by Pilot Officer
Wickham while the other fell victim of Flying Officer Ernest
Dean. One Gladiator was damaged in this combat.
described the combat:
“Peter Wickham and I were patrolling near Bardia, and spotted two
CR 42s. We each took one, and within minutes there were two black plumes
on the ground. I got involved with another CR 42, a quite aggressive
“Eyetie” (most rare), and I unfortunately got into head-on attacks
with him, which are not recommended. We had three passes at one another
but with no apparent damage, except that when we reached base together I
didn’t perform any victory rolls, although Peter was performing
perfect flick rolls in formation. Lucky for me, because my riggers
reported to me that my centre section was badly damaged, and it was well
I had overcome my exuberance.”
4 July 1940 |
Fg Off H Gray-
on temporary attachment to 33 Sqdn, was flying with 2 members of 33 Sqdn
during an evening sortie escorting a Lysander the two, 33 Sqdn pilots
claiming 2 more shot down
4 CR42
(a) |
. |
. |
Monastir Airfield
, |
Fg Off R H Smith Gladiator
Mk I K7897 on temporary attachment to 33 Sqdn different sortie from Fg Off H Gray-
Worchester engagement |
1 CR42 |
. |
. |
In the
evening on the final patrol of that day over, Monastir,
Tunsia Airfield, 112 Squadron had flown four planes to Matruh up
from Helwan to re enforce 33 Squadron, for the day. |
. |
Fg Off R J Bennett
Mk II, N5779 on temporary attachment to 33 Sqdn, different sortie
from Fg Off H Gray-
Worchester engagement
1 CR42 |
. |
. |
Monastir, Claimed in combat with
CR.42s of the 8o Gruppo, which didn’t claim anything but lost
four CR.42s and got a fifth damaged (three pilots killed and two wounded).
33 Squadron claimed nine shot for the loss of one Gladiator (F/O Price-Owen
safe). |
. |
Fg Off W B Price-Owen,
different sortie from Fg Off H Gray-
Worchester engagement
no claim |
. |
. |
. |
10 July
1940 |
Flying Officer Edwin
Banks on temporary attachment to 33 Sqdn
. |
. |
. |
On 10 July twelve aircraft from the 10o
Stormo, operating in four groups of three planes, attacked enemy
concentrations in the Sidi El Barrani area. The first two waves attacked
undisturbed and destroyed Westland Lysander from 208 Squadron on the
ground. When the third formation arrived the RAF had succeeded in
scrambling some fighters and a running battle began during which the S.79
’56-6’ of the 56a Squadriglia, 30o Gruppo was
forced to crash-land 60 kilometres east of Tobruk after being heavily
damaged by the fire of a reported four Gloster Gladiators. The aircraft
was piloted by Sottotenente Vicoli with the crew of Maresciallo Cima
Sergente Piero Angelin, Aviere scelto Antonio Camedda, Sergente Maggiore
Motorista Cucchi and Primo Aviere Cibrario.
Angelin and Camedda were killed in their battle positions by the fire from
the Gladiators while Cibrario was wounded. Five other bombers of the 10o
Stormo returned to Derna with battle damage.
Vicoli’s aircraft was reached by a recovery team on 22 July but found
too much damaged to be salvaged and was abandoned. This was the first S.79
shot down by a Gladiator over North Africa but the claimants are unknown
because of the incompleteness of RAF records for the period.
A clue, however, is given by the 112 Squadron’s pilots Flying Officer Edwin
Banks and Pilot Officer Acworth. This day, while attached to 33
Squadron, they intercepted a group of three S.79s that were attacking Sidi
El Barrani. The British reported that the Italian bombers, when attacked,
hurriedly jettisoned their bombs and fled out to the sea. They submitted
no claims but obviously other planes of 33 Squadron (to which they were
attached) were up and were most probably responsible for the shooting down
of Sottotenente Vicoli |
. |
Pilot Officer Acworth, on temporary attachment to 33 Sqdn,
accompanied Flying Officer Edwin
. |
. |
. |
. |
17 July 1940 |
. |
. |
. |
17 July 1940, Maaten Gerawla, by 25 July the move of "A" and
"C" flights was completed |
25 July 1940 |
Fg Off Peter E C Strahan
on temporary attachment to 33 Sqdn This involved members of "A"
and "C" Flights based at Maaten Gerawla |
1 CR42 |
. |
. |
112 Squadron flew a patrol near Bardia during
the day and spotted eight CR.42s. Flying Officer Peter
Strahan of ‘A’ Flight claimed one shot down, although he himself
was hit and forced to make an emergency landing on the return flight. He
was returned to base with an infantry vehicle.
It is highly likely that 33 and 112 Squadrons made a combined operation
over Bardia because on the Italian side, the combat of the three 13o
Gruppo pilots is the only recorded combat. Fg Off Peter E C Strahan's
aircraft was hit by return fire and damaged. |
1 August 1940 |
Plt Off Percy Oliver Valentine Green
I (K7974 RT O) "B" Flight at Khartom which later became "K
" Flight which was eventually under 14 Sqdn control then
it formed the nucleus of 250 Sudan Sqdn
1 CA133 |
. |
. |
0830hrs Plt Off P O U Green, K7974, was scrambled, after a lone Caproni
Ca133 was reported in the area. Green eventually spotted the Caproni and
after a 50 mile chase he made several passes causing the bomber to come
down in a clearing |
3 August 1940 |
. |
. |
. |
3 August 1940, "A" Flight detached to Sidi Barrani |
8 August 1940 |
Lt Savage
B" Flight at Khartom which later became "K
" Flight which was eventually under 14 Sqdn control then
it formed the nucleus of 250 Sudan Sqdn
1 S79 |
. |
. |
Over Port
Sudan |
17 August 1940 |
. |
. |
. |
17 August 1940,
"A" Flight at "Z" LG Matruh West
Flight at "Y" LG, about 18 kilometers (6 miles)
further west. |
17 August 1940 |
Flt Lt L G Schwab
'A' and 'C' Flights now
positioned at 'Y' (LG) Landing Ground (Maruth West) about 11 miles further
west, this was his first combat as Leader of "A" Flight
1 SM79
. |
. |
Sea off Bardia SM79s from X, XV, and XXXIII Stormos perhaps 57/7 of
Tenente Visenti, S. Pilota Sartore, M.Pilota Pian, P.Aviere Vitolo and
A.Sceto Innocenti RAF and FAA claimed six S.79s and 1 probable for one
damaged Gladiator. The 10o Stormo aircraft lost three S.79s and
got two more damaged |
. |
Plt Off Peter Reginald Whalley Wickham
"A" Flight |
1 SM79 |
. |
. |
At 10:40 five S.79s were seen at 12,000 feet,
heading in from the north-east. Over the fleet there were, on standing
patrol, at least the Gladiators of ‘A’ Flight 112 Squadron (probably
six of them), the three Sea Gladiators of HMS Eagle’s Fighter
Flight and a single Hurricane from ‘A’ Flight 80 Squadron flown by
Flying Officer John Lapsley. They intercepted the Italian bombers and
altogether claimed six of them; one by Flight Lieutenant Lloyd
Schwab, one by Pilot Officer Peter
Wickham, (both from 112 Squadron) and three by Lapsley. Two Sea
Gladiators flown by Lieutenant (A) Keith (N5513) and Lieutenant Anthony
Young (N5567) attacked several formations. Young
attacked one in company with a 112 Squadron Gladiator flown by an unknown
pilot. Keith joined the attack and the port wing of the bomber burst into
flames, two members of the crew bailing out before the Savoia crashed into
the sea. Commander Charles
Keighly-Peach (N5517) became separated, and realizing the futility of
chasing the fleeing bombers alone, headed back over the Fleet in time to
see to more formations attacking (totally 25 S.79s were counted). He made
three attacks on one bomber, seeing numerous pieces fall off and it went
into a shallow dive. One man baled out, but as the aircraft lost height
rapidly, it disappeared into cloud. He attacked another twice but without
The Italians lost four bombers and claimed seven Gladiators shot down in
return (it seems that all the seven claims were submitted by the gunners
aboard the Savoia bombers, two of them by 10o Stormo gunners).
In fact only the Gladiator of Pilot Officer Richard
Acworth RAF 112 Sqdn was seriously damaged when he attacked an S.79s,
but although wounded himself Acworth
was able to fly back to base where he crash-landed and the aircraft was
written-off. |
. |
‘A’ Flight 80 Squadron flown by
Flying Officer John Lapsley, not to be counted as 112 Sqdn claim, but
placed it here to help track all the claims made that day, some sources
also mention Blenheims getting into the action I will continue to source
out what I can |
not to be counted as part of 112 Sqdn total
3 SM79 |
. |
. |
more enemy aircraft were encountered until the 17th, when 'B' and 'C'
Flights provided air support for naval vessels bombarding Bardia and
Capuzzo. Wykeham-Barnes (80 Sqdn) dived down through the clouds and
attacked a Cant Z501 flying boat. The flying boat eventually fell in
flames and crashed into the sea after several passes by Wykeham-Barnes and
Fly Off Dowding. (80 Sqdn)
(80 Sqdn) was flying one of the Hurricanes over the warships when he came
across a formation of four SM79s. Attacking from astern he quickly shot
down three of the bombers, all the losses being admitted to by the
Italians. One of these aircraft was salvaged and put on display at
Alexandria |
. |
Fg Off H P
. |
. |
. |
There but no claim made by him |
. |
Eagle's Sea Gladiators of the Eagle Fighter Flight
. |
. |
not to be counted as part of 112 Sqdn total
1 SM79
The unknown claims may have been
from other Squadrons |
. |
Eagle's Sea Gladiators of the Eagle Fighter Flight
. |
. |
not to be counted as part of 112 Sqdn total
1 SM79
.??/07/40 The next month,
Eagle's Sea Gladiators were sent ashore to Sidi Barani to provide fleet
defense with RAF Gladiators when the fleet bombarded the Libyan port of
Bardia. |
. |
Lt. Keith
Eagle's Sea Gladiators of the Eagle Fighter Flight
not to be
counted as part of 112 Sqdn total claims
1 SM79
and 1/3
. |
. |
17/08/40, separated from his flight over the British
fleet, Keighly-Peach attacked two separate S.79s, forcing them to break
off their attacks though not shooting them down. Lt. Keith bagged
another S.79 in company with a Gladiator from 112 Squadron RAF.
Schwab? |
. |
Lieutenant Anthony
Young N5567 |
not to be counted as part of 112 Sqdn total
1/3 shared1 SM79
credited with an SM79 of x
Stormo aircraft "57/7"
flown by Tenente Visenti, S.
Pilota Sartore, M.Pilota Pian, P. Aviere Vitolo and A. Sceto Innocenti
. |
. |
The Royal Navy Mediterranean Fleet lead by Admiral Cunningham
bombards Italian positions at Bardia and Fort Capuzzo.
(Mark Horan adds): In an effort to provide air cover for the bombardment
operation, HMS Eagle dispatched the three Sea Gladiators
of her 813 Fight Flight to Sidi Barrani where they joined RAF
of 112 Squadron in flying CAP throughout the day. In the afternoon, the
expected attacks by Regia Aeronautica appeared. The patrols of Gladiators
broke up several attacks, with 813 Fighter Flight's Cdr. C. L. Keighley-Peach,
Lt. L. K. Keith, and Lt. A. N. Young claiming two of 8 claims overall.
11 days later Young would be killed when his 824 Squadron Swordfish
crashed at Dekheila. The Mediterranean fleet sustained no damage. |
on or about 27 August 1940 |
1 SAAF |
. |
. |
detachment of 4 Gladiators
under Capt Boyle (1 SAAF) were sent to Port
Sudan to join K Flight, the former
of 112 Squadron RAF. They were sent there to cover the arrival of the
first substantial British troop
to the Sudan. Captain B. J. L. Boyle was thereafter dispatched from
Khartoum to Azaza on 30
1940 with a detachment of 6 Gladiators. The airfield was about 10 miles
from Gedaref where the
planned to station a number of Wellesley bombers and Vincent aircraft in
support of coming land
Living in grass huts about a mile from the Sudanese village of Azaza, the
detachment of six pilots,
mechanics, a wireless operator and a wireless mechanic were 200 miles from
Khartoum and dependent for
movement of rations and armaments on a battered Ford truck hired from a
Sudanese villager. Ammunition
to be obtained from the Army, the pilots laboriously belting the rounds by
hand. They also stripped and
the guns themselves. This would sometimes continue until 03h00 with a dawn
patrol to be flown a
hours later. Such problems were unknown to their Italian opponents. |
30 August 1940 |
. |
. |
. |
30 August 1940, "C" Flt at Sidi Barrani ( East and West satellites) |
03 September 1940 |
. |
. |
. |
03 September 1940, Sidi Barrani LG 30 |
07 September 1940 |
. |
. |
. |
07 September 1940, Sidi Haneish |
1940 |
Flt Lt Fraser
Mk I
"C" Flight
. |
. |
1 SM79 |
Patrol Mersa
Matruh. To Sidi Barrani. Patrol Ras-El-Milh. 1 S.79
unconfirmed. To Sidi Heneish (Sidi Haneish)- (4 sorties) |
14 September 1940 |
. |
. |
. |
14 September 1940, "C" Flight at "Z" LG |
15 September 1940 |
Plt Off Edwin Thomas Banks |
. |
1SM 79 |
. |
Sidi Barrani area, Claimed
in combat with S.79s from the 46o Gruppo, which claimed 1 and 1
probable Gladiator, 1 Hurricane and 1 Blenheim while losing 3 S.79s and
getting 4 more damaged. RAF claimed 4 destroyed and 4 damaged while losing
one Gladiator (Pilot Officer Cholmeley
The Italian
targets of the day were closer to the battlefront and centred in the area
of Sidi El Barrani. At around 13:00 (the sixth Italian mission of the day)
ten S.79s from the 46o Gruppo, led by Maggiore Cunteri, was
intercepted over Sidi Barrani by Gladiators from 112 Squadron, which were
on patrol at 16,000 feet, thirty miles out to sea. The Gladiators were
divided into two sub-Flights. In the first flew Flight Lieutenant Charles
Fry, Flight Lieutenant R.
J. Abrahams and Flying Officer Joseph
Fraser. In the second flew Pilot Officer R. H. Clark, Flying Officer
Banks and Pilot Officer R.
J. Bennett.
When the Italian bombers approached, the No 1 sub-Flight took on the first
formation of five aircraft and drove them out to sea before they could
release their bombs while No 2 sub-Flight closed on the second five after
they had released their bombs. Banks and Clark chased this formation out
to sea and managed to get close enough to open fire. Both claimed damaged
to one aircraft each. Banks attacked the outside aircraft but the enemy
took evasive action causing his aircraft to be hit by cross fire from the
bombers and he was forced to break off the action. It seems that Flying
Officer Fraser
was able to put a good burst into an S.79, which was seen loosing height
but remained unconfirmed
. |
Flt Lt Fry, "C"
Flight |
. |
. |
. |
Leader of one formation, no
claims |
. |
Plt Off R H Clarke,
. |
1SM 79 |
. |
Leader of the second 112 Sqdn formation |
. |
Flt Lt Fraser
Mk I
. |
1 SM 79 |
. |
Patrol Sidi Barrani - Interception and burst into S.79 losing height -
unconfirmed- Claimed in combat with S.79s from the 46o Gruppo,
which claimed 1 and 1 probable Gladiator, 1 Hurricane and 1 Blenheim while
losing 3 S.79s and getting 4 more damaged. RAF claimed 3 destroyed, 1
unconfirmed and 4 damaged while losing one Gladiator (Pilot Officer
Cholmeley KIA). |
17 September 1940 |
Plt Off
H.W."Jerry" Harrison,
Gladiator K8031
1 CR32 |
. |
. |
13:05 hours Patrol over Sidi Barrani |
18 September 1940 |
Flt Lt Fraser
Mk I
no claims |
. |
. |
Patrol over fleet. Sidi B. - HMS cruiser KENT damaged |
19 September 1940 |
Plt Off H.W.Harrison,
Gladiator N5768
1 CR32, while
on detachment to 33 Sqn |
. |
. |
Air combat
Capuzzo-Sidi Aziez area, not verified with Italian records |
. |
G B Smither
Mk I
no claim |
. |
. |
2 SM79s. No result - Too fast!! |
September 1940 |
The previous
"B" Flight having been detached and now formally known as
"K" Flight
. |
. |
. |
On 29 September Squadron Leader Harry Lennox
Innes Brown took command of 112 Squadron after Squadron Leader A. R. C.
During the same month ‘C’ Flight of 112 Squadron became ‘B’ Flight
of the same squadron |
31 October 1940 |
Flt Lt L G Schwab |
2 CR42 |
. |
. |
Matruh area, Claimed in combat with approximately 15 bombers from 9o and 14o
Stormi and 33o Gruppo and 18 fighters from 13o and 151o
Gruppi. 112 Squadron and 33 Squadron claimed 4 CR.42s, 3 S.79s, 1 probable
S.79 and 1 damaged S.79 while losing 4 Gladiators and 2 Hurricanes. The
Italian fighters totally claimed 12 victories while the bombers claimed 7,
while losing 1 CR.42 and 2 S.79 (2 more S.79s being damaged beyond
repair). |
. |
Plt Off R A Acworth
1 CR42 |
. |
. |
Collided with 2/Lt E. H. Smith, SAAF, I
dived on one of his attackers, and followed the aircraft through a loop,
for some unknown reason, a popular Italian ‘dog-fight’ tactic of the
early war days. The loop completed, I managed to get my sights on the C.R.
42, and ‘let fly’ with my four Brownings. At once, its engine started
smoking badly, and the aircraft fell away on one wing; then….it
happened! |
. |
Flt Lt Fraser
Mk I
1 SM79 |
.. |
. |
At 13:03 the 33o Gruppo, led by
Tenente Colonnello Forte destroyed the railway station at Mersa Matruh. As
they were aiming the target, they were attacked by several Gladiators and
some Hurricanes (both Spitfires and Hurricanes were reported). These were
immediately chased by CR.42s.
Gunners of the 14o Stormo claimed two Hurricanes and a
Gladiator destroyed, and another Gladiator probable. Two S.79s were
damaged beyond repair when one of them landed at Sidi el Barrani and the
second in the desert while four more were damaged; three repairable at the
factory and another at the Unit workshop (SRAM). Sottotenenete Federico
Tonizzo, 1o Aviere Montatore Mario Padalino and 1o
Aviere Armiere Guerino Invorti were killed, while Sottotenenete
Beltramelli and Tenente Martinelli were wounded.
The CR.42 of the 13o Gruppo reported that they spotted
Gladiators and Spitfires over Mersa Matruh as the enemy fighter were about
to attack the bombers. The Italian fighters immediately engaged the enemy
and Capitano Bevilacqua
claimed two Gladiators in his first pass while Sergente Paolini and
Sergente Gori damaged two other enemy aircraft. More enemy fighters
arrived (about thirty were counted) and a violent dogfight followed.
Sottotenente Gianfranco
Perversi chased two Gladiators when he collided with one of them and
both crashed to the ground killing Perversi.
Sergente Taddia
claimed a Gladiator while Sergente Mario
Veronesi claimed a Hurricane. Tenente Guglielmo
Chiarini and Sergente Francesco
Nanin claimed a shared Spitfire while Sergente Maresciallo D’Avico
claimed a second as a damaged. It seems that Sergente Teresio
Martinoli also claimed a Gladiator in this combat.
Six aircraft of the 366a Squadriglia, 151o Gruppo
escorted S.79s to bomb Mersa Matruh. Over the target the bombers were
attacked by a formation of Hurricanes and Gladiators, which were engaged
by the Italian fighters. The 366a Squadriglia claimed three
Hurricanes and two Glosters, thanks to Capitano Bernardino
Serafini and Sergente Maggiore Marchi, while Tenente Ferrero returned
to base with jammed guns and a damaged aircraft.
The Italian aircraft had been in combat with Gladiators from 112 Squadron
and Hurricanes from 33 Squadron. At 13:00 a Flight of 112 Squadron
Gladiators flown by Flight Lieutenant R.
J. Abrahams, Flying Officer Joseph
Fraser, Flying Officer Robert Hugh Clark, Pilot Officer B. B. E. Duff
and Second Lieutenant E. R. Smith (SAAF) had taken off to patrol the Mersa
Matruh area.
The British fighters intercepted a reported 15 S.79s escorted by 18
CR.42s, which was trying to bomb British forward positions. Pilot Officer
Duff gave chase to the bombers but failed to see the escorting fighters;
six CR.42s dived on him and shot him down. Fortunately he managed to
escape by parachute, suffering only slight burns. The fighters were
engaged by Flying Officer Lloyd
Schwab, Second Lieutenant Smith and Pilot Officer Acworth (who had
just joined the patrol). Schwab
claimed two CR.42s shot down after which his engine failed and he
force-landed. Acworth claimed a third CR.42. Acworth and Smith then
collided and both had to bale out. Flying Officers Fraser
and Clark engaged the bombers and Fraser
managed to put one engine of an S.79 out of action. 24-year-old Clark (RAF
No. 40513) was posted missing at the end of this engagement, killed by
return fire from the three S.79s he was chasing |
?? November
1940 |
Flt Lt Fry
. |
. |
. |
November 1940 he took a flight over to Greece to fly with 80 Squadron,
but the following month returned to Egypt for Wavell's offensive there. |
November 1940 |
Flt Lt Fraser
Mk I
. |
1 SM 79 |
. |
Interception 1 S.79 - fired 1 burst, quarter attack, strikes,
no claim, Mersa
Matruh area |
November 1940 |
Plt Off
"K" Flight"
. |
2 SM 79 |
. |
Savoia-Marchetti SM79 Damaged over Port Sudan, In
the early hours of the morning on the 15th, two S79s raided Port Sudan.
Plt Off Wolsey from "K" Flight took off in pursuit. He was able
to get in close enough to hit both bombers but could not achieve any
positive results due to a lack of speed on the Gladiators part |
November 1940 |
Flt Lt Fraser
Mk I
no claim |
. |
. |
1.S79 - fired 2 bursts, long range, too slow, no claim, Mersa
Matruh area |
. |
G B Smither
Mk I
no claim |
. |
. |
Bumped into 3 79s initially and
then later 4 more |
18 November 1940 |
Flt Lt L G Schwab |
1 SM79 |
. |
. |
Matruh area |
20 November 1940 |
Flt LT R J Abrahams |
1.5 CR42 |
. |
. |
While the Hurricanes and Fiats were circling
each other six Gladiators of 112 Squadron joined the fight over Sidi
Barrani and shot down eight of the Fiats without losses. All of the six
pilots made claims and Flight Lieutenant R.
J. Abrahams claimed 1 and 1 shared with Pilot Officer Acworth, who
also claimed 1 additional. Flying Officer R.
J. Bennett claimed 1, Pilot Officer A.
R. Costello claimed 1, Pilot Officer Len
Bartley claimed 2 and Sergeant 'Paddy'
Donaldson finally claimed 1. |
. |
Fg Off R J Bennett |
1 CR42 |
. |
. |
Claimed in combat with CR.42s from the 9o
Gruppo, which claimed seven victories and two probables while losing three
CR.42s, getting four more damaged and losing two pilots KIA. 112 Squadron
claimed eight victories for no losses, 274 Squadron possibly suffered one
damaged Hurricane while 33 Squadron possibly claimed a CR.42 without
losses. |
. |
Plt Off R A Acworth |
1.5 CR42 |
. |
. |
Acworth remembered this combat in a short story written in the
1960’s but never published.
“The Lysanders were to be
‘covered’ against enemy air attacks by six Gladiators from my
squadron… three flying at 12,000 feet, and three, led by myself, at
15,000 feet. ‘Top cover’ was to be provided by six Hurricanes, flying
at 20,000 feet. The Hurricanes had strict orders to beat a hasty retreat
if they met with enemy aircraft in large numbers, as it was thought at
that time that they would be ‘easy meat’ for the move maneuverable
C.R. 42’s, the single-seater Italian opposite number of the Gladiator.
We had been patrolling for about 10 minutes, when I reported forty CR 42s,
in eight sections of five, flying from the direction of Libya, at
approximately 25,000 feet, 5,000 feet higher that the Hurricane
‘top-cover’. To my dismay, the Hurricanes were soon speeding home,
with a CR 42 sitting neatly on each tail. Our six Gladiators were left to
finish the fight, for the Lysanders, their task completed, were heading
for home, too.
There was not a friendly cloud in the sky, and the powerful desert sun
made the enemy aircraft very difficult to see. Forthwith, they carried out
the German tactics of remaining aloft, and sending down their more
experienced men to finish us off one by one….but it was not to be!
With the first attacks, we broke formation, and it was every man for
himself. I soon found myself very much alone, until unfriendly tracer
bullets from behind, passed through the space between my right wings. I
immediately steep-turned to the left, and caught sight of my attacker as
he completed his dive and prepared to re-join his pals up higher, by means
of a roll off the top of a loop.
Seizing my chance, I opened full throttle and followed him to the top of
his loop, half rolled in formation with him, and was just about to open
fire, when my aircraft stalled and flicked into a spin….not enough
speed! I decided my best means of survival was to continue the spin, in
the hope that he would think I had been badly hit. This was a fighter
tactic from World War I, and it worked! Whilst I was spinning, I looked
upwards and caught a glimpse of my adversary circling at his original
height, waiting for me to crash into the desert. I came out of the spin at
about 8,000 feet, no doubt much to his surprise, and didn’t have to wait
long for him to dive down to finish me off.
So started a long tail-chasing session. At first, my mouth became rather
dry, but after a second or two, my mind became crystal clear, and I was
determined to turn the tables on him. Slowly I began to gain ground, and
soon part of his tail was in my sights, but I realized it would not have
been great enough. When his engine came into my sights, I pressed the
firing button, and was immediately cheered to see pieces of fabric or
metal ripping off his fuselage, just behind the cockpit.
The Italian pilot turned so quickly in his mad effort to escape, that he
pulled his aircraft into a spin, following a ‘high-speed stall’. I
followed him down, and fired at him as he tried to recover, and he
promptly went into another one. On recovering from his second spin, he
must have pulled an emergency boost control to give him extra speed, for
he left my Gladiator ‘standing’.
However, my opponent was not easily scared, and turned about a mile away
to come back at me like a bull at a gate. We both opened fire, and when it
seemed that a head-on collision was inevitable, he pulled out to my left
in a climbing turn. For a second, I was able to fire at his exposed
fuselage, and then, with throttle fully open, I climbed into the sun, into
an advantageous position. To my horror, my engine stalled near the top of
the climb, and I had to carry out the usual drill of closing the throttle
and opening it again, slowly. Full power came back, and looking down, I
could see my opponent looking for me. This time, I had the advantage of
height, and I was nicely lining him up in my sights when he saw me, and
tried to turn in underneath me.
Slowly twisting, and with the right deflection, I raked him with bullets
from nose to tail, at almost point-blank range. I pulled out of my dive,
to regain height, and saw him commence another spin from which he did not
recover. I felt immensely relieved, somewhat shaken, and eventually joined
up with two stray Gladiators, and returned to Mersa Matruh. I was pleased
to learn later that seven aircraft had been shot down in the engagement,
and that all the Gladiator pilots had survived the fight, although two had
made forced landings.
I shall never forget that day. It was my first one-against-one air battle,
and the longest time I had engaged a single enemy aircraft...”
. |
Plt Off A R Costello |
1 CR42 |
. |
. |
1200 hours
18 "Falcos" encountered 6 Gladiators east of Sidi
Barrani |
. |
Plt Off L L Bartley |
2 CR42 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
Sgt G M Donaldson |
1 CR42 |
. |
. |
. |
November 1940 |
Plt Off P
O V Green |
. 1/2
shared SM 79 |
. |
. |
over Port Sudan, In
the early afternoon of the 21st two S79s attacked Port Sudan. The aircraft
were fired upon by the cruiser HMS Carlisle and two "K" Flight
Gladiators flown by Plt Off Green and Fly Off G. B.Smither (Gladiator
K7948). Both Savoias were
damaged, one of them badly with three wounded on board. One Gladiator was
also hit by return fire, (Greens) although the Italians claimed both shot down. |
. |
Plt Off
G. B. Smither
1/2 shared SM 79 |
. |
. |
1 claimed
(later found out it made it back to base, claim remained) over Port Sudan |
04 December
1940 |
Flt Lt Fry
. |
. |
. |
4 December he led four Gladiators from Egypt to Greece, to join 80
Squadron on detachment |
Plt Off
G. B. Smither
Mk I
RT E arrival 10/12/40, Abu Sueir, good possibility he was accompanied by
Hamlyn who flew his first sortie on the 13th.
. |
. |
. |
On 9 December, ‘K’ Flight at Port Sudan dispatched
six Gladiators Mk.IIs and one Mk.I, accompanied by a Wellesley carrying a
fitter and a rigger, to Heliopolis to reinforce 112 Squadron during the
upcoming Operation Compass. Flying Officer Green and Flying Officer
R. B. Whittington of this Flight arrived at Sidi Hanaish from Heliopolis
on 12 December while Flight Lieutenant John
Scoular and Sergeant E. N. Woodward arrived on 16 December. At this
later date, Flying Officer Jack
Hamlyn had already been detached to 112 Squadron, flying his first
known sortie on 13 December |
Unknown pilots
2 SM 79 |
. |
. |
On 30 December, 112 Squadron carried out the
last patrol in the Western Desert before moving in Greece, while the
relieving 73 Squadron started to arrive.
112 Squadron’s last patrol were flown by Flying Officer Banks, Flying
Officer Jack
Hamlyn (newly promoted ?), Flying Officer R.
J. Bennett, Second Lieutenant H.
H. Geraty and Pilot Officer Alfred
Costello. Flying Officer Banks force-landed in severe dust storm but
eventually arrived home safely. The ORB of the Squadron didn’t record
claims or even combats for the month, but this is probably due only to the
extreme incompleteness of this document. In fact it is known from 3 RAAF
Squadron’s ORB that 112 Squadron’s Gladiators claimed at least 2 S.79s
on 14 December over Sollum |
1940 |
Unknown |
1 SM 79 |
. |
. |
On 17 December, five S.79 of the 15o
Stormo under Tenente Medun took off from Z1 at 09:15 and attacked enemy
ships that were bombarding Bardia, with 45 100kg bombs. Gladiators
intercepted the Savoias and one of them was reputed shot down. They landed
at 11:10.
Their assailants were without doubt Gladiators from 112 Squadron, the
unit’s ORB reported an offensive morning patrol by Squadron Leader Harry
Brown, Flight Lieutenant R.
J. Abrahams, Flight Lieutenant John
Scoular, Flying Officer R.
J. Bennett, Flying Officer Oliver
Green, Flying Officer R. B. Whittington and Sergeant E. N. Woodward.
The sketchy reconstructed ORB, however, lacks details of the engagement. |
Squadron Total 1940 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
. |
X. Fliegerkorps
Command Division Unit Location airfield Est. 'S' Main Type Notes
Fighters (Zerstörer)
nil X. Fl. Kps. III. / ZG 26 North Africa 33 25 Bf 110 D-3 Less 9. Staf
nil X. Fl. Kps. III. / ZG 26 Sicily & North Africa 48 40 Bf 110 D-3
nil X. Fl. Kps. I. / St.G 1 North Africa 30 22 Ju 87 B-1 -
nil X. Fl. Kps. I. / St.G 2 North Africa 38 33 Ju 87 B-1 -
nil X. Fl. Kps. Stab / St.G 1 North Africa 12 10 Ju 87 B-1 With He 111
nil X. Fl. Kps. III. / St.G 1 North Africa 39 29 Ju 87 B-1 -
nil X. Fl. Kps. II. / St.G 2 North Africa 33 23 Ju 87 B-1 -
& Cyrenaica
June 1941
Command Division Unit Location airfield Est. 'S' Main Type Notes
(close) Reconnaissance
X. Fl. Kps Fl. Fü. Afrika 2. (H) / 14 Libya 18 13 Bf 110 C-4 With Hs 126
X. Fl.Kps Fl. Fü. Afrika 2. (F) / 123 Libya 7 2 Ju 88 D-1 -
Day Fighters (Tagjagd.)
X. Fl. Kps Fl. Fü. Afrika 7. / JG 26 Ain-el-Gazalla 17 13 Bf 109 E-7 -
X. Fl. Kps Fl. Fü. Afrika I. / JG 27 Ain-el-Gazalla 34 25 Bf 109 E-7/Trop -
Fighters (Zerstörer)
X. Fl. Kps Fl. Fü. Afrika III. / ZG 26 Derna 25 22 Bf 110 D-3 -
X. Fl. Kps Fl. Fü. Afrika III. / LG 1 Derna 27 11 Ju 88 A-4/Trop -
X. Fl. Kps Fl. Fü. Afrika I. / St.G 1 Derna 25 21 Ju 87 B-1 -
X. Fl. Kps Fl. Fü. Afrika II. / St.G 2 Tmimi 27 27 Ju 87 B-1 -
& Cyrenaica
July 1941
Command Division Unit Location airfield Est. 'S' Main Type Notes
(close) Reconnaissance
X. Fl. Kps Fl. Fü. Afrika 2. (H) / 14 Libya 20 12 Bf 110 C-4 With Hs 126
Day Fighters (Tagjagd.)
X. Fl. Kps Fl. Fü. Afrika 7. / JG 26 Ain-el-Gazalla 14 8 Bf 109 E-7 -
X. Fl. Kps Fl. Fü. Afrika I. / JG 27 Ain-el-Gazalla 34 23 Bf 109 E-7/Trop -
Fighters (Zerstörer)
X. Fl. Kps Fl. Fü. Afrika 8. / ZG 26 Derna 25 22 Bf 110 D-3 7. & 9/ZG 26 to
X. Fl. Kps Fl. Fü. Afrika III. / LG 1 Derna 29 13 Ju 88 A-4/Trop -
X. Fl. Kps Fl. Fü. Afrika 3. / St.G 1 Derna 8 4 Ju 87 B-1 Gruppe refitting
X. Fl. Kps Fl. Fü. Afrika II. / St.G 2 Tmimi 27 21 Ju 87 B-1
& Cyrenaica
August 1941
Command Division Unit Location airfield Est. 'S' Main Type Notes
(close) Reconnaissance
X. Fl. Kps Fl. Fü. Afrika 2. (H) / 14 Libya 19 12 Bf 110 C-4 With Hs 126
Day Fighters (Tagjagd.)
X. Fl. Kps Fl. Fü. Afrika 7. / JG 26 Ain-el-Gazalla 11 6 Bf 109 E-7 -
X. Fl. Kps Fl. Fü. Afrika I. / JG 27 Ain-el-Gazalla 31 22 Bf 109 E-7/Trop -
Night Fighters (Nachtjagd.)
X. Fl. Kps Fl. Fü. Afrika 1. / NJG 3 Libya 13 6 Bf 110 E-3 From Sicily 5.8.41
Fighters (Zerstörer)
X. Fl. Kps Fl. Fü. Afrika 8. / ZG 26 Derna 11 6 Bf 110 D-3 -
X. Fl. Kps Fl. Fü. Afrika III. / LG 1 Derna 29 19 Ju 88 A-4/Trop -
X. Fl. Kps Fl. Fü. Afrika I. / St.G 1 Derna 28 19 Ju 87 B-1 -
X. Fl. Kps Fl. Fü. Afrika II. / St.G 2 Tmini 31 26 Ju 87 B-1 -
& Cyrenaica
October 1941
Command Division Unit Location airfield Est. 'S' Main Type Notes
(close) Reconnaissance
X. Fl. Kps Fl. Fü. Afrika 2. (H) / 14 Libya 21 6 Bf 110 C-4 With Hs 126
Day Fighters (Tagjagd.)
X. Fl. Kps Fl. Fü. Afrika I. / JG 27 North Africa 31 17 Bf 109 E-7/Trop -
X. Fl. Kps Fl. Fü. Afrika II. / JG 27 North Africa 28 13 Bf 109 F-4/Trop Less
6./JG 27
Fighters (Zerstörer)
X. Fl. Kps Fl. Fü. Afrika 8. / ZG 26 North Africa 12 8 Bf 110 D-3 -
X. Fl. Kps Fl. Fü. Afrika III. / LG 1 Libya 31 15 Ju 88 A-4/Trop -
X. Fl. Kps Fl. Fü. Afrika I. / St.G 1 Libya 39 26 Ju 87 B-1 -
X. Fl. Kps Fl. Fü. Afrika II. / St.G 2 Libya 31 26 Ju 87 B-1 -
X. Fl. Kps Fl. Fü. Afrika Stab / St.G 3 Libya 7 2 Ju 87 B-1 With He 111
& Cyrenaica
December 1941
Command Division Unit Location airfield Est. 'S' Main Type Notes
(close) Reconnaissance
X. Fl. Kps Fl. Fü. Afrika 2. (H) / 14 Libya 20 12 Bf 110 C-4 With Hs 126
Day Fighters (Tagjagd.)
X. Fl. Kps Fl. Fü. Afrika Stab / JG 27 Magrun ® Arco
3 3 Bf 109 F-4/Trop -
X. Fl. Kps Fl. Fü. Afrika I. / JG 27 Magrun ® Arco
24 10 Bf 109 F-4/Trop -
X. Fl. Kps Fl. Fü. Afrika II. / JG 27 Magrun ® Arco
24 10 Bf 109 F-4/Trop -
X. Fl. Kps Fl. Fü. Afrika III. / JG 27 Magrun ® Arco
20 10 Bf 109 F-4/Trop -
X. Fl. Kps Fl. Fü. Afrika I. / St.G 1 Libya 32 17 Ju 87 B-1 -
X. Fl. Kps Fl. Fü. Afrika Stab / St.G 3 Libya 9 5 Ju 87 B-1 With He 111
X. Fl. Kps Fl. Fü. Afrika I. / St.G 3 Libya 30 18 Ju 87 B-1 -
112 Sqdn Claims
Date |
Pilot/Plane |
Destroyed |
Damaged |
Probable |
Notes |
01 January 1941 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
01 January 1941,
Amiriya |
23 January 1941 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
23 January 1941, Eleusis, Greece |
01 February 1941 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
01 February 1941, Yannina, Greece |
13 February
1941 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
the 13th the "K" Flight Gladiators returned from Egypt,
where they had been attached to 112 Squadron. They brought with them a new
commander, Flt Lt J E Scouler, DFC. Scouler was a veteran of the Battle of
France with some 12 victories and two shares to his credit.
in the day two Gladiators and three pilots, Scouler being one of them,
moved to Mersa Taclai to begin general reconnaissance operations over the
area. |
20 February 1941 |
Flt Lt L G Schwab |
1 G50 |
. |
. |
area, 80
and 112 Squadrons claimed six destroyed and two probables in this combat
while 154o Autonomo Gruppo C.T. lost two G.50s (Tenente Alfredo
Fusco of 361a Squadriglia was killed and Tenente Livio Bassi of
395a Squadriglia was later to die from wounds sustained) and
got one damaged (Sergente Gambetta). 154o Gruppo claimed one
bomber and one fighter but RAF only got one fighter and one bomber
damaged. (No Italian reports have been found about this combat) |
. |
Flt Lt R J Abrahams |
. |
1 G50 |
. |
. |
Fg Off Edwin Thomas Banks |
. |
1 G50 |
. |
. |
. |
Plt Off Jack Lawson Groves |
. |
1 G50 |
. |
. |
. |
Plt Off
Henry Willoughby Harrison |
. |
1 G50 |
. |
Air combat
Berat area |
February 1941 |
J. Scoular Gladiator II (N5828) K Flight |
1 Sm79 |
. |
. |
In February 1941, he led ‘K’ Flight to East
Africa, moving up to the front on 13 February. There is no Italian record of this loss and it
may in fact have been a transport Savoia |
24 February
1941 |
Flt Lt J E
Scouler, Gladiator II N5878,
K Flight
1 Sm 79 |
. |
. |
Scoular on
an early patrol over Mersa Taclai in Gladiator N5828 saw some Blenheims
passing and escorted these to Massawa. There he spotted a lone S.79 in
flight, and shot it down. Savoia-Marchetti
SM79 Shot down over Mersa Taklai |
February 1941 |
PO Stanley
Anton Wells 89781
Gladiator II
K Flight
1 CR 32 |
. |
. |
On the
26th Plt Off Wells, a "K" Flight pilot of the detachment at
Mersa Taclai, had been patrolling over Kub-Kub in N5815, when his
attention was drawn to two CR32s which were flying above him and oblivious
to his attention. Climbing up below them, he attacked one and shot it down
over Keren in full view of the troops on the ground. |
27 February 1941 |
Fg Off R A Acworth
Hurricane Mk I V7288 from 80 Sqn
he had up on a test flight
4 March 1941 Cullen
(Hurricane V7288 of 80 Sqdn was shot down in this plane
1 CR42 |
. |
. |
Claimed in combat with CR.42 of 150o
Gruppo. 80 and 33 Squadrons claimed seven Fiats shot down and two more
were reported to have collided with each other and crashed. 150o
Gruppo lost only two CR.42s when Sottotenente Egidio Faltoni and Sergente Osvaldo
Bartolaccini were shot down, both pilots baling out. The Italian
aircraft didn’t claim anything and the British aircraft didn’t suffer
any losses |
28 February 1941 |
Fg Off R A Acworth
Hurricane Mk I V7288 from 80
1 CR42
. |
. |
some source have this as a BR 20
of 37o Stormo B.T. Acworth thought his victim may have been a
Z.1007bis.During this large engagements RAF made claims
for 5 and 2 damaged BR.20s, 3 and 2 damaged S.79s, 13 destroyed, 3
probable and 1 damaged CR.42s and 6 and 3 probable G.50bis. In fact 4
BR.20s of 37o Stormo B.T. were lost with several damaged, 1
S.79 of 104o Gruppo was damaged, 2 CR.42s of 160o
Gruppo and 2 G.50bis of 24o Gruppo were lost. Regia Aeronautica
claimed 6 and 2 probable Gladiators and 1 ‘Spitfire’ while in fact
only 1 Gladiator of 112 Squadron was lost, Flt Lt Richard James Abrahams
RAF no. 37663 parachuted to safety |
. |
Sqn Ldr H L I Brown
1 G50bis |
. |
. |
During this large engagements RAF made claims for 5 and 2 damaged BR.20s,
3 and 2 damaged S.79s, 13 destroyed, 3 probable and 1 damaged CR.42s and 6
and 3 probable G.50bis. In fact 4 BR.20s of 37o Stormo B.T.
were lost with several damaged, 1 S.79 of 104o Gruppo was
damaged, 2 CR.42s of 160o Gruppo and 2 G.50bis of 24o
Gruppo were lost. Regia Aeronautica claimed 6 and 2 probable Gladiators
and 1 ‘Spitfire’ while in fact only 1 Gladiator of 112 Squadron was
lost. |
. |
Flt Lt Fraser
Mk II N5910
1 G50bis, 1
CR42 |
. |
. |
During this large engagements RAF made claims for 5 and 2 damaged BR.20s,
3 and 2 damaged S.79s, 13 destroyed, 3 probable and 1 damaged CR.42s and 6
and 3 probable G.50bis. In fact 4 BR.20s of 37o Stormo B.T.
were lost with several damaged, 1 S.79 of 104o Gruppo was
damaged, 2 CR.42s of 160o Gruppo and 2 G.50bis of 24o
Gruppo were lost. Regia Aeronautica claimed 6 and 2 probable Gladiators
and 1 ‘Spitfire’ while in fact only 1 Gladiator of 112 Squadron was
lost. |
. |
Flt Lt C H Fry
Mk I
1 G50bis.
1CR42 |
. |
. |
Saranda |
. |
Flt Lt R J Abrahams |
1 G50bis |
. |
. |
On the Italian side, the CR.42s of 160o Gruppo
had been escorting four S.79s of 104o Gruppo in the Kuc area, between
Tepelene and Himare, when British fighters identified as Spitfires,
Hurricanes and Gladiators, were encountered. Two Gladiators were claimed
shot down and one as a probable, a ‘Spitfire’ also being claimed.
Sottotenente Raoul Francinetti of 394a Squadriglia was wounded in the leg,
and Sottotenente Italo Traini of 394a Squadriglia was shot down and
killed. Gunners in the S.79s also claimed two Gladiators shot down, as did
the G.50bis pilots of the 24o Gruppo, the latter also claiming two more as
probables. Tenente Bellagambi, following his combat with Flight Lieutenant
Abrahams, was then shot down and wounded in one arm: he force-landed near
Tirana airfield. Capitano Ettore Foschini's aircraft was also hit and he
was wounded, also coming down at Tirana
. |
Fg Off D H V Smith |
. |
1 CR42 |
. |
. |
. |
Fg Off H P
II N5782
1 CR42 |
. |
. |
Tepelene-coast |
. |
Fg Off
. |
. |
. |
was part of the battle but made no claims,
having to turn back with engine trouble |
. |
Fg Off Edwin Thomas Banks
1 CR42 |
1 CR42, 1 BR20 |
. |
. |
. |
Fg Off J L Groves
1 CR42 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
Pilot Officer
R. H. McDonald
Gladiator |
. |
1 BR20 |
. |
. |
. |
Sgt G M Donaldson
2 G50bis
possibly 24o Gruppo |
. |
. |
. |
3 March 1941 |
Fg Off R A Ackworth
Sqdn Hurricane
1 Cant Z 1007 |
. |
. |
Cant Z. 1007 "Halcyon", 230 Squadron, 95° Group, 35°
Flock in Greece. Beginning 1941
On 3 March two Hurricanes from 80 Squadron were ordered up on patrol at
1025, flown by Flying Officer Nigel Cullen and Pilot Officer Vale, while a
third, flown by the attached 112 Squadron pilot Flying Officer Richard
Acworth, was sent up on an air test. As these got into the air ten Cant
Z.1007bis bombers of 50o Gruppo Autonomo B.T. from Brindisi approached the
area in two formations of five each, while other such aircraft from 47o
Stormo B.T. were also over Greece at this time. The 50o Gruppo aircraft
bombed the earthquake-shattered town of Larissa, and were on their way
home by the time the Hurricanes were vectored onto them. Flying Officer
Acworth was first on the scene, soon joined by the other pair, and he
“Took off to test aircraft - before leaving heard that ten enemy
aircraft heading towards Preveza. I flew in that direction and saw bombing
in progress, and although I had not enough speed to catch the first
section of bombers, I finally got near enough to second section - attacked
No 5 and shot it down in flames - witnessed by Flying Officer Cullen, who
shot down No 4. I saw one crew member leaving No 5 but afterwards, apart
from an empty chute floating down, no trace of him was found. Both mine
and Flying Officer Cullen’s first bomber crashed into the sea five miles
south-west of Corfu.” |
3 March 1941 |
Flt LT Lloyd Gilbert
"Algy" Schwab, 37831
1 C.200 |
. |
. |
in the afternoon of 26 March the 153o Gruppo C.T. Macchi
MC.200s were out to strafe Paramythia. As they approached in four sections
they were met by four 112 Squadron Gladiators from ‘A’ Flight,lt Lt Schwab, Plt Offs McDonald, Brunton
and Bowker (Gladiator N5917) which they identified as 12 in numbers. One
Gladiator was badly damaged, but the pilot managed to land safely, while
Flight Lieutenant Schwab pursued the MC.200s to the coast, believing that
he had possibly managed to shoot one down into the sea off Perdika. He
also shot at a Hurricane in error, not realising they were in the area.
Pilot Officer Brunton
claimed a damaged MC.200 in this combat.
During the dogfight two Macchis broke away and strafed the airfield,
claiming two Gladiators and a Wellington destroyed. In fact they managed
to destroy one Gladiator, and hit the wreckage of the Wellington, which
they had already destroyed four days earlier. |
. |
Fg Off Peter C. L Brunton
. |
1 C.200 |
. |
Same engagement as above |
4 March 1941 |
Flt Lt J F Fraser
1 G50 , 1
G50 shared destroyed |
. |
. |
, his log book notes Offensive
Patrol. Italian Cruisers - 1G.50 confirmed, 1 G.50 unconfirmed (26
Enemy A/C confirmed destroyed by 80 & 112 Sqdns in this encounter for
the loss of one Hurricane 6H & 15G v 60 +) |
. |
Sqn Ldr H L I Brown |
1 G50, 1/4
shared destroyed |
1 G50 |
. |
area, Claimed in combat with G.50bis and CR42s of the 24o
Gruppo C.T. RAF claimed seven G.50bis destroyed, four probable and four
damaged, three CR.42s and one probable, while losing two Hurricanes. 24o
Gruppo C.T. lost two CR.42s and got one damaged while claiming four
Gladiators, one Spitfire and one Fairey Battle. No losses to G.50bis have
been found |
. |
Plt Off D G H MacDonald |
shared 1 G50 with Brown |
. |
. |
Gladiators, led by Squadron Leader H.
L. I. Brown, tangled with a reported ten G.50bis and five CR.42s.
Flight Lieutenant Fraser led the third section after some G.50bis which
entered clouds, but he claimed one shot down and a second shared with Brown,
Pilot Officer Jack
Groves and Pilot Officer D.
G. H. MacDonald. Flying Officer Richard
Acworth was about to attack another when he came under fire himself
and was driven down to 2000 feet. He got in a few deflection shots, saw
smoke issue from his opponent’s engine before being attacked by another,
and thus only claimed a probable. Flying Officer Edwin
Banks attacked a G.50bis which went into a spin; as he saw a parachute
in the vicinity he also claimed a probable, and two more such claims were
made by Flight Lieutenant Charles
Fry and Sergeant 'Paddy'
Donaldson, while four more aircraft damaged were claimed by Groves,
and Flying Officer Homer
In return the 24o Gruppo pilots claimed four Gladiators, one
‘Spitfire’ and one ‘Battle’ shot down. Sottotenente Nicolo Cobolli
Gigli of 355a Squadriglia, who was flying a CR.42 on this
occasion, and Sergente Marcello De Salvia of 354a Squadriglia
were both shot down and killed, while Tenente Francesco Rocca of the
latter unit was wounded. No losses by other CR.42 equipped units have been
discovered. Cobolli Gigli and De Salvia were both awarded posthumous
Medaglia d’Oro al Valor Militare. |
. |
Flt Lt C H Fry |
. |
. |
1 G50 |
. |
. |
Fg Off R A Acwotrh |
. |
. |
1 G50 |
. |
. |
Fg Off Edwin Thomas Banks |
. |
. |
1 G50 |
. |
. |
Fg Off H P
. |
1 G50 |
. |
RAF counted it as damaged but he wrote
"destroyed - unconfirmed" in his logbook |
. |
Fg Off
. |
. |
. |
Was part of the battle but made no claims |
. |
Plt Off J L Groves |
. |
1 G50 |
. |
, |
. |
Plt Off D G H MacDonald |
. |
1 G50 |
. |
. |
. |
Sgt G M Donaldson |
1 G50 |
. |
. |
. |
07 March 1941 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
07 March 1941, "A" Flightt to Paramythia Greece (Paramythia means
"the valley of the fairy tales" and if your read about the
conditions they found there you would find this amusing and aptly named.) |
9 March 1941 |
Sqn Ldr H L I Brown |
1 G50 |
. |
. |
- 25 MC.200s from the newly arrived 22o Gruppo, attacked and
became involved in a dogfight with Fry’s
flight. Fry
claimed one shot down, which dived vertically and crashed. Squadron Leader
Brown attacked two enemy fighters diving from 14,000 feet and getting on
their tails. The Italian fighters displayed poor evasive tactics and it
was easy to keep behind them and he gave one aircraft a long burst and saw
it crash into a hillside. The second enemy managed to escape. |
. |
Flt Lt C H Fry |
1 G50 |
. |
. |
Took off 13:50 hours the formation was actually
BR 20s of 37 Stormo BT and SM 79s of 105 Gruppo escorted by 25 Macchi 200s
from the newly formed 22 Gruppo CT, On 9 March a new Italian offensive
begun in Greece. During the afternoon on this day Squadron Leader Brown
led 15 Gladiators in five vees of three from 1l2 Squadron on an offensive
patrol over Kelcyre and Tepelene, where at 14.00 an estimated 30 G.50bis
were reported, escorting BR.20s which were bombing forward troops.
Additional CR.42s were spotted flying high cover but these never
intervened. The Italian aircraft were flying in tight vees of five
aircraft each.
Flight Lieutenant Joseph
Fraser led his section in an diving attack on the bombers, claiming
one shot down, which he reported fell near Garneo. Flying Officer Edwin
Banks attacked another with long bursts without obvious results, but
was then engaged by one of the escorts, chasing it down from 16,000 feet
to 8,000 feet before being forced to withdraw to Yannina when his engine
blew a sparking plug. Flight Lieutenant Charles
Fry’s section also went after the low-flying bombers, one of which
was seen to jettison its bombs, and one of these aircraft was claimed
probably destroyed by Pilot Officer Jack
Groves. |
. |
Flt Lt J F Fraser
1 BR20 |
. |
. |
Garneo, Offensive Patrol
1 B.R. 20 confirmed (10 v 50+)
. |
Fg Off R A Acworth |
1 G50 |
. |
. |
Six more were claimed by Sergeant George
Millar 'Paddy' Donaldson (two), Flight Lieutenant Fraser,
Flying Officer Richard
Acworth, Flying Officer Homer
Cochrane and Pilot Officer Groves,
while Flying Officer R.
J. Bennett claimed a probable. |
. |
Off Harrison
N5895 |
. |
. |
. |
Took part made no claims |
. |
Fg Off H P
. |
1 G50 |
. |
area, although the claim is recorded in the Sqn ORB Cockrane does not make
this claim in his log book as he had flown off to assist Gladiator MK II /
N5823 flown by Pilot Officer Robert
Haldane "Mac"McDonald (RAF no. 42316) "A" Flight shot down,
parachuted badly burned died of his wounds. |
. |
Robert Haldane "Mac" McDonald
Gladiator MK II
. |
. |
. |
Officer Robert Haldane "Mac"McDonald (RAF no. 42316) "A" Flight shot down,
parachuted badly burned died of his wounds. |
. |
Fg Off R J Bennett |
. |
. |
1 G50 |
Kelcyre-Tepelene area,
Claimed in combat with BR.20s of 37o Stormo and S.79s of
105o Gruppo escorted by MC.200s of 22o Gruppo. 112
Squadron claimed 8 and 1 probable G.50s and 1 and 1 probable BR.20 while
losing 1 Gladiator. It seems that only 1 MC.200 was lost when Sergente
Maggiore Marino Vannini of 369a Squadriglia failed to return
and 2 or 3 bombers being damaged for the claim of 4 Gladiators by the
bombers gunners |
. |
Plt Off J L Groves |
1 G50 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
. |
1 BR20 |
. |
. |
. |
Sgt G M
"Paddy" Donaldson |
2 G50 |
. |
. |
. |
11 March 1941 |
Sqn Ldr H L I Brown |
. |
1 G50 |
. |
Claimed in combat with G.50bis from 24o
Gruppo. 112 Squadron claimed seven shot down, one probable and seven
damaged without loss. 24o Gruppo lost four aircraft (Maggiore
Cesare Valente and Sergente Luigi Spallacci were killed and Sergente Bruno
Fava and Sergente Maggiore Ermes Lucchetta were wounded) while claiming a
Blenheim and one Gladiator shot down. |
. |
Flt Lt C H Fry |
. |
. |
1 G50 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
1 G50 |
. |
. |
. |
Flt Lt J F Fraser
1 G50 |
. |
. |
area, Claimed
in combat with G.50bis from 24o Gruppo. 112 Squadron claimed
six shot down, one probable and seven damaged without loss. 24o
Gruppo lost four aircraft (Maggiore Cesare Valente and Sergente Luigi
Spallacci were killed and Sergente Bruno Fava and Sergente Maggiore Ermes
Lucchetta were wounded) while claiming a Blenheim and one Gladiator shot
down ( from his log book Escort
211 S Busi Area 1 G.50 unconfirmed - later confirmed) |
. |
Fg Off N Bowker
Mk II N5817 "B" Flight ex "C" Flight
1 G50 |
. |
. |
Bomber Escort (in his log book he has
drawn a wavy line with xx under it so perhaps he got 2 ? ) - Claimed in
combat with G.50bis from 24o Gruppo. 112 Squadron claimed seven
shot down, one probable and seven damaged without loss. 24o
Gruppo lost four aircraft (Maggiore Cesare Valente and Sergente Luigi
Spallacci were killed and Sergente Bruno Fava and Sergente Maggiore Ermes
Lucchetta were wounded) while claiming a Blenheim and one Gladiator shot
. |
Fg Off D F Westenra
Mk II N5825
1 G50 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
Fg Off H P
N5917, "A" Flight
1 G50 |
. |
. |
Bousi area |
. |
Fg Off Edwin Thomas Banks |
1 G50 |
2 G50 |
. |
. |
. |
Fg Off R A Acworth |
1 G50 |
. |
. |
His seventh and final |
. |
Fg Off E H Brown |
. |
1 G50 |
. |
. |
. |
Fg Off Dennis Herbert Vincent Smith |
. |
1 G50 |
. |
Claimed in combat with G.50bis from 24o
Gruppo. 112 Squadron claimed six shot down, one probable and seven damaged
without loss. 24o Gruppo lost four aircraft (Maggiore Cesare
Valente and Sergente Luigi Spallacci were killed and Sergente Bruno Fava
and Sergente Maggiore Ermes Lucchetta were wounded) while claiming a
Blenheim and one Gladiator shot down. no finds of a 112 Sqn loss |
. |
Plt Off H.W.
N5895. "A" Flight
. |
1 G50 |
. |
Air combat
Bousi area |
13 -
Groves has this as 14th in his log book March1941 |
Sqn Ldr H L I Brown
1 G50 |
1 G50 |
. |
Claimed in combat with MC.200s from 22o
Gruppo and CR.42s from 160o Gruppo. 112 Squadron claimed 10
CR.42s destroyed, 2 probables and 1 damaged and 1 ‘G.50bis’ and 1
damaged without losses. The Italian pilots claimed four Gladiators and one
Hurricane shot down, losing two CR.42s flown by Tenente Gualtiero Bacchi
and Sottotenente Enzo Torroni (both from 375a Squadriglia), but
no MC.200s. |
. |
Flt Lt J F Fraser
3 CR42 |
. |
. |
Claimed in
combat with MC.200s from 22o Gruppo and CR.42s from 160o
Gruppo. 112 Squadron claimed 10 CR.42s destroyed, 2 probables and 1
damaged and 1 ‘G.50bis’ and 1 damaged without losses. The Italian
pilots claimed four Gladiators and one Hurricane shot down, losing two
CR.42s flown by Tenente Gualtiero Bacchi and Sottotenente Enzo Torroni
(both from 375a Squadriglia), but no MC.200s (his log book
entry -Offensive Patrol
3 CR.42s confirmed (12 v 74)) |
. |
Fg Off H P Cochrane
MK N5916
3 CR42 |
. |
. |
Kelcyre area |
. |
Off Harrison
. |
. |
. |
Took part no claims made, forced to get away
with a burst oil pipe |
. |
Fg Off N Bowker
N 5817
. |
. |
1 CR42 |
Claimed in combat with MC.200s from 22o
Gruppo and CR.42s from 160o Gruppo. 112 Squadron claimed 10
CR.42s destroyed, 2 probables and 1 damaged and 1 ‘G.50bis’ and 1
damaged without losses. The Italian pilots claimed four Gladiators and one
Hurricane shot down, losing two CR.42s flown by Tenente Gualtiero Bacchi
and Sottotenente Enzo Torroni (both from 375a Squadriglia), but
no MC.200s. |
. |
Fg Off E H Brown |
1 G50 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
Plt Off J L Groves |
2 CR42 |
1 CR42 |
. |
His log book has this as the 14th March 1941 |
. |
Plt Off D G H MacDonald |
. |
. |
1 CR42 |
. |
. |
Plt Off P C L Brunton |
1 CR42 |
. |
. |
. |
14- Groves
has this as the 15th in his log book March 1941 |
Flt Lt C H Fry |
1 BR20 |
. |
. |
Near Kelcyre |
. |
Flt Lt J F Fraser
1 G50 |
. |
. |
His log book
Patrol 1 G.50 confirmed |
. |
Fg Off R J Bennett |
1 G50 |
. |
. |
Claimed in combat with Z.1007bis and BR.20s from
47o and 38o Stormo and MC.200s from the 22o
Gruppo and CR.42s of the 160o Gruppo, which claimed 2
Hurricanes and 3 Gladiators while losing 2 MC.200s and getting 1 MC.200
and 1 Z.1007bis damaged. 112 Squadron claimed 5 destroyed, 2 probable and
1 damaged G.50s and 1 destroyed and 1 damaged BR.20 while losing 1
Gladiator. 33 Squadron claimed 2 'monoplanes' and 2 probable while losing
1 Hurricane |
. |
Fg Off N Bowker
Mk II N 5817
. |
. |
1 G50 |
damaged in combat over Kelcyre, Albania pilot safe, in combat with 22
Gruppo based at that time in Tirana. ( his log book- offensive patrol flying after this he
drew a circle with a dot in the middle of it, air craft reported
badly damaged in combat) 13/03/40
. |
Fg Off H P Cochrane
1 G50 |
. |
. |
area Previously
listed as a probable, his logbook shows this as "confirmed
destroyed". Claimed in combat with Z.1007bis and BR.20s from 47o
and 38o Stormo and MC.200s from the 22o Gruppo and
CR.42s of the 160o Gruppo, which claimed 2 Hurricanes and 3
Gladiators while losing 2 MC.200s and getting 1 MC.200 and 1 Z.1007bis
damaged. 112 Squadron claimed 5 destroyed, 2 probables and 1 damaged G.50s
and 1 destroyed and 1 damaged BR.20 while losing 1 Gladiator. 33 Squadron
claimed 2 ‘monoplanes’ and 2 probables while losing 1 Hurricane |
. |
Fg Off D H V Smith |
. |
1 BR20 |
1 G50 |
Claimed in combat with Z.1007bis and BR.20s from
47o and 38o Stormo and MC.200s from the 22o
Gruppo and CR.42s of the 160o Gruppo, |
. |
Plt Off P C L Brunton |
. |
1 G50 |
. |
Claimed in combat with Z.1007bis and BR.20s from
47o and 38o Stormo and MC.200s from the 22o
Gruppo and CR.42s of the 160o Gruppo, |
. |
Sgt G M Donaldson |
.2 G50 |
. |
1 G50 |
Claimed in combat with Z.1007bis and BR.20s from
47o and 38o Stormo and MC.200s from the 22o
Gruppo and CR.42s of the 160o Gruppo |
18 March
1941 Groves log book mentions 7 Claims for this day 112 and 33 Sqn |
Off Harrison
. |
. |
. |
Scrambled to intercept a Cant Z.100bis but speed
Gladiator was to slow to catch it |
. |
Flt Lt J F Fraser
. |
. |
. |
His log book
Cant 1007 Corfu Long bursts from lengthening range... E.A.
too fast
. |
Fg Off N Bowker
. |
. |
. |
his logbook, interception then he drew a stroke .45 hours
22 March
1941 |
Flt Lt J F Fraser
. |
. |
. |
From his logbook,
G.50s over base 15 G.50s v 2 Glads 20 minute aerial
combat. No casualties either side (1 G.50 unconfirmed)
26 March 1941 |
Flt Lt L G Schwab |
. |
. |
1 G50 |
Sea off
Perdika, these where actually Macchis 200s of 153 Gruppo and all of them
returned safely to their base, Claimed in combat against MC.200s of 153o
Gruppo CT. (e) Claimed as a G.50 but in fact MC.200s from 153o
Gruppo C.T., which didn’t suffer any losses. 112 Squadron claimed 1
probable and 1 damaged in this combat |
. |
Plt Off P C L Brunton |
. |
1 G50 |
. |
Claimed as a G.50 but in fact MC.200s from 153o
Gruppo C.T., which didn’t suffer any losses. 112 Squadron claimed 1
probable and 1 damaged in this combat |
. |
Plt Off Bowker
Gladiator II
N5917 |
. |
. |
. |
No claims |
. |
Plt Off MacDonald |
. |
. |
. |
No claims |
03 April 1941 |
Flt Lt J F Fraser
P3969 |
. |
. |
. |
March 1941 Blenheim P/O Hooper & 5 pass.. to Tminidi
Bombay L5828 flown by F/O Coles with 17 passengers to El Adem, Abu Sueir, Heliopolis,
April 1941, Local
Flying Ismailia
04 April 1941 |
Flt Lt J F Fraser
V7765 |
. |
. |
. |
Sueir to Menidi F/Lt Vicki Boehm
killed |
05 April 1941 |
Flt Lt J F Fraser
V7765 |
. |
. |
. |
to Larissa |
6 April
1941 |
RT-Z |
. |
. |
. |
Escort no claims |
Flt Lt J F Fraser
. |
. |
. |
No claims |
7 April
1941 |
RT-Z |
. |
. |
. |
Escort no claims |
9 April
1941 |
RT-Z |
. |
. |
. |
2 Scrambles no claims |
10 April
1941 |
II N5829 |
. |
. |
. |
2 defensive patrols over Koritza, no claims |
11 April
1941 |
RT-Z |
. |
. |
. |
4 Scrambles no claims |
12 April
1941 |
RT-Z |
. |
. |
. |
4 Scrambles no claims |
. |
Flt Lt J F Fraser
. |
. |
. |
No claims |
13 April 1941 |
Sqn Ldr L G Schwab,
possibly Gladiator II coded RT Y |
1 G50 |
. |
. |
area, |
. |
Flt Lt J F Fraser
. |
. |
. |
No claims |
. |
Flt Lt J F Fraser
. |
. |
. |
no claims |
. |
Fg Off N Bowker
Mk II N5858
1 S.79 |
. |
. |
Claimed in combat with Z.1007bis and BR.20s from
47o and 38o Stormo and MC.200s from the 22o
Gruppo and CR.42s of the 160o Gruppo, which claimed 2
Hurricanes and 3 Gladiators while losing 2 MC.200s and getting 1 MC.200
and 1 Z.1007bis damaged. 112 Squadron claimed 5 destroyed, 2 probable and
1 damaged G.50s and 1 destroyed and 1 damaged BR.20 while losing 1
Gladiator. 33 Squadron claimed 2 ‘monoplanes’ and 2 probable while
losing 1 Hurricane |
. |
Off Harrison
. |
. |
. |
15:00 hours his 3rd sortie that day
"Attacked 4 ME 109s but guns jammed! Had to do some fast thinking to
get out of it" They where probably 6/JG-27, no claim made |
14 April
1941 |
Flt Lt J F Fraser
. |
. |
. |
No claims |
. |
Flt Lt J F Fraser
. |
. |
. |
Scramble no claims |
15 April
1941 |
Flt Lt J F Fraser
. |
. |
. |
No claims |
On 15 April it was decided that 33 Squadron’s
remaining Hurricanes would join 30 and 80 Squadrons at Eleusis, while 112
Squadron’s Gladiators would share Hassani with 208 Squadron |
16 April 1941 |
. |
. |
. |
16 April 1941, Sqdn was in retreat from German advances, arrived at Agrinion |
16 April
1941 |
Flt Lt J F Fraser
. |
. |
. |
No claims |
17 April 1941 |
. |
. |
. |
17 April 1941, Hassani (Athens) |
17 April
1941 |
Flt Lt J F Fraser
Mk I
. |
. |
. |
No claims |
19 April
1941 |
Flt Lt J F Fraser
. |
. |
. |
No claims |
22 April 1941 |
. |
. |
. |
22 April 1941, Aircraft left for Heraklion,
Crete |
22 April
1941 |
Flt Lt J F Fraser
Mk I
. |
. |
. |
No claims, flew to Crete |
. |
Flt Lt J F Fraser
. |
. |
. |
No claims |
23 April
1941 |
Flt Lt J F Fraser
. |
. |
. |
No claims |
. |
Flt Lt J F Fraser
. |
. |
. |
No claims |
24 April 1941 |
. |
. |
. |
24 April 1941, Ground personnel moved to Naphlion |
24 April
1941 |
Flt Lt J F Fraser
. |
. |
. |
Scramble no claims |
. |
Flt Lt J F Fraser
. |
. |
. |
Scramble no claims |
25 April 1941 |
. |
. |
. |
25 April 1941, Ground personnel arrived Suda
Bay, Crete |
25 April
1941 |
Flt Lt J F Fraser
. |
. |
.. |
Scramble no claims |
27 April
1941 |
Flt Lt J F Fraser
. |
. |
. |
Scramble no claims |
29 April 1941 |
. |
. |
. |
29 April 1941, "A" Flight to Aboukir, then
Lydda, Palestine |
5 May 1941 |
Plt Off D F
Mk II N5825
. |
Ju88 |
. |
On 5 May
Ju88s were intercepted over the Heraklion sector by two 112 Squadron
Gladiators flown by Pilot Officer Len
Bartley and Pilot Officer Westenra. Each pilot claiming a bomber
damaged |
. |
Bartley |
. |
Ju88 |
. |
. |
11 May 1941 |
Plt Off N Bowker
1 BF 110 |
Newspaper clipping of the time from Colleen Bowker and Family,
Information came from Cpl A Griffin a member of the Black Watch and a
fellow Rhodesian |
. |
the evening on 11 May five Bf110s of II/ZG 76, which had arrived at Argos
from North Germany four days earlier, swept in over Heraklion airfield to
strafe. Insufficient warning allowed only a single 112 Squadron Gladiator
to get into the air, but Bofors and Lewis gunners opened fire as the
Bf110s swept round the airfield. As they completed their circuit, Pilot
Officer Bowker attacked one and a low level dogfight commenced, during
which the lone Gladiator pilot attempted to lead his opponents over the
gun positions. After a few minutes the Bf110s made off to the north-west,
Bowker landing to claim one probably shot down.
This claim was definitely confirmed destroyed in the Command Intelligence
Summaries |
12 May
1941 |
Sgt Weir
1 SM 79 |
. |
. |
Crete |
13 May
1941 |
Plt Off J
MK II N5825
1 Bf 110 |
1 Bf 110 |
. |
ZG 26, Heraklion,
CreteOn 13 May a number of aircraft, identified as Bf110s, attacked
Heraklion airfield in a desultory fashion, which caused little damage and
a few minor casualties to army personnel. Five Gladiators got off, two
flown by 1430 Flight pilots, but only Pilot Officer Westenra was able to
attack, fighting with six of the intruders and getting in several good
bursts, though his own fighter was badly shot about, landing with four
mainspars shot through, large areas of fabric missing and numerous bullet
This action, witnessed by many of the defenders on the ground, proved to
be quite a tonic to morale. |
14 May
1941 |
Plt Off N Bowker
has 35 Hours logged in his Flight Log Book for Crete, see Colleens letter
on Log Book Extracts Page
1 Bf 110 |
1 Bf 110 |
. |
Bf110 of III/ZG 26, crashed
offshore in the sea; Oberleutnant Sophus Baagoe, 8/ZG-26, a 14-victory ‘Experte’
from 5 Staffel, and gunner, Oberfeldwebel
Daniel Becker, killed. Also fired on and claimed by Bofors gunners. On 14
May 1941, Oberleutnant Baagoe was strafing the airfield at Heraklion when
his Bf 110 D-3 (W. Nr. 4290) was shot down into the sea off Crete’s north
coast. Confusion over records and dates cause some sources to give the
Baagoe claim to Jerry Westenra |
15 May 1941 |
Plt Off D
F Westenra Gladiator Mk II N5825 and Fg Off Reeves ( possibly Roy Reeve,
42648, not known yet if he was the one in 1430 Flight,
promoted to Flying Officer 31 March 1941, London Gazette, Roy Reeve
survived the war) Gladiator unknown (some
sources say Westenra was in a hurricane)
1 Bf 110 |
. |
. |
On 15 May
about a dozen II/ZG 26 Bf110s appeared over Heraklion. Two Gladiators were
off, Flying Officer Stan Reeves of 1430 Flight and Pilot Officer Westenra
getting airborne. Westenra N5825 bounced one of the low-flying Bf110s, this aircraft
was also claimed by the Bofors gunners whose accurate fire brought down a
second Bf110, ‘3U+EM’ of 4 Staffel. The latter crash-landed half a
mile from the airfield with the port propeller, fin and rudder all shot
away. Gefreiter Adolf Ketterer and his gunner, Gefreiter Hans Bromba, were
both captured. Returning Bf110 pilots claimed four victories; Flying
Officer Reeves’ Gladiator was badly damaged and force-landed. Two more
Gladiators were damaged on the ground. Several of the Bf110s had carried
bombs, whilst others were seen to jettison long-range tanks over the
coastline. Little serious damage resulted from the attack. |
16 May 1941 ? or 14th ? |
Flt Lt CH Fry
Hurricane V7857 from 33 Sqdn |
1 Bf 110 |
. |
. |
Flying a
Hurricane with four others, intercepted eight Bf110 of ZG26 at 6000 feet
near Heraklion. He attacked a Bf110 piloted by Uffz Witze and it fell but
the rear gunner forced him to abandon his aircraft. he badly damaged his
ribs striking the tail plane was hospitalized and captured |
20 May
1941 |
Flt Ft
Z4178 |
Pilots of
"A" Flight had evacuated Crete, 28 April 1941
"B" Flight pilots had
stayed back in Crete
. |
On 19 May 1941 Flight Lieutenant L. G. Burnard,
Flying Officer Stephenson and Pilot Officer B. A. B. Attwood, all from 208
Squadron at Gaza, were sent to Amman on attachment to 112 Squadron for a
few days. On arrival they were sent with Flight Lieutenant Fraser and
Flying Officer Homer
Cochrane to Lydda to collect five Hurricanes on loan from 80 Squadron
(112 Squadron had no aircraft of its own at this point, having just
returned from Crete.
Flying back to Amman, the five pilots took off early next morning (20th)
to attack the French airfield at Mezze, just outside Damascus. On the
run-in they missed the target, but on the return flight they found it, and
at once attacked a Ju52/3m and a Bf110, which had just landed. Flight
Lieutenant Fraser claimed the former badly damaged. Six French aircraft
and 50 vehicles were also claimed strafed, as was the Bf110. Two of the
Hurricanes were struck by small arms fire. The French reported that both
German aircraft were damaged, the Ju52/3m subsequently being burnt out
while two French aircraft were also damaged. ( From his logbook - Ground
Straff Damascus and Lydda to Ammaan One
JU52, One ME110 destroyed on aerodrome CONFIRMED ) |
. |
Homer Cockrane
Ju52 burnt
out after strafe |
. |
As above |
20 May
1941 |
Flt Ft
Do215 |
. |
29 May 1941 |
Sgt Weir
probably in a Hurricane by this time ( reason for this statement, By
the 18 May 1941 according to Flt
Lt Fraser only three 112 Sqdn Gladiators where serviceable, I
think these where K6138, N5825, which are known to
have been flown out on 19th May 1941 and N5829
RT-Z, which survived Crete but date and pilot that flew it out are
as yet unknown)
. |
. |
1 Ju52 |
North East
of Heraklion, Crete claimed as a SM79 it was more likely a Ju52 |
31 May 1941 |
. |
. |
. |
31 May 1941, Fayid |
8 June 1941 |
Plt Off Jack Hamlyn
is about
250 Squadron and Jack's first victories for 112 and 250 Sqdns.( not to be
counted with 112 Sqdn claims)
1 Cant Z.1007
. |
. |
to note, this relates to RAF 112 Squadron, "B" Flight which became
"K" Flight which in turn became 250 Squadron ,On 8 June Flying Officer Hamlyn and
Sergeant Paxton found a Cant Z.1007 over Alexandria.
The Italian bomber was
attacked and shot down by Hamlyn. According to the squadron’s record book
Hamlyn “engaged and damaged the airplane, which
appeared to be about to make
a forced landing when it was downed by shore batteries from a height of 600
ft”. Hamlyn was nevertheless credited with the first victory claimed by a P-40
Tomahawk and also 112 Squadron’s first, Gladiator victory.
11 August 1941 |
. |
. |
11 August 1941, sub Flight to Haifa detachment from "A" Flt to
Mariyut (Flt Lt Fraser et all)
12 September 1941 |
. |
. |
12 September 1941, Sidi Haneish, LG 102, inland from Maaten Bagush at Sidi
Haneish (via LG 92, south of Alexandria)
14 September 1941 |
Plt Off N Bowker
1 SM79 |
. |
. |
W Sofafi |
. |
F/L Harrison
. |
. |
. |
the victory |
3 October 1941 |
Plt Off J L Groves
. |
1 Bf 109 |
. |
W Sofafi |
. |
Fg Off H P Cochrane
AN220 |
1 Bf109 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
F/L Harrison
AM444 |
. |
1 Bf109 |
. |
Escort for Tactical reconnaissance Aircraft-
Escorted Hurricanes over Bardia-Capuzzo-Sidi Omar. on the way home jumped
by 5 ME109,s Sgt Stirrat shot down in flames, Sgt Carson force landed,
claims made by Oberleutenant Rodel and Leutenant Schlacht of 4/JG-27 ORB
does not make mention of the 112 Sqdn claims but they are recorded in
pilots log books |
12 October 1941 |
Plt Off J L Groves
AM 444
1 Bf 109E,1 G50 |
. |
. |
Sheferzen |
. |
Sgt R M Leu |
shared 1 Bf 110 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
Sgt R M Christie |
. |
. |
. |
. |
. |
Sgt K F Carson |
shared 1 Bf 110 |
. |
. |
. |
14 November 1941 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
14 November 1941,
Sidi Bahraini LG 110 |
19 November 1941 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
19 November 1941,
Fort Maddelena, LG 122 |
November 1941 |
Plt Off N Bowker
AN 415
1/3 shared
BF 110., 1 BF110 |
. |
. |
El Adem-Acroma
for shared El Adem for destroyed |
. |
Sgt Ron Christie
1/3 shared with Bowker BF 110 |
. |
. |
FW Ludwig and Ogfr Graf wounded when their aircraft crashed and Ogfr
Schone in the other BF 110 was also wounded |
. |
Sgt R. M. Leu
1/3 shared with Bowker BF 110 |
. |
. |
There was
only 2 BF 110 in the incident on this combat and 112 and 3 Sqdn RAAF where
flying together on this occasion.. |
. |
BF 110 III/ZG26 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
Plt Off
. |
1 Bf 110
blue in color |
. |
. |
. |
Fg Off J F Soden
. |
1 Bf 110 |
. |
. |
21 November 1941 |
Plt Off R J D Jeffries
. |
. |
. |
. |
. |
Plt Off N Duke
AK402 GA F
shared 1 CR42 |
. |
. |
Tobruk shared with Jeffries and Carson |
. |
Sgt K F Carson
. |
. |
. |
. |
. |
Sgt R M Leu
shared 1 CR42 |
. |
. |
Possibly 376a Squadrigla Autonomo |
22 November 1941 |
Plt Off N Duke
AK402 GA F
1 Bf 109
. |
. |
Oberfahurich Waskott of I/JG27 POW |
. |
Plt Off J P Bartle
AK 533 ?
1 Bf 109
. |
. |
Feldwebel Hillet POW from 1 an II Jg27 |
. |
unknown |
. |
1 BF 110 |
. |
. |
25 November 1941 |
Flt Lt D F Westerna
. |
. |
1 GR50 |
. |
. |
Fg Off P H Humphreys
1 CR 42 |
1 Bf 109F |
. |
. |
. |
Plt Off N Bowker
1 Bf 110 |
. |
. |
1-2m off
Tobruk |
30 November 1941 |
Plt Off N Bowker
1 MC 200 |
. |
. |
El Gobi |
. |
Plt Off N Duke
AK402 GA F
1 G50 |
1 Bf 109F |
. |
20 Gruppo then shot down by Otto Shultz |
. |
Sgt R M Leu
1 G50 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
unknown pilot |
. |
1 G50 |
. |
. |
4 December 1941 |
Ft Lt D F Westerna
Mk IIb AN303
2 G50 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
Fg Off P H Humphreys |
. |
1 BF 109 |
. |
. |
. |
Plt Off N Bowker
1 G50, 1 Ju87 |
. |
. |
El Adem-Sidi Rezegh |
. |
Plt Off N Duke
AN337 GA F
1 MC 200, 1 Ju87 |
1 Ju87 |
. |
EL Adem - Tobruk area |
. |
Sgt R H Christie |
1 Bf 109 |
. |
1 BF 109 |
. |
5 December 1941 |
Flt Lt C F Ambrose
AK475 GA J
. |
. |
1 MC 200,1 G50 |
. |
. |
Fg Off J F Soden
AK377 GA V
1 Ju 87 |
1 Bf 109 |
. |
. |
. |
Plt Off N Bowker
3 Ju 87 |
1 G50 |
. |
G.50 from
352a Squadriglia, 20o Gruppo, 51o Stormo
CT. Tenente Aldo Vitali baled out and became a POW. |
. |
Plt Off J P Sabrourin
1 Bf 109E,
1 G50, 1 Ju 87 |
1 G50, 1 BF 109E
and 1 Bf 109F |
. |
Near El Adem, I/JG27 serial number 8429 |
. |
Plt Off J P Bartle
1 G50, 1 Ju 87 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
Sgt R M Leu
1 MC 200 |
. |
1 BF 109 |
. |
12 December 1941 |
Plt Off J P Bartle
1 Bf 109 |
1 MC 202 |
. |
Dec 41 - At 1530 hrs 112 Sqdn RAF and 3 Sqdn took to the air, 18
Tomahawks on a sweep of the Derna area, over Tmimi they spotted a large
formation of Axis aircraft and attacked, F/O Barr (3 Sqdn) got a Bf 110
and F/O Gibbes (3 Sqdn) damaged a Ju 87 for the Australians, but two
of their Tomahawks collided, P/O Eggleston (3 Sqdn) crashing. 112 Sqdn
RAF lost P/O Jefferies, Sgt Alves and Sgt Houston, while F/L Humphrey's
aircraft was damaged. P/O Bartle claimed a Bf 109 and damaged a MC 202,
while two other pilots damaged fighters. |
. |
Sgt Ken (Kit) F Carson, 404233,
. |
1 unknown |
. |
. |
. |
Sgt William
(Bill) Edward Carson,404168.RAAF
. |
1 unknown |
. |
. |
. |
Plt Off E Dickson
IIb AM459
. |
1 MC 202 |
1 MC 202
shared with Humphrys |
. |
. |
Sgt William Earl
. |
1 BF 109F |
. |
Tmimi 1600 hours, pilot Houston was shot down
shortly after this |
. |
Off Peter "Hunk“ Harry Humphreys
F serial unknown at this time but its numbers added up to 13
. |
. |
1 MC 202
shared with Dickenson |
Plane and
Pilot where both shot up in this
engagement. |
. |
Sgt D N McQueen
. |
1 BF 109F |
. |
Tmimi 1600 hours |
14 December 1941 |
Sgt S C
Johnson |
. |
1 BF 109 |
. |
. |
19 December 1941 |
. |
miles S of Tobruk |
. |
known as Landing Ground 144
112 Sqdn (19 -
21 Dec 1941, 2 - 3 Feb 1942, 15 - 17 Feb 1942) |
20 December 1941 |
Plt Off R K Sands
1 Bf 109 |
. |
. |
. |
second mission that day |
Sgt H G Burney
1 Ju 88, 0f II/KLG1, fell near Giovani |
. |
. |
. |
21 December 1941 |
. |
. |
. |
21 December 1941, Msus |
22 December 1941 |
Ft Lt D F Westerna
shared 1 Ju 87 |
1 Ju 87 |
. |
airfield |
. |
Plt Off J P Bartle |
1 Ju 87 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
Plt Off N Duke
IIb AK354, GA L
1 Bf 109F |
1 JU 52 ,1
Ju 87 shared with Carson |
. |
Over Magrun airfield shared with Sgt Carson, III/ Jg 27 Feldwebel Eric Wassermann
or 7/JG27 |
. |
Sgt Ken (Kit) F
Carson |
1 Bf 109F |
1 Ju 52 |
. |
. |
24 December |
Sgt D N McQueen |
. |
. |
. |
1 Ju 52 left burning |
. |
. |
.32+99=131 |
. |
. |
. |
Known Luftwaffe in 1942 in 112 Sqn Areas of
Staff JG 27 in Turbiya BF 109 F,G
II./JG 27 Quotaifiya BF 109 F,G
III./JG 27 Bir el Abd BF 109 F,G
III./JG 53 to 27,10,42 in Africa BF 109 F,G
Raiding party Crete Kastelli BF 109 F,G
Raiding party Berca in Berca logical-proves also 109 F,G to BF
Raiding party Tobruk Tobruk BF 109 F,G
III./ZG 26 Kastelli and the 8. Stfl. in Derna BF 110 C
10./ZG 26 Kastelli Ju 88
I./SG 2 Bir el Abd BF 109 E
4.(H)/12 Bir el Abd BF 109 E,F
1.(F)/121 Fuka north Ju 88
2.(F)/123 Kastelli Ju 88
Corps chain Xth sequence K. Kastelli He 111, Fi 156
Staff StG 3 Quasaba Ju 87
I./StG 3 Quasaba Ju 87
III.StG 3 Quasaba Ju 87
2./125 Sudabucht (water airport) acre 196
& North Africa
January 1942
Command Division Unit Location airfield Est. 'S' Main Type Notes
(close) Reconnaissance
Lfl. 2 Fl. Fü. Afrika 2. (H) / 14 Libya 16 3 Bf 110 C-4 With Hs 126 & Bf
Lfl. 2 Fl. Fü. Afrika 1. (F) / 121 Greece ® Libya
8 3 Ju 88 D-1 -
Lfl. 2 II. Fl. Kps 1. (F) / 122 Sicily 10 7 Ju 88 D-1 -
Lfl. 2 X. Fl. Kps 2. (F) / 123 Greece & Crete 10 4 Ju 88 D-1 -
Day Fighters (Tagjagd.)
Lfl. 2 Fl. Fü. Afrika Stab / JG 27 Libya-Egypt 3 2 Bf 109 F-4 -
Lfl. 2 Fl. Fü. Afrika I. / JG 27 Libya-Egypt 23 6 Bf 109 F-4 -
Lfl. 2 Fl. Fü. Afrika II. / JG 27 Libya-Egypt 25 7 Bf 109 F-4 -
Lfl. 2 Fl. Fü. Afrika III. / JG 27 Libya-Egypt 19 8 Bf 109 F-4 -
Lfl. 2 X. Fl. Kps Jagd Sta. Eleusis (Athen) 10 4 Bf 109 F-2 -
Lfl. 2 II. Fl. Kps Stab / JG 53 Sicily 6 6 Bf 109 F-4 -
Lfl. 2 II. Fl. Kps I. / JG 53 Sicily 34 21 Bf 109 F-4 Less 1. / JG 53
Lfl. 2 II. Fl. Kps II. / JG 53 Sicily 37 25 Bf 109 F-4 -
Lfl. 2 X. Fl. Kps 1. / JG 53 Greece & Crete 7 5 Bf 109 F-4 -
Lfl. 2 Fl. Fü. Afrika Jabosta./JG 53 Libya-Egypt 5 4 Bf 109 E-7/B -
Night Fighters (Nachtjagd.)
Lfl. 2 II. Fl. Kps I. / NJG 2 Sicily 12 8 Ju 88 C-6 Less 2. / NJG 2
Lfl. 2 X. Fl. Kps 2. / NJG 2 Greece 4 2 Ju 88 C-6 -
Lfl. 2 II. Fl. Kps 4. / NJG 2 Sicily 5 3 Ju 88 C-6 -
Fighters (Zerstörer)
Lfl. 2 II. Fl. Kps III. / ZG 26 Sicily 17 10 Bf 110 D-3 Less 7. / ZG 26
Lfl. 2 Fl. Fü. Afrika 7. / ZG 26 Libya-Egypt 8 4 Bf 110 D-3 -
Lfl. 2 X. Fl. Kps I. / LG 1 Greece & Crete 27 13 Ju 88 A-4 -
Lfl. 2 X. Fl. Kps II. / LG 1 Greece & Crete 27 11 Ju 88 A-4 -
Lfl. 2 X. Fl. Kps III. / LG 1 Greece & Crete 12 3 Ju 88 A-4 To Germany
Lfl. 2 II. Fl. Kps Kü.Fl.Gr. 606 Sicily 20 10 Ju 88 A-4 -
Lfl. 2 II. Fl. Kps Stab / KG 54 Sicily 1 1 Ju 88 A-4 -
Lfl. 2 II. Fl. Kps I. / KG 54 Sicily 12 7 Ju 88 A-4 One Staffel only
Lfl. 2 II. Fl. Kps II. / KG 26 Sicily 30 10 He 111 H-6 -
Lfl. 2 II. Fl. Kps 7. / KG 26 Sicily 6 0 He 111 H-6 -
Lfl. 2 II. Fl. Kps Kü.Fl.Gr. 806 Sicily 17 6 Ju 88 A-4 One Staffel only
Lfl. 2 II. Fl. Kps II. / KG 77 Sicily 20 12 Ju 88 A-4 Two Staffel only
Lfl. 2 II. Fl. Kps III. / KG 77 Sicily 16 13 Ju 88 A-4 One Staffel only
Lfl. 2 Fl. Fü. Afrika Stab / St.G 3 Libya-Eygpt 4 2 Ju 87 D-1 -
Lfl. 2 Fl. Fü. Afrika I. / St.G 3 Libya-Eygpt 24 23 Ju 87 D-1 -
Lfl. 2 Fl. Fü. Afrika II. / St.G 3 Libya-Eygpt 29 20 Ju 87 D-1 -
Lfl. 2 Fl. Fü. Afrika Erg. / St.G 1 Libya-Eygpt 12 8 Ju 87 D-1
(See-Aufkl. Gr.)
Lfl. 2 X. Fl. Kps 2. / 125 Greece & Crete 9 9 Ar 196 A-3 -
Lfl. 2 X. Fl. Kps Stab / 126 Greece & Crete 4 2 He 114 -
Lfl. 2 X. Fl. Kps 1. / 126 Greece & Crete 13 3 He 60 C -
Lfl. 2 X. Fl. Kps 2. / 126 Greece & Crete 7 6 He 60 C -
Lfl. 2 X. Fl. Kps 3. / 126 Greece & Crete 10 5 He 60 C -
Lft. 2 - III./ KG.z.b.V. Mediterranean Theatre 42 25 Ju 52/3m -
Lft. 2 - KG.z.b.V. 400 Mediterranean Theatre 40 26 Ju 52/3m -
Lft. 2 - Tr.Gr. 111 Mediterranean Theatre 24 8 Ju 52/3m -
Lft. 2 II. Fl. Kps II. Korps Tr.Sta. Mediterranean Theatre 16 12 Ju 52/3m -
& North Africa
April 1942
Command Division Unit Location airfield Est. 'S' Main Type Notes
(close) Reconnaissance
Lfl. 2 Koluft. Panzer- 2. (H) / 14 Martuba 14 6 Bf 110 C-4 With Bf 109F
Lfl. 2 Koluft. Panzer- 4. (H) / 12 Martuba - - Bf 110 C-4 With Bf 109F
Lfl. 2 Koluft. Panzer- 1. (F) / 121 Derna 7 5 Ju 88 D-1 -
Lfl. 2 II. Fl. Kps 1. (F) / 122 Gerbini 14 10 Ju 88 D-1 With Bf 109F
Lfl. 2 Stab / Lfl. 2 2. (F) / 122 Trapani 12 10 Ju 88 D-1 -
Lfl. 2 X. Fl. Kps 2. (F) / 123 Tatoi 13 4 Ju 88 D-1 With Bf 110 C
Day Fighters (Tagjagd.)
Lfl. 2 II. Fl. Kps II. / JG 3 San Pietro 25 22 Bf 109 F-4 Rotte (4) at
Lfl. 2 Fl. Fü. Afrika Jabo / JG 3 Martuba 10 10 Bf 109 F-2/B Fighter-bomber
Lfl. 2 Fl. Fü. Afrika Stab / JG 27 Martuba - - Bf 109 F-4 -
Lfl. 2 Fl. Fü. Afrika I. / JG 27 Martuba 26 12 Bf 109 F-4 -
Lfl. 2 Fl. Fü. Afrika II. / JG 27 Martuba 30 11 Bf 109 F-4 -
Lfl. 2 Fl. Fü. Afrika III. / JG 27 Martuba 27 12 Bf 109 F-4 -
Lfl. 2 II. Fl. Kps Stab / JG 53 Comiso 4 4 Bf 109 F-4 -
Lfl. 2 II. Fl. Kps I. / JG 53 Gela 34 28 Bf 109 F-4 Less 1. / JG 53
Lfl. 2 II. Fl. Kps II. / JG 53 Comiso 34 23 Bf 109 F-4 -
Lfl. 2 II. Fl. Kps III. / JG 53 Comiso 32 25 Bf 109 F-4 -
Lfl. 2 II. Fl. Kps Jabo. / JG 53 Gela 10 7 Bf 109 F-4/B Fighter-bomber
Night Fighters (Nachtjagd.)
Lfl. 2 II. Fl. Kps I. / NJG 2 Catania 17 11 Ju 88 C-6 -
Fighters (Zerstörer)
Lfl. 2 II. Fl. Kps III. / ZG 26 Trapani 20 12 Bf 110 D-3 Less 7. / ZG 26
Lfl. 2 Fl. Fü. Afrika 7. / ZG 26 Derna 9 5 Bf 110 D-3 -
Lfl. 2 X. Fl. Kps I. / LG 1 Iraklion 13 12 Ju 88 A-4 -
Lfl. 2 II. Fl. Kps II. / LG 1 Catania 35 20 Ju 88 A-4 -
Lfl. 2 Fl. Fü. Afrika 12. / LG 1 Berca (Barce) 9 2 Ju 88 A-4 -
Lfl. 2 II. Fl. Kps Kü.Fl.Gr. 606 Catania 16 11 Ju 88 A-4 -
Lfl. 2 X. Fl. Kps 4. / KG 26 Kalamaki 14 5 He 111 H-6 -
Lfl. 2 II. Fl. Kps Stab / KG 54 Catania 1 1 Ju 88 A-4 -
Lfl. 2 II. Fl. Kps I. / KG 54 Gerbini 31 20 Ju 88 A-4 -
Lfl. 2 II. Fl. Kps Kü.Fl.Gr. 806 Catania 27 16 Ju 88 A-4 -
Lfl. 2 II. Fl. Kps Stab. / KG 77 Comiso 1 1 Ju 88 A-4 -
Lfl. 2 II. Fl. Kps II. / KG 77 Comiso 17 10 Ju 88 A-4 Two Staffel only
Lfl. 2 II. Fl. Kps III. / KG 77 Comiso 25 15 Ju 88 A-4 -
Lfl. 2 Fl. Fü. Afrika Stab / St.G 3 Berca (Barce) 5 4 Ju 87 D-1 With Bf 110
& He 111
Lfl. 2 Fl. Fü. Afrika I. / St.G 3 Martuba 32 16 Ju 87 D-1 -
Lfl. 2 Fl. Fü. Afrika II. / St.G 3 Libya-Eygpt 8 0 Ju 87 D-1 Re-fitting Italy
Lfl. 2 II. Fl. Kps III. / St.G 3 San Pietro 35 22 Ju 87 D-1 -
(See-Aufkl. Gr.)
Lfl. 2 X. Fl. Kps 2. / 125 Skaramanga 9 8 Ar 196 A-3 -
Lfl. 2 X. Fl. Kps Stab / 126 Skaramanga 1 0 BV 138 C-1 -
Lfl. 2 X. Fl. Kps 1. / 126 Skaramanga 9 6 He 60 C With FT. 8
Lfl. 2 X. Fl. Kps 2. / 126 Kavalla 10 5 He 60 C With Ar 196 A
Lfl. 2 X. Fl. Kps 3. / 126 Kavalla 8 6 He 60 C With FT. 8
Lft. 2 II. Fl. Kps III./ KG.z.b.V. Brindisi & Trapani 28 18 Ju 52/3m -
Lft. 2 II. Fl. Kps II. Korps Tr. Sta. Reggio (Calabria) 16 12 Ju 52/3m -
Lft. 2 X. Fl. Kps Trans St. Süd-Ost Athens / Kalamaki 6 4 Ju 52/3m -
& North Africa
May 1942
Command Division Unit Location airfield Est. 'S' Main Type Notes
(close) Reconnaissance
Lfl. 2 Koluft. Panzer- 4. (H) / 12 Martuba 17 7 Bf 110 C-4 With Bf 109F, Hs 126
Lfl. 2 Koluft. Panzer- 1. (F) / 121 Derna 10 9 Ju 88 D-1 With Bf 109F
Lfl. 2 II. Fl. Kps 1. (F) / 122 Catania 14 8 Ju 88 D-1 With Bf 109F
Lfl. 2 Stab / Lfl. 2 2. (F) / 122 Trapani 12 6 Ju 88 D-1 -
Lfl. 2 X. Fl. Kps 2. (F) / 123 Kastelli 13 6 Ju 88 D-1 With Bf 110 C
Day Fighters (Tagjagd.)
Lfl. 2 Fl. Fü. Afrika Stab / JG 27 Martuba - - Bf 109 F-4 -
Lfl. 2 Fl. Fü. Afrika I. / JG 27 Martuba 30 21 Bf 109 F-4 -
Lfl. 2 Fl. Fü. Afrika II. / JG 27 Martuba 33 27 Bf 109 F-4 -
Lfl. 2 Fl. Fü. Afrika III. / JG 27 Martuba 29 15 Bf 109 F-4 -
Lfl. 2 Fl. Fü. Afrika Jabo. / JG 27 Martuba 8 8 Bf 109 F-4/B Fighter-bomber
Lfl. 2 II. Fl. Kps Stab / JG 53 Comiso 5 3 Bf 109 F-4 -
Lfl. 2 II. Fl. Kps II. / JG 53 Comiso 42 27 Bf 109 F-4 -
Lfl. 2 II. Fl. Kps III. / JG 53 Comiso 39 25 Bf 109 F-4 -
Lfl. 2 II. Fl. Kps Jabo. / JG 53 Gela 12 6 Bf 109 F-4/B Fighter-bomber
Night Fighters (Nachtjagd.)
Lfl. 2 II. Fl. Kps I. / NJG 2 Catania 20 12 Ju 88 C-6 Less 2. / NJG 2
Lfl. 2 Fl. Fü. Afrika 2. / NJG 2 Derna 9 5 Ju 88 C-6 -
Fighters (Zerstörer)
Lfl. 2 II. Fl. Kps III. / ZG 26 Trapani 16 9 Bf 110 D-3 With 8. / ZG 26
Lfl. 2 Fl. Fü. Afrika 7. / ZG 26 Derna 12 5 Bf 110 D-3 -
Lfl. 2 Fl. Fü. Afrika 9. / ZG 26 Maleme ((Kreta) 11 4 Bf 110 D-3 -
Lfl. 2 II. Fl. Kps 10. / ZG 26 Trapani 8 6 Do 17 Z-10 -
Lfl. 2 X. Fl. Kps Stab / LG 1 Eleusis 1 1 Ju 88 A-4 -
Lfl. 2 X. Fl. Kps I. / LG 1 Iraklion 29 16 Ju 88 A-4 -
Lfl. 2 X. Fl. Kps II. / LG 1 Eleusis 31 15 Ju 88 A-4 -
Lfl. 2 Fl. Fü. Afrika 12. / LG 1 Berca (Barce) 11 11 Ju 88 A-4 -
Lfl. 2 X. Fl. Kps II. / KG 100 Kalamaki 25 12 He 111 H-6 -
Lfl. 2 II. Fl. Kps Kü.Fl.Gr. 606 Catania 23 16 Ju 88 A-4 -
Lfl. 2 II. Fl. Kps Kü.Fl.Gr. 806 Catania 28 10 Ju 88 A-4 -
Lfl. 2 II. Fl. Kps Stab / KG 54 Catania 3 3 Ju 88 A-4 -
Lfl. 2 II. Fl. Kps I. / KG 54 Comiso 26 13 Ju 88 A-4 -
Lfl. 2 Fl. Fü. Afrika Stab / St.G 3 Derna-Süd 2 0 Ju 87 D-1 With Bf 110 &
He 111
Lfl. 2 Fl. Fü. Afrika I. / St.G 3 Derna-Süd 41 28 Ju 87 D-1 -
Lfl. 2 II. Fl. Kps III. / St.G 3 San Pietro 23 10 Ju 87 D-1 -
(See-Aufkl. Gr.)
Lfl. 2 X. Fl. Kps 2. / 125 Skaramanga 8 4 Ar 196 A-3 -
Lfl. 2 X. Fl. Kps Stab / 126 Skaramanga 1 1 BV 138 C-1 -
Lfl. 2 X. Fl. Kps 1. / 126 Skaramanga 15 11 He 60 C With FT. 8
Lfl. 2 X. Fl. Kps 2. / 126 Kavalla 13 4 He 60 C With Ar 196 A
Lfl. 2 X. Fl. Kps 3. / 126 Skaramanga 16 10 Ar 196 A-3 -
(Not included)
& North Africa
June 1942
Command Division Unit Location airfield Est. 'S' Main Type Notes
(close) Reconnaissance
Lfl. 2 Koluft. Panzer- 4. (H) / 12 North Africa 25 17 Bf 110 C-4 With Bf 109F,
Hs 126
Lfl. 2 Koluft. Panzer- 1. (F) / 121 North Africa 14 12 Ju 88 D-1 With Bf 109F
Lfl. 2 II. Fl. Kps Stab.(F) / 122 Trapani 3 3 Ju 88 D-1 -
Lfl. 2 II. Fl. Kps 1. (F) / 122 Catania 14 6 Ju 88 D-1 With Bf 109F
Lfl. 2 Stab / Lfl. 2 2. (F) / 122 Trapani 12 6 Ju 88 D-1 -
Lfl. 2 X. Fl. Kps 2. (F) / 123 Kastelli 13 5 Ju 88 D-1 With Bf 110 C
Day Fighters (Tagjagd.)
Lfl. 2 Fl. Fü. Afrika Stab / JG 27 North Africa 1 0 Bf 109 F-4 -
Lfl. 2 Fl. Fü. Afrika I. / JG 27 North Africa 31 16 Bf 109 F-4 -
Lfl. 2 Fl. Fü. Afrika II. / JG 27 North Africa 24 16 Bf 109 F-4 -
Lfl. 2 Fl. Fü. Afrika III. / JG 27 North Africa 25 13 Bf 109 F-4 -
Lfl. 2 Fl. Fü. Afrika Jabo. / JG 27 North Africa 11 3 Bf 109 F-4/B
Lfl. 2 II. Fl. Kps Stab / JG 53 Comiso 5 3 Bf 109 F-4 -
Lfl. 2 II. Fl. Kps II. / JG 53 Comiso 38 25 Bf 109 F-4 -
Lfl. 2 Fl. Fü. Afrika III. / JG 53 North Africa 34 12 Bf 109 F-4 -
Lfl. 2 Fl. Fü. Afrika Jabo. St. JG 53 North Africa 8 5 Bf 109 F-4/B
Lfl. 2 X. Fl. Kps. Jagd. Kdo./ JG 27 Maleme 5 2 Bf 109 F-4 -
Night Fighters (Nachtjagd.)
Lfl. 2 II. Fl. Kps I. / NJG 2 Iraklion (Crete) 35 14 Ju 88 C-6 Ops. Libyan Front
Lfl. 2 X. Fl. Kps Stab / LG 1 Iraklion (Crete) 1 1 Ju 88 A-4 Ops. Libyan Front
Lfl. 2 X. Fl. Kps I. / LG 1 Iraklion 28 14 Ju 88 A-4 -
Lfl. 2 X. Fl. Kps II. / LG 1 Iraklion 28 18 Ju 88 A-4 -
Lfl. 2 Fl. Fü. Afrika 12. / LG 1 Berca (Barce) 15 7 Ju 88 A-4 -
Lfl. 2 II. Fl. Kps Stab / KG 54 Catania 2 2 Ju 88 A-4 -
Lfl. 2 X. Fl. Kps I. / KG 54 Eleusis 28 19 Ju 88 A-4 -
Lfl. 2 II. Fl. Kps Kü. Fl. Gr. 606 Catania 30 20 Ju 88 A-4 -
Lfl. 2 II. Fl. Kps Kü. Fl. Gr. 806 Catania 26 16 Ju 88 A-4 -
Lfl. 2 X. Fl. Kps II. / KG 100 Kalamaki 20 14 He 111 H-6 -
Lfl. 2 Fl. Fü. Afrika Stab / St.G 3 North Africa 3 2 Ju 87 D-1 With Bf 110
& He 111
Lfl. 2 Fl. Fü. Afrika I. / St.G 3 North Africa 30 16 Ju 87 D-1 -
Lfl. 2 Fl. Fü. Afrika II. / St.G 3 North Africa 30 17 Ju 87 D-1 -
Lfl. 2 Fl. Fü. Afrika III. / St.G 3 North Africa 26 13 Ju 87 D-1 -
(See-Aufkl. Gr.)
Lfl. 2 X. Fl. Kps 2. / 125 Skaramanga 9 7 Ar 196 A-3 -
Lfl. 2 X. Fl. Kps 1. / 126 Skaramanga 19 2 He 60 C With FT. 8
Lfl. 2 X. Fl. Kps 2. / 126 Kavalla 10 7 Ar 196 A-3 With Ar 196 A
Lfl. 2 X. Fl. Kps 3. / 126 Skaramanga 11 7 Ar 196 A-3 -
(Not included)
& North Africa
August 1942
Command Division Unit Location airfield Est. 'S' Main Type Notes
Afrika (Libya)
Lfl. 2 Koluft. Panzer- 4. (H) / 12 Bir el Abd 19 10 Bf 110 C-4 With Bf 109F, Hs
Lfl. 2 Koluft. Panzer- 1. (F) / 121 Fuka I. & Derna 12 4 Ju 88 D-1 With Bf
Lfl. 2 Fl. Fü. Afrika Stab / JG 27 Sanyet Quotaifiya 2 2 Bf 109 F-4 -
Lfl. 2 Fl. Fü. Afrika I. / JG 27 Turbiya 23 18 Bf 109 F-4 -
Lfl. 2 Fl. Fü. Afrika II. / JG 27 Sanyet Quotaifiya 24 10 Bf 109 F-4 -
Lfl. 2 Fl. Fü. Afrika III. / JG 27 Qasaba 24 15 Bf 109 F-4 -
Lfl. 2 Fl. Fü. Afrika Jabo. St. Afrika Haggag/Qasaba 12 6 Bf 109 F-4/B
Lfl. 2 Fl. Fü. Afrika III. / JG 53 Qasaba 24 15 Bf 109 F-4 -
Lfl. 2 Fl. Fü. Afrika 10. / ZG 26 Berca 7 4 Do 17 Z-10 -
Lfl. 2 Fl. Fü. Afrika 12. / LG 1 Berca 12 2 Ju 88 A-4/Trop -
Lfl. 2 Fl. Fü. Afrika Stab / St.G 3 Qasaba 7 3 Ju 87 D-1 With Bf 110 & He
Lfl. 2 Fl. Fü. Afrika I. / St.G 3 Qasaba 28 20 Ju 87 D-1 -
Lfl. 2 Fl. Fü. Afrika II. / St.G 3 Qasaba 36 21 Ju 87 D-1 -
Lfl. 2 Fl. Fü. Afrika III. / St.G 3 Qasaba 36 30 Ju 87 D-1 -
Fliegerkorps (Sicily)
Lfl. 2 II. Fl. Kps 1. (F) / 122 Catania 16 7 Ju 88 D-1 With Bf 109F
Lfl. 2 II. Fl. Kps Stab / JG 53 Comiso 3 2 Bf 109 F-4 -
Lfl. 2 II. Fl. Kps II. / JG 53 Comiso 34 25 Bf 109 F-4 -
Lfl. 2 II. Fl. Kps I. / JG 77 Comiso 23 10 Bf 109 F-4 From Lfl. 4 Russia
Lfl. 2 II. Fl. Kps Stab / KG 54 Catania 2 1 Ju 88 A-4 -
Lfl. 2 II. Fl. Kps I. / KG 54 Gerbini 27 8 Ju 88 A-4 From X. Fl. Kps.
Lfl. 2 II. Fl. Kps Kü. Fl. Gr. 606 Catania 22 11 Ju 88 A-4 -
Lfl. 2 II. Fl. Kps Kü. Fl. Gr. 806 Catania 24 12 Ju 88 A-4 -
Lfl. 2 II. Fl. Kps Stab / KG 77 Comiso 2 1 Ju 88 A-4 From Russia
Lfl. 2 II. Fl. Kps II. / KG 77 Comiso 19 13 Ju 88 A-4 From Russia
Lfl. 2 II. Fl. Kps III. / KG 77 Comiso 20 7 Ju 88 A-4 From Russia
Fliegerkorps (Greece & Crete)
Lfl. 2 X. Fl. Kps 2. (F) / 123 Skaramanga 19 8 Ju 88 D-1 -
Lfl. 2 X. Fl. Kps. Jagd. Kdo./ JG 27 Kastelli 5 2 Bf 109 F-4 -
Lfl. 2 X. Fl. Kps. III. / ZG 26 Kastelli 46 24 Bf 110 D-3 Post re-fit.
Lfl. 2 X. Fl. Kps. Korpskette X. Fl.Kps Kastelli 5 4 He 111 H-2 With Fi 156
Lfl. 2 X. Fl. Kps Stab / LG 1 Iraklion (Crete) 2 2 Ju 88 A-4 Ops. Libyan Front
Lfl. 2 X. Fl. Kps I. / LG 1 Iraklion 28 11 Ju 88 A-4 -
Lfl. 2 X. Fl. Kps II. / LG 1 Iraklion 36 13 Ju 88 A-4 -
Lfl. 2 X. Fl. Kps II. / KG 100 Kalamaki 28 18 He 111 H-6 -
Lfl. 2 X. Fl. Kps 2. / 125 Skaramanga 11 9 Ar 196 A-3 -
Lfl. 2 X. Fl. Kps Stab / 126 Skaramanga 1 1 BV 138 C-1 -
Lfl. 2 X. Fl. Kps 1. / 126 Skaramanga 9 3 He 114 With Ar 196 A-3
Lfl. 2 X. Fl. Kps 2. / 126 Skaramanga 9 3 He 114 With Ar 196 A-3
Lfl. 2 X. Fl. Kps 3. / 126 Suda Bay 9 5 He 114 With Ar 196 A-3
disposal of Oberbefehlshaber Süd
Ob. Süd Lfl. 2 III./ KG.z.b.V 1 - 29 15 Ju 52/3m -
Ob. Süd Lfl. 2 IV./ KG.z.b.V 1 - 39 27 Ju 52/3m -
Ob. Süd Lfl. 2 KG.z.b.V 400 - 24 12 Ju 52/3m -
Ob. Süd Lfl. 2 KG.z.b.V 600 - 38 29 Ju 52/3m -
Ob. Süd Lfl. 2 KG.z.b.V 800 - 40 19 Ju 52/3m -
Ob. Süd Lfl. 2 Trans.St. (See) Phäleron 5 1 BV 222 -
Ob. Süd Lfl. 2 Trans.St. II Korps - 11 7 Ju 52/3m -
Ob. Süd Lfl. 2 Trans.St. Süd-Ost - 11 7 Ju 52/3m -
Date |
Pilot/Plane |
Destroyed |
Damaged |
Probable |
Notes |
13 January 1942 |
. |
. |
. |
13 January 1942, Antelet (satellite) |
21 January 1942 |
. |
. |
. |
21 January 1942, Msus |
24 January 1942 |
. |
. |
. |
24 January 1942, Mechili |
25 January 1942 |
Sgt R M Leu
Kittyhawk Mk. I AK637
1 Bf 109F |
. |
. |
Agedabia, head on attack Leu shot the wing tip
off, it was seen to go in by Msus, pilot parachuted to safety |
28 January 1942 |
. |
. |
. |
28 January 1942, Gazala |
02 February 1942 |
. |
. |
. |
2 February 1942, El Adem |
05 February 1942 |
. |
. |
. |
05 February 1942, Gambut main |
8 February 1942 |
Flt Lt P H Humphreys |
shared 1 Bf 109 |
. |
. |
3 Staffein JG27 shows no losses for this day |
. |
Sgt HG Burney |
shared 1 Bf 109 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
. |
1 Bf 109 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
. |
1 Bf 109 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
Sgt George Walton
Kittyhawk Mk. I
1 Bf 109 |
. |
. |
Credited to the 112 Sqdn pilot posthumously |
14 February 1942 |
Plt Off E Dickinson
Kittyhawk Mk. I
1 MC 200, |
. |
. |
Time 1215 PM |
. |
Plt Off N Duke
Kittyhawk Mk. I
AK578 GA V
2 MC 200 |
. |
. |
SW of Acoma, confirmed by Sgt Evans, the second
he attacked at ground level from dead astern and it flew into the ground
and burst into flames. this was shared with Sgt Reid of 3 Sqdn RAAF he was
in CV W |
. |
. |
0.5 MC 200 shared with Sgt Reid 3 Sqn RAAF in CV
W |
. |
. |
In total there where 10 112 Sqdn and 8 2 Sqdn aircraft every 3
Sqdn pilot but one claimed a victory, the air battle
lasted for half an hour. The battle took place over heavy ground fighting
the downed aircraft falling into the battle area |
. |
Plt Off J P Bartle
Kittyhawk Mk. I
AK700 GA B
1 MC 200 |
1 BF 109 |
1 BF 109 |
All BF
109 where mistakenly
identified and
where MC200
or 202 |
. |
Sgt R M Leu
Kittyhawk Mk. I
2 MC 200 |
. |
. |
Could have bee from 8,13 or 150 Gruppi |
. |
Sgt H G Burney
Kittyhawk Mk. I
1 Breda 65 |
. |
1 MC 200 |
Acroma |
. |
Sgt R A Drew
Kittyhawk Mk. I
2 MC 200 |
. |
. |
Also on his first real engagement, one of which
he saw hit the ground "It was easy as breakfast in bed" he is
quoted as saying |
. |
Sgt R E Simonsen
Kittyhawk Mk. I
AK682 GA U
1 MC 200 |
. |
1MC 200 |
. |
. |
Sgt R H Christie
Kittyhawk Mk. I
2 MC 200 |
1 MC 200 |
. |
. |
. |
Sgt W E C Cordwell
1 Bf 109F |
. |
. |
In his first action shot away about
three-quarters of the wing of the Bf109, which spun out of control |
. |
Sgt R B Evans
Kittyhawk Mk. I
. |
. |
1 MC 200 |
As it was turning and shot about two feet off
its starboard wing, it dived steeply and was probably destroyed |
16 February 1942 |
. |
. |
. |
16 February 1942, El Adem |
17 February 1942 |
. |
. |
. |
17 February 1942, Gambut main |
21 February 1942 |
Sqn Ldr C R Caldwell |
1 Bf 109 |
. |
. |
Shot down Lt "Fifi" Stahlschmidt who returned to his
unit at Martuba |
. |
Sgt K F Carson |
1BF 109 |
. |
. |
crashed between Timimi and Gazala |
22 February 1942 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
22 February 1942, thru 9 March 1942, 112 ran a satellite air strip at
Gambut and Gambut satellite No 2 |
8 March 1942 |
Ft Lt D F Westerna
Ia AK762
1 MC.200 |
. |
. |
Tobruk area |
. |
Sgt Evens
1 Ju 87 |
. |
. |
Engaged 15 Stukas with P/O Knapik around
Gazala. |
9 March 1942 |
. |
. |
. |
22 February 1942, thru 9 March 1942, 112 ran a satellite air strip at
Gambut and Gambut satellite No 2 |
13 March 1942 |
Sgt H G Burney
1 MC 202 |
. |
. |
fell into the sea 15 miles North of Tobruk |
14 March 1942 |
Sqn Ldr C R Caldwell
AK772 GA Y
1 MC 202 |
. |
. |
N.W. of Tobruk, officially recorded in error as
a Bf109 |
. |
Sqn Ldr Clive R Caldwell
AK772 GA Y
shared 1 MC 202 |
. |
. |
N.W. of Tobruk |
. |
Sgt Zbigniew Urbanczyk
AK957 GA D
shared 1 MC 202 |
. |
. |
N.W. of Tobruk |
. |
Fg Off Felix Knoll
. |
1 MC 202 |
. |
. |
7 May 1942 |
Plt Off Felix Francis Joseph Edwards |
1 Bf 109 |
. |
. |
1/Jg27 again Lt Stahlschmidt |
12 May 1942 |
Wing Commander
Howard Clive Mayers
AK890 GAM |
1 Ju52/3m |
1 Ju52/3m |
. |
While leading The 'Sharks" they encountered
a large formation of transport Junkers escorted by Bf110's, which where
flying from Crete to Derna. In the fight which ensued to the north of
town, the British sent 9 planes to the ground |
6 June 1942 |
Plt Off Aubrey Ceril Baker |
1 Bf 109 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
Plt Off K F Carson |
shared with above |
. |
. |
. |
. |
Sgt E Adye |
1 Bf 109 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
. |
1 Bf 109 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
Sqn Ldr Billy Drake
AL 161 GA ?
1 Bf 109 |
. |
. |
Confirmed by the army, Bir Hacheim |
9 June 1942 |
Fg Off J M S Critchton
. |
. |
shared 1 Macchi 202 |
. |
. |
Fg Off Felix Knoll
. |
. |
shared 1 Macchi 202 |
. |
. |
Plt Off
John Garn "Garry"
AK583 GA H
. |
. |
. |
No claims witnessed the above action |
12 June 1942 |
Sqn Ldr B Drake
AL 161 GA ?
1 Bf 109 |
1 Bf 109 |
. |
On the ground Gazala |
17 June 1942 |
. |
. |
. |
17 June 1942, Sidi Azeiz |
17 June 1942 |
Sqn Ldr B Drake
AL 161 GA ?
3 Bf 109 |
. |
. |
Gazala, destroyed on the ground |
. |
Sqn Ldr B Drake
AL 161 GA ?
. |
1 Fi Storch damaged |
. |
. |
. |
unknown pilots |
. |
. |
. |
7 unknown damaged |
18 June 1942 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
18 June 1942, Sidi Baranni LG 75 |
24 June 1942 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
24 June 1942, Sidi Haneish LG 102 |
26 June 1942 |
Fg Off William Micheal Whitmore |
1 Bf 109 |
. |
. |
. |
27 June 1942 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
27 June 1942, El Daba LG 106 |
28 June 1942 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
28 June 1942, Amiriya LG 91 |
2 July 1942 |
Sqn Ldr B Drake
ET 510 GA Q
. |
. |
1 BF 109 |
. |
4 July 1942 |
Fg Off W M Whitmore |
1 Bf 109 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
. |
1 Ju 87 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
Sgt Desmond Ibbotsen |
1 Ju 87 |
. |
. |
. |
8 July 1942 |
Sqn Ldr B Drake
ET 790 GA ?
1 Bf 109E |
. |
. |
LG 106 |
. |
Plt Off Johnson |
. |
1 BF 109 |
. |
. |
19 July 1942 |
Sqn Ldr B Drake |
. |
1 Ju 88 |
. |
19.07 operation over LG21. It was provoked
by a reconnaissance report stating “the clogging of the airfield by
large numbers of all sorts of German and Italian planes”. The operation,
organized in record time, engaged DAF forces of unprecedented size. Three
DAF Wings attacking the airfield (one bomber and two fighter Wings)
included fourteen “Kittyhawks” of the 112.Sqn. Upon reaching the
target it turned out that reconnaissance had been right.
Over 50 transport, bomber and fighter Luftwaffe and Regia Aeronautica
planes were crowded below. After a methodical attack, Major Drake and
three Flight “A” pilots were given credit for destroying or seriously
damaging two “Stukas” and four Ju88’s on the ground |
. |
Plt Off A C Baker |
. |
1 Ju 88 |
. |
. |
. |
Plt Off Johnson |
. |
1 Ju 88 |
. |
. |
. |
Sgt Cedric Don Young
Kittyhawk MK 1
AK 788
(6 gun model)
. |
1 Ju 88 |
. |
Excerpt from his book "Not such a Perfect
Hero" with permission from his son Martin. On one occasion we did a
dive bombing and strafing run on Fuqa airfield LG 91, one which we ourselves
had been using only a short time before. I was flying as number two to our
C.O. There where a number of aircraft on the ground, 109's and some JU 88
bombers. There was little anti-aircraft fire and we made several runs
after dropping our bombs. I fired my guns for the first time and saw some
strikes on a JU 88, but felt quite disappointed when it did not burst into
flames. That evening our raid was mentioned on the BBC news. |
20 July 1942 |
Flt Lt G W Garton |
. |
1 MC 202 |
. |
(20.07) the commander led eight “Kittyhawks”
over Fuka. Four P-40 squadrons participating in the raid saw almost a
hundred planes standing on the runways of this German-Italian air base.
The 112.Sqn dropped nine bombs on them and then shot their guns at
whatever they could. The German anti-aircraft artillery had a more
difficult task then usual. They had to spread their fire to cover over
forty “Kittybombers” flying in all directions over the enormous area
of LG17-18-19 airfields. As a result, five Flight “B” pilots reported
“ground” victories over five Ju88’s and one C.200, for which the
Squadron paid the price of one P-40 (SGT DeBourke – returned to his
unit). |
. |
Fg Off J M S Critchton |
. |
1 Ju 88 |
. |
. |
. |
Fg Off W M Whitmore |
. |
1 BF 109 |
. |
. |
. |
Plt Off D A Bruce |
. |
1 Ju 88 |
. |
. |
. |
Plt Off J S Barrow |
. |
2 Ju 88 |
. |
. |
. |
Sgt D Ibbotson |
. |
1 Ju 88 |
. |
. |
On or about will confirm date when his son can
have a look at his log 21 June 1942 |
Sgt Cedric Don Young |
1 BF 109 |
. |
. |
Excerpt from
his book "Not such a Perfect Hero" with permission from his son
Martin Just a few days later our flight of six was returning from a
bombing trip just on dusk when suddenly we ran head on into JU 88s and
109s which where returning from a similar raid on our lines. Both sides
where taken completely by surprise when I saw a white spinner (the ME
109's spinner was always painted white) coming straight for me I decided
it was a case of who shoots first, as there was no time for evasive
action. I fired for a second or two before we passed each other, then
concentrated with keeping up with my leader., which it was my job to do. I
therefore had no chance to observe whether my fire had any effect.
When we landed
we reported to operations it transpired I was the only one who had fired.,
but of course I did not make any claim. A couple of days later an army
report came in that an ME 109 had come down in that area and at that time.
but for some reason no claim was made on my behalf, so I never had the
credit for it. |
22 July 1942 |
Fg Off W M Whitmore |
. |
1 BF 109 |
. |
. |
23 July 1942 |
Sqn Ldr B Drake
ET 790 GA Q |
1 MC 202 |
. |
. |
After a day of rest, “Kittyhawks” of the
112-th returned to the northern sector of the front on 23.07. Between dusk
and dawn four sweeps were carried out by 8-9 planes each. Every time enemy
convoys were treated with bombs and machine gun fire. During the second,
noon mission, Flight Lieutenant Garton and Sergeant Young, shot down by
anti-aircraft defense, had to return home on foot. In the evening, at the
end of the last mission that day, Pilot Officer Barrow (website losses has
this listed as the 22 July 1942) was killed in an explosion of a shot down
“Kittyhawk” Mk IA ET790. This time the Squadron encountered large enemy
numbers. The short, but fierce fight ended with no losses. Two Flight
“A” pilots reported one damaged and one destroyed Bf109E. |
. |
Sgt D Ibbotson |
. |
. |
1 BF 109 |
. |
24 July 1942 |
Sqn Ldr B Drake
ET 524 GA X
1 Bf 109E, 1 Bf 110 on the ground and 1 Bf 110
taking off |
. |
. |
P-40’s from the 233-rd and 239.Wing began the
24.07 by taking off for an escort operation. They covered an air raid of
thirty bombers on the enemy air bases: LG20 and LG104. A fight with the
intervening Luftwaffe could not be avoided. Billy Drake destroyed one
Bf109F. Another was sent to the ground by a Canadian pilot, John Wright.
His countryman, John Loree meanwhile destroyed a Ju88. Pilot Officer
Johnson was lost, shot down by Messerschmitts 25 km to the south-east |
. |
Plt Off John E Loree |
1 Ju 88 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
Plt Off John Garn "Garry"
Wright |
1 Bf 109 |
. |
. |
. |
21 August 1942 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
From their holiday, which had begun at the
beginning of August, the “Sharks” returned to combat flights only
after three weeks. On the morning of 21.08 eleven „Kittyhawks” from
the 112.Sqdn, without bombs, supported by four from the 250.Sqn, carried
out a sweep over El Daba under the command of Wing Commander Haysom. Ten
Bf109’s were encountered over the middle sector of the front and an
unresolved skirmish was fought. Next day missions were carried out also
with no bombs. On the 22.08 by a road to the north-west of El Alamein a
convoy of 50 vehicles was shot, setting some of them on fire and causing
an ammunition explosion. Next day seven “Kittyhawks” returned to that
location twice. Further enemy convoys were attacked with similar results.
At the end of August the Squadron once again undertook combat missions.
They were now mainly carried out by Flight “A” under the new command
of SAAF Flight Lieutenant Danny Saville. Leaving the position of Flight
commander, Flight Lieutenant Walker at this time took command of the
250.Squadron. The 239.Wing returned on the 24.08 to airfield LG175 near
Amiriya, known from the beginnings of the 112.Sqn’s career. |
25 August 1942 |
. |
. |
. |
25 August 1942, Amiriya LG 175 |
25 August 1942 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
On the 25.08 five P-40’s successfully bombed a
convoy of 150 trucks headed for El Alamein. The next mission was carried
out three days later |
28 August 1942 |
Capt E C Saville
Ia - EV368 GAA
. |
. |
Me 109
el Abyad
It was commanded (28.08) by Flight Lieutenant
Saville. The eight “Kittyhawks” he led were the upper cover of the
250.Sqn’s planes, which were armed with bombs. The target was a
crossroads near Deir-el-Abyad. After leaving the target area, the fighters
were attacked over the Qattara depression by Messerschmitts of the
3.Staffel. Pilot Officer Loree was taken PoW in a “Kittyhawk” number
ET1017 GA-V(probably deformed USAAF serial), and Sergeant Barlow, AK746,
was taken PoW. Pilot Officer Wright reported a probable damaging of a
Bf109 |
1 September 1942 |
Sqn Ldr B Drake
EV 165 GA ?
2 Ju 87 |
. |
. |
On the afternoon of September 1st all
operational planes of the 239.Wing had an emergency take-off from LG175.
Under the command of Major Drake and Flight Lieutenant Saville they flew
in the direction of Qaret-el-Abd.To the west of the oasis they encountered
50 “Stuka” bombers escorted by almost as many fighters. The diving
bombers immediately got rid of their bombs and turned north-west just
above the ground. The disoriented escort was unable to engage the pursuing
“Kittyhawks” in a fight. The “Sharks’” chase gave expected
results, and what’s more important didn’t result in any losses. Billy
Drake’s count was raised by two, and Saville’s and Pilot Officer
Phillips’ by one Ju87 each. |
. |
Lt E C Saville
Ia - EV368
EV368. GA
A, 41-36622
to RAF as EV368. SOC Feb 22, 1945
2 Ju 87 |
. |
1 BF 109 |
El Alamein |
. |
Plt Off H Phillips |
1 Ju 87 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
Plt Off T Livingstone |
. |
1 Ju 87 |
. |
. |
3 Sep 1942 |
Sgt D Ibbotson |
1 Bf 109 |
. |
. |
The only loss on the 3.09 was Sergeant
Ibbotson’s damaged “Kittyhawk”, whose pilot nonetheless reported
shooting down one of the four Messerschmitts which were attacking him.
Riddled with bullet holes, the GA-A EV365 managed to get its pilot back to
Amiriya. |
12 September 1942 |
E C Saville
Ia - EV136
GA Q, 36390 to RAF as EV136. Missing from training flight near Amriya
Jan 5, 1943
. |
1 Ju 87 |
1 Ju 87
1 ME109
Operations were resumed on the 12.09, beginning
with an interception of a group of around 50 “Stuka” bombers along
with escorting fighters to the west of El Alamein. The prolonged battle
which ensued over the whole northern sector of the front resulted in the
“Sharks’” many probable and two certain victories over Ju87’s. One
of them was won by Flight Lieutenant Saville, the other – by Sergeant
Pollock. The price wasn’t too high – only Sergeant Hogg’s
“Kittyhawk” was damaged. |
. |
Sgt W E Pollock |
1 Ju 87 |
. |
1 Ju 87 |
. |
. |
Sgt D F Greaves |
. |
1 Ju 87 |
1 Ju 87 |
. |
. |
Sgt W Money |
. |
1 Ju 87 |
. |
. |
. |
Sgt D Hogg |
. |
1 Ju 87 |
. |
. |
13 September 1942 |
Sqn Ldr B Drake
EV 168 GA ?
1 Bf 109F |
1 Bf 109F |
. |
Confirmed by the army |
. |
Sgt D Ibbotson |
. |
. |
1 BF 109 |
The next day brought a group operation of the
whole 239.Wing (commanded by Wing Commander Haysom) – the first one in a
long time. A multi-layer patrol to the south of El Alamein ended in a
surprise attack on a flight of Messerschmitts to the south-west of LG100.
Both sides won one victory, but did not lose any men. Skirmishes like this
would become more rare with time. In the face of crushingly superior RAF
numbers, German pilots were visibly afraid of provoking the enemy.
Experience showed that the British could, and did, call strong
reinforcements at any time |
. |
unknown pilot |
. |
1 Bf 109 |
. |
. |
. |
unknown pilot |
. |
1 Bf 109 |
. |
. |
15 Sept 1942 |
. |
. |
. |
A typical encounter of this sort occurred on the
15.09. To the west of El Alamein 3 Sqn RAAF and 450 Sqn RAAF Australian
Squadrons, engaged in a fight, called on the 112-th and 250.Sqn’s
“Kittyhawks” for help. The fight was very quickly resolved in favor of
DAF, forcing JG27 to retreat. The British used methods which were
effective, if slightly radical. One of the oncoming P-40’s rammed into a
Messerschmitt, adding a fourth parachute canopy to the three already
falling above the desert. Under one of them, for the third time, was
Sergeant Young, who was wounded. (badly burned) Four squadrons lost no more than six
“Kittyhawks” and four pilots in this fight. These losses are very
different from the fifteen victories, including seven of Marseille,
reported by the Germans. More .....15 Sep 42 - A Stuka raid was
mounted at 1715 hrs, escorted by eighteen Bf 109s from I Gruppe, fifteen
from II Gruppe and ten from III Gruppe/JG 27. Ten Kittyhawks of 250 Sqn
RAF took off as top cover to ten of 450 Sqn and eight of 3 Sqn, eight of
112 Sqn also scrambling. They attacked the German formation ten miles
south west of El Alemien. The two Australian squadrons sighted eight Bf
109s above and seven more 'up sun', a general dogfight beginning. More Bf
109s joined the fight, but 112 and 250 then dived in with a hieght
advantage and the Axis fighters were driven off. P/O Clabburn of 3 Sqn
probably destroys one Bf 109, P/O Kildey and P/O Alderson each claiming a
damaged. P/O Donald and Sgt Scribner failed to return, P/O Kildey and Sgt
Bee each had their aircraft badly damaged, and the latter pilot was
slightly wounded. The squadron reported seeing a Bf 109 and a Kittyhawk
crash, and also saw a Bf 109 collide with another aircraft. F/O Marting of
450 Sqn claimed to have shot down one Bf 109 and damage a second, Sgt
Gleeson claiming a probable, Sgt Ewing failed to return. source http://members.tripod.com/mick_quinn/id62.html |
16 September 1942 |
Flt Lt G W Garton
. |
. |
1 MC 202 |
. |
1 October 1942 |
Sqn Ldr B Drake
EV 168 GA ?
1 Ju87 and 1 Ju 87 shared with below |
. |
1 Ju 87 |
One of the first meetings of the “Sharks”
with JG53 “Ace of spades” fighters took place in a mission carried out
by the Squadron on the 1.10 just before sunset. Twenty of that unit’s
Bf109F’s and G’s covered 10-20 “Stuka” bombers in an air raid on
El Maghara. One of the diving bombers was sent to the ground in flames by
the cooperating Drake and Garton. Flying Officer Curphey sent a second one
right after it. The 112.Sqn’s list of victories in this fight was the
following: “2-4-2”. |
. |
Flt Lt G W Garton
shared 1 Ju 87R with above |
. |
1 Ju 87 |
. |
. |
Fg Off T Livingstone |
. |
. |
1 Ju 87 |
. |
. |
Plt Off L H Curphey
EV339 GA A
1 Ju 87 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
Plt Off J G Wright
EV318 GA L
. |
1 Bf 109 |
. |
. |
. |
Flt Sgt R C C Smith |
. |
. |
1 Bf 109 |
. |
. |
Sgt M H Lamont |
. |
1 Ju 87 |
. |
. |
2 October 1942 |
Capt. E C Saville
Ia - EV339
GA A, had Sally V + painted just under and in front of the cockpit, 36593 to RAF as EV339. Missing near Mersa Matruh during delivery
flight Apr 4, 1943
2 Bf 109
III/ZG1 Lt Walter Burger killed
. |
. |
The excitement of 2.10 began right after
breakfast. An emergency formation which took off just before nine didn’t
find the suspected enemy. They had certainly been Luftwaffe reconnaissance
planes. They would cause many more such futile chases before evening.
Training flights and test flights of repaired “Kittyhawks” were
carried out at the same time. The October of 1942 was the worn MkIA’s
closing period as far as their service in the 112.Squadron was concerned.
It was a period of expectation for the long-promised MkIII’s. As if to
stress this fact, Sergeant Rae died in an afternoon accident.
Approximately at the same time, a patrol (the one before last that day) of
six P-40’s of the 112-th and ten of the 3.Sqn RAAF engaged in a fight
with an enemy flight of half that size. Flying Officer Crichton, who was
leading the “Sharks”, noticed the danger in time. He reduced speed,
and then shot the fighter which was overtaking him. Two short, but
well-aimed bursts deprived it of a large part of the edge of the flow
plating at the base of the left wing and riddled the side of the fuselage
with bullet holes. Sergeant MacAuley repeated his commander’s maneuver.
Three volleys from his six Brownings threw a sandish-spotted fighter into
an uncontrolled spinning dive. Its windscreen, and soon afterwards the
bent silhouette of the pilot, separated themselves from the vertical
spiral. The planes were identified as Messerschmitts, but its more
probable tha on this occasion they were C.202’s. The most interesting
moment in the last operation on the 2.10 was Flight Lieutenant Saville’s
chase after four “Messer-bombers” chased away from Deir-el-Dhib by
“Kittyhawks”. Two of the fighter-bomber Bf109F’s, falling in flames
to the outskirts of El Maghra, were the last victims (numbers 7 and 8) of
the “South African Shark”. |
. |
Fg Off J M S Critchton
. |
1 Bf 109 |
. |
18 Kittyhawks of 112. and 3 RAAF Sqn. have been attacked south of DEIR EL
DIB by 7 enemy planes.
Sgt. McAuley shot down one of them who bailed out.
Sgt. Neill had a probable victory.
FO. Chrichton had hits on an enemy plane.
For the same day it is reported, that Cap. Livio Cecotti (4. Stormo) has
been shot down but was able to bail out.
Ten. Ezio Bevilacque has bailed out as well but managed to "fly
away" from the dangerous zone and came down at sea (from where he
reached the shore after 6 hours).
. |
Fg Off T Livingstone |
. |
1 Bf 109 |
. |
. |
. |
Plt Off H Phillips |
. |
1 Bf 109 |
. |
. |
. |
Sgt John Mac Auley EV360 GA F |
1 Bf109 |
. |
. |
Took off at 16:30 hours with six others he
recalled "I got on the tail of one and fired a short burst. He never
broke either way, so I quickly fired another. His nose went up, then it
rolled on its back and the pilot baled out. His chute opened immediately.
"In this combat the opponent where not Bf109 but MC202 of 4 Stormo,
which lost two of their number in that combat, both pilots baling out. One
was Mac Aulay's victim while the other was shot down by Critchton (112
Sqn) or Sgt Neill (3 Sqn) |
20 October 1942 |
Flt Sgt R C C Smith
FR263 GA X
. |
. |
1 Bf 109 |
On the morning of 20.10. A group of 32
“Kittyhawks” covered British “Bostons” and American
“Mitchells” this time. They were intercepted by Messerschmitts from
JG53 and Macchis from the 4.Stormo over their own base. The enemy fighters
first chased the “Kittyhawks” over the Fuka – El Daba – Qotafiyah
triangle, and then during their almost 100 km long return trip. During the
chase, Sergeant Greaves and his P-40 were lost without a trace. He landed
by a parachute near one of the German numerous anti-aircraft positions. He
spent the rest of the war in captivity. II?JG27 lost Unteroffizer Hans
Jurgens of 5 Staffel that day |
21 October |
Sgt J M MacAuley
. |
1 MC 202 |
. |
. |
22 October 1942 |
Sqn Ldr B Drake
FR 293 GA ?
. |
. |
1 Bf 109F |
Over axis airfields Daba |
. |
Capt E C Saville |
. |
1 Bf 109 |
. |
On the 22.10 over El Daba, among others. The
Allies’ group consisted of over thirty fighters, including: 112.Sqn
“Kittyhawks”, 145.Sqn “Spitfires”, and 66.Fighter Squadron USAAF
“Warhawks”. After shooting random targets on the airfield and suburban
roads, the formation returned to the east. They then encountered four
Bf109F’s. Without risking a loss of initiative, the leading Major Drake
and his “Kittyhawks” attacked first. The enemy courses only crossed
once. In effect, one Messerschmitt was certainly destroyed. Flight
Lieutenant Smith was given credit. Other four pilots, including the
commander of 112.Sqn, reported probable victories. |
. |
Flt Lt R R Smith
FR217 GA C
1 Bf 109 |
. |
. |
Shot down Technical Officer of II/JG-27 Lt Erich
Bindert Bg 109G-2 serial number 10-583 with a big number 1 in white
painted on the side of it, Bindert badly wounded crashed near Bir el Abd
aerodrome |
. |
Sgt Herbie
FR262 GA Z |
. |
. |
. |
Flew No2 to Smith and confirmed victory |
. |
Plt Off L H Curphey
FR195 GA F
. |
1 Bf 109 |
. |
Only one gun fired cutting his chances of sucess |
23 Oct 1942 El Amien |
. |
. |
. |
. |
Beginning on the early morning of 23.10, the
Squadron actively participated in the operation. During three main
missions targets in the northern and middle sector of the front were
bombed, special attention being given to LG104. Human losses were avoided
that day. During the preparation of artillery, on the 23.10, the personnel
of the 112.Squadron gathered in front of the canteen. The western horizon,
bursting with volleys, was looked at with hope. |
26 October 1942 |
Sqn Ldr B Drake
FR 293 GA ?
1 Mc 202 |
. |
. |
Northern sector of the line confirmed by the
army |
. |
Plt Off John Garn Wright
FR279 GA J
1 Bf 109 |
. |
. |
Shot down Lt Helmith Fenzl of 9/JG-27 Bf 109F-4
trop White 7 serial number 13136 pilot PoW , 112 Sqn pilot also crashed
due to AA fire. |
27 October 1942 |
Sqn Ldr B Drake
FR 293 GA ?
1 Mc 202 |
. |
. |
While escorting bombers to LG 18 at Fuka |
. |
Plt Off L H Curphey
FR 195 GA F
1 MC 202 |
. |
. |
Went straight into the ground and blew up,
confirmed lost from 9 Gruppo that day where S, Tenente Ettore Caregnato of
73a Squadriglia and Tentente Anselmo Maggini of 96a Squadriglia |
. |
Plt Off D A Bruce
1 MC 202 |
. |
. |
Went straight into the ground and blew up,
confirmed |
30 October 1942 |
Sqn Ldr B Drake
FR 293 GA ?
1 Bf 109, 1 HE 111 both on the ground |
1 Bf 109 |
. |
LG 21 with US 66th Fighter Sqn, strafing LG 21, left
these 2 burning on the ground |
31 October 1942 |
Sqn Ldr B Drake
FR 293 GA ?
2 Ju 87 |
. |
. |
Northern sector |
. |
Flt Lt R R Smith
1 Ju 87 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
Fg Off J M S Critchton
FR216 GA P
1 Bf 109 |
. |
. |
Possibly Unteroffizier Fredrich Murmann of
I/SG-2 |
. |
Plt Off L H Curphey
FR195 GA F
. |
. |
1 Bf 109 |
. |
. |
Plt Off B A F Cuddon
FR 263
. |
. |
1 Bf 109 |
. |
. |
Plt Off H Phillips
FR 215 GA V
. |
. |
2 MC 202 |
. |
. |
Flt Sgt Wilfred David
(Western Desert) Brown
FR 211 GA E
2 Ju 87 |
. |
. |
Forth mission that day took of at 16:30 hours to
bomb and strafe between Daba and Fuka near Daba some 20 Stukas from StG-3
where encountered 12 Kittyhawks Flt Sgt Brown demolished the cockpit of
the last "Stuka" with 50 caliber machine gun fire with his first
burst, his second burst riddled the fuselage between the engine and the
cockpit the spotted colored plane pouring smoke drifted left towards the
ground. A second Stuka painted in non camouflage European colors
came into his sights in a 45 degree dive, diving after him he quickly
closed the gap as the Stuka had to level off at ground level. Two short
bursts disabled the rear gunner, the third long burst carried across the
stabilizers, top of the fuselage and cockpit. The plane crashed in a cloud
of dust without exploding or burning. (over El Alamein) |
. |
Flt Sgt R H Newton |
. |
. |
1 Ju 87 |
. |
. |
Sgt R A Wild |
1 Ju 87 |
. |
1 Bf 109 |
. |
. |
Sgt W Money |
1 Bf 109 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
Sgt M H Lamont |
. |
. |
1 Bf 109 |
. |
. |
Sgt David B (Fat) Brown
FR 302
. |
. |
1 Bf 109 |
. |
. |
Sgt D S Watson |
. |
1 Bf 109 |
. |
. |
1 November 1942 |
Flt Lt G W Garton
FR 213
1 Ju 87R |
. |
. |
Bombing in Daba area time 1230 to 1325 |
. |
Plt Off G F Allison
FR 215 GA V
. |
. |
1 Ju 87 |
1 and III/St.G3 escorted by Bf 109 of 1 and
III/JG27 |
. |
WO J B Agnew
FR 919 (not
1 Ju 87 |
1 Ju 87 |
2 Ju 87 |
Force landed within allied lines |
. |
Flt Sgt R C C Smith
FR263 GA
1 Ju 87 |
1 Ju 87 |
. |
. |
. |
Sgt R A Wild
FR 789
1 Ju 87 |
1 Ju 87 |
. |
. |
. |
Sgt R DeBourke
Kittyhawk Mk. III
FR264 GA W
2 Ju 87 |
. |
1 Ju 87 |
Wounded made a perfect landing at base |
. |
Sgt T A Marsden
FR 302
. |
. |
1 Ju 87 |
. |
. |
Sgt D S Watson
1 Ju 87 |
. |
. |
. |
2 November 1942 |
Sqn Ldr B Drake
FR 293 GA ?
2 Ju 52,1Bf 109 all on the ground |
. |
. |
Set on fire while ground strafing LG 21 at
Gazala possibly |
4 November 1942 |
Flt Sgt Wilfred David (Western Desert) Brown
FR 279 GA J
Later confirmed shot down |
1 Bf 109G 2 |
. |
of Fuka
109G-2/Trop Black 6 wk.no.10639 in service
with 8 /JG 77, Black 6 flown by Hans Ludemann, now in Duxford museum
plane was repaired only to be captured by 3 Sqn and used by Bobby Gibes.
5 November 1942 |
Sqn Ldr B Drake
FR 293 GA ?
1 Bf 109F |
1 Bf 109F |
. |
Patrol over Fuka 0925 hours |
. |
Plt Off Curphey
FR195 GA F |
1 Bf 109 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
Flt Lt Smith
FR 217 GA C |
1 Bf 109 |
1 Bf 109 |
. |
. |
. |
Fg Off Tom Livingstone
FR 266 GA H |
shared 1 Bf 109 below |
. |
. |
. |
. |
Flt Sgt L C
FR 281 GA D |
shared 1 Bf 109 above |
. |
. |
. |
06 November 1942 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
06 November 1942, El Daba LG 106 |
08 November 1942 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
08 November 1942, Sidi Haneish LG 115 |
09 November 1942 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
09 November 1942, LG 76 (South west of Maaten Bagush) |
11 November 1942 |
Flt Lt G W Garton possibly FR213 GA Q |
1 Ju 52/3m |
. |
. |
. |
. |
Sqn Ldr B Drake
FR 293 GA ?
. |
1 Bf 109F |
. |
. |
. |
Sgt D S (Butch) Watson
FR 281 GA D
1 Ju 52 |
. |
. |
He was Bobby Sayles number 2 that day |
. |
Sgt D S Watson
FR 281 GA D
. |
. |
. |
1 Fi Storch probable on the ground at Gambut |
. |
Sgt R A Wild
FR 279 GA J
. |
1 Bf 109 |
. |
. |
12 November 1942 |
Sqn Ldr B Drake
FR 293 GA ?
2 Bf 109 on the ground |
. |
1 Bf 109 on ground |
Gambut |
15 November 1942 |
Sqn Ldr B Drake
FR 293 GA ?
1 He 111 |
. |
. |
15 November 1942, Gazala No 2 |
17 November 1942 |
Flt Lt R R Smith
FR 217 GA C
Shared 1Bf 109F |
. |
. |
II/JG 27 Shared with Bobby Gibes of 3 Sqdn |
19 November 1942 |
. |
. |
. |
19 November 1942, Martuba |
19 November 1942 |
Sqn Ldr B Drake
FR 293 GA ?
1 Bf 110 |
1 Bf 110 |
. |
Scrambled during the afternoon Bf 109 was
probably from 7/ZG26 and the 110's from III/ZG1 |
. |
Plt Off John
Gary Wright
FR 264 GA W
. |
. |
1 Me 210 |
.III/ZG 1, wrongly recorded the combat as the
18th and Garys victim was most probably ME210A-1 coded 2N+GS serial #036
Ober Lt Heinz Redlich the Kapt of 2 Staffel and Feldwebel Friedrich
Hamburger the gunner |
06 December 1942 |
. |
. |
. |
06 December 1942, Belandah No 2 (Alam-el-Gzina) |
10 December 1942 |
Flt Lt R R Smith
FL 880 GA Z
1 Bf 109G 1 MC 202 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
Flt Lt L C Shaver
FR213 GA Q
1 Bf 109G-2 |
. |
. |
Shot down Major Muncheburg, Kommodore
I/JG77 both pilots attacked his plane, he had to force-land his Bf 109 G-2
(W.Nr. 10725) following aerial combat with RAF Kittyhawk fighters on 10
December 1942. |
11 December 1942 |
Sqn Ldr B Drake
FR 293 GA ?
1 Bf 109F, |
. |
. |
With the 66th Fighter
Sqdn bombing panzers Drake
had to crash land FR293 |
. |
Sqn Ldr B Drake
293 GA ?
1 MC202 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
Sgt Arthur (Artie) Shaw FR 264 (not
confirmed) GA-W |
shared with Drake1Bf 109 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
Fg Off L H Curphey
FR238 0r FR195
? GA F
1 Bf 109 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
Sgt J G R Lecours
FR320 GA J
1 Bf 109 |
1 Bf 109 |
. |
. |
. |
Sgt R DeBourke
FR213 GA Q
1 Bf 109 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
Sgt J M MacAuley |
. |
1 Bf 109 |
. |
. |
. |
F/Sgt Wilfred David
("Canada or Western Desert") Brown
FR 225 GA J |
. |
1 Bf 109 |
1 Bf 109 |
1510 hours led by Flt Lt R R Smith, possibly Bf 109G-4/Trop 16001
Doht, Uffz.
Friedrich 7. JG 53 wei§e 4 + | DF+FA 12/11/1942
Canada Gazette
dated 4 May 1946 and AFRO 473/46 dated 10 May 1946. (made effective 27
July 1943)
officer (unknown at this time who made the request) requests that
consideration be given on the recommendation of Flight Sergeant Wilfred D.
Brown, R86267 (Canadian), 112 Squadron (RAF), the award of the Purple
Heart, as a result of being wounded by enemy fire in his tour of
operational duty in the Western Desert on the 11th of December.
Bottom cover to two Tack-R [sic] Hurricanes with the 66th Fighter Squadron
as top cover over Marble Arch area, and ensuing air battle with defending
ME.109s between the hours of 15.:10 and 17:10, 11th December 1942.
Sergeant Brown piloting one of twelve P-40s on a Tack-R mission noticed
four ME.109s following the flight while crossing the Agheila line and
continued their way out to sea. It
was soon observed that his formation was being attacked from the rear.
Although he could have avoided combat, he immediately did a
turn-about and found he was looking into the cannon of an ME.109 which was
firing directly at him. Due
to his courage and airmanship he shot down one of the attackers.
Thinking he had completely run [out] of ammunition, he sighted
another aircraft of his squadron, but while overtaking it he ran into two
ME.109s. The enemy aircraft
chased him toward the shore and while doing so the enemy anti-aircraft
fire opened to [sic] him causing him to turn away, whereupon the two
ME.109s attacked him from above and below.
The explosive shell hit him on the head and a piece of his aircraft
was blown into his shoulder. After
the attack was broken off, Flight Sergeant Brown noticed his petrol was
low, and in spite of the injuries he had received he landed the airplane
at Nagrum (sic should be
Magrum I think, some sources have it as South West of Mersa) and
had the shrapnel and piece of aircraft removed from his head and shoulder.
unconscious and wounded by the Infantry he was transported to the hospital
in Benghazi)
. |
Joe Critchton
FR216 GA P
1 Bf 109G |
. |
. |
Crashed into the sea confirmed by Bob Smith Lt
Horst Marotze of 9 Staffel was also lost that day |
. |
Flt Lt R R Smith
FR325 GAV |
. |
1Bf109 |
. |
. |
. |
Plt Off David A Bruce |
. |
. |
1 BF 109 |
. |
13 December 1942 |
Sqn Ldr B Drake
FR 213 GA ?
1 Bf 109F shared with Sgt Artie Shaw |
. |
. |
Bombing attack on Agheila |
. |
Sgt Artie Shaw
FR 264 GA-W
Shared Bf 109 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
Sgt L G Lecours
FR 320
GA J |
1 BF 109 |
1 BF 109 |
. |
1600 HOURS |
. |
Sgt DeBourke
FR213 GA Q |
1 Bf 109 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
Fg Off Curphey
FR195 or FL
195 GA F |
1 Bf 109 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
Sgt J M MacAuley
. |
1 BF 109 |
. |
. |
. |
Sgt J M MacAuley
1 BF 109 |
. |
. |
Due to "Luftkampf zwischen Sand und Sonne" (German edition of
"Fighters over the Desert"), Shores and Ring conclude that it
is possible that 4 Stormo's Cap. Livio Ceccotti and Ten. Ezio Bevalique
were shot down in a combat with 112 Sqn, whereby Sgt. MacAuley claimed
one shot down (the pilot reportedly bailing out) and Sgt. Neill was
credited with a probable victory. This seems to have taken place in the
late afternoon. No Allied losses are mentioned.
Allied losses on 2 Oct 1942 in North Africa due to the source above:
1) The Kittyhawk of 112 Sqn's Sgt. Rae exploded during a training flight
after taking off at 1000 hrs.
2) The Spitfire of 601 Sqn's Sgt. Allen-Rowlandson belly-landed due to
battle damage, apparently toward the evening.
. |
. |
. |
. |
. |
. |
Date |
Pilot/Plane |
Destroyed |
Damaged |
Probable |
Notes |
01 January 1943 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
has definitely fallen. The bombers were operating from here again last
night. The squadron got their 200th kite down today. |
09 January 1943 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
09 January 1943, Hammraiet |
13 January 1943 |
unknown pilot |
1 Bf 109 |
19 January 1943 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
19 January 1943, Bir Dufan |
21 January 1943 |
unknown pilot |
2 MC 202 destroyed |
unknown pilot |
1 MC 202 damaged |
25 January 1943 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
25 January 1943, Castel Benito |
27 January 1943 |
unknown pilot |
1 unidentified seaplane |
5 February 1943 |
unknown pilot |
1 Bf 109 |
1 Bf 109 |
Bf 109 G-2 of Stab II/JG-27 returned to base badly shot up |
15 February 1943 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
15 February 1943, El Assa |
27 February 1943 |
Fg Off Gary Wright |
1 Bf 109 |
Bf109G-2 of 5/JG-27 serial number 13886 force landed
at Gabes with 50% damage, pilot was unhurt |
08 March 1943 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
08 March 1943, Neffatia (Tunisia) |
10 March 1943 |
Fg Off Tom Livingstone |
1 Ju 87 |
Plt Off R D Guess |
2 Bf 109G-2, |
Bf 109G-2 10819 Lüdemann, Ltn. Heinz 5+ 8. JG 77 schwarze 1
+ 10-Mar-43 KIA in Luftkampf with P-40. Tunisia Gen.Qu.6.Abt. (mfm
#9)-Vol.15; Prien, JG 77, III, p.1471 North of Ksar Rhilane (Pl.Qu. 94844)
100% F and possibly Bf 109G-2 10663 Schmitt,
Fw. Werner 4.(H) 12 schwarze 2 + 10-Mar-43 MIA, cause unknown. Tunisia
Gen.Qu.6.Abt. (mfm #9)-Vol.15 100% F |
21 March 1943 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
21 March 1943, Medenine |
22 March 1943 |
Fg Off Gary
FR276 GA J |
1 Bf 109G-2 |
I/JG-77 of 3 Staffel serial number 10821 which force landed
at Fatnassa ,engine damaged, pilot ok.
RAF Hurricanes smashed a panzer counter-attack near the Mareth Line. At
12:50 hours a total of 24 Spitfires of RAF No. 145 Sqdn and RAF No. 601 Sqdn
took off in two formations. 12 of these Spitfires, from 145 Sqdn, met 7 Bf
109s from JG 51 in the Mareth area. The other formation of 12 Spitfires also
reported an engagement with 7 Bf 109s in the same area. Shortly after 13:00
hours 36 Kittyhawks from RAF Nos. 112 and 250 Sqdn took off and were
attacked by 6 Bf 109s. One Kittyhawk of 250 Sqdn was shot down by Major
Muncheberg of Stab./JG 77. Six more Spitfires dived into the combat, whereby
S/L Wade claimed one Bf 109 shot down. This may have been Oblt. Heinrich
Osswald of 4./JG 77 who was killed. A little while later 13 Hurricanes of
RAF No. 6 Sqdrn took off and was engaged by Bf 109s which shot down one
Hurricane. Lt. Franz Hradlicka of 5./JG 77 claimed a Hurricane during the
combats as did Lt. Liedtke of 4./JG 77. |
03 April 1943 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
03 April 1943, El Hamma |
14 April 1943 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
14 April 1943, El Djem |
18 April 1943 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
18 April 1943, Kairouan |
20 April 1943 |
unknown pilot |
1 Ju 88 |
II?KLG-! was shot at by WO John MacAuley (FL886 GA-B) Fg
Off Gary Wright got off 3 bursts, Herb Snelgrove and others all got shots
in so was decided to make it a Sqn claim |
22 April 1943 |
WO John
FR860 GA D
1Bf 110G-2 Trop |
6/ZG-1 , S9+TP, serial number 6189, flown by Oberleutnent
Alexander Gibsone and Unteroffizier Otto Weissflog |
24 Apr 43 |
Flt Sgt Reg Drown
III, FR348
Information Only |
. |
. |
E/A encountered, Macchi and 109 |
7 May 1943 |
Flt Sgt R A Vance |
1 Cant Z-506-B damaged |
7 May 1943 |
Flt Sgt Reg
GA C |
Information Only |
2x250 lb Bombed ship in Tunis harbour, Yance Barnes (Fg
Off Harold James Martin Barnes, 112407, RAFVR) strafed
HE-115 in harbour
21 May 1943 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
21 May 1943, Kairouan |
09 July 1943 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
09 July 1943, Advance detachment to Safi (Malta) |
18 July 1943 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
18 July 1943, Pachino (Sicily) RAF Servicing Commandos, On the 19th
Kittyhawks of No. 239 Wing were looked after as they landed and the same
thing was done on the following day for aircraft of the 57th Pursuit
Group, United States Air Force. In both cases the aircraft were followed
on the same evening by the advanced parties of their own ground crews.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/ww2/A7713443 |
02 August 1943 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
02 August 1943, Agnone |
19 August 1943 |
notes of interest |
. |
. |
. |
and Aegean:
Another day of massive attacks against Luftwaffe held airfields in the
Athens area. This time, III/6th Mustang-II assume top-cover in company
with RAF 33, 112, 238 and 250 squadron Spitfire-V. Close escort of
Beaumont and Boston bombers is assured by a mix of RAF Hurricane-II and
Kittyhawk and airfields are also strafed by French NA-73 and NA-92FGA of
the 13th Fighter wing based at Mudros and Mytilene-1. This massive
operation used 148 fighters and 54 medium bombers, elicited a violent
Luftwaffe reaction, but JG-27 Bf-109F and Gs are heavily outnumbered and
unable to reach Allied bombers. The Aegean Air force is still to lose 4
Hurricane, 3 Kittyhawk, 2 Spitfire and 3 Mustang (of which 2 by Flak) but
6 Bf-109 are downed and both Tatoi and Eleusis airfields seriously damaged
(11 German planes have been destroyed in airfield attacks, including 3
Bf-109, 2 Bf-110, 4 Ju-87 and 2 Ju-88).
This large raid took place in the same time than the “Bloody
Wednesday”, which was the last day of the Blowlamp operation against
Ploesti refineries. |
15 September 1943 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
15 September 1943, Grottagilie (Italy) On arrival they where at first totally
supplied by Dakota planes only |
17 September 1943 |
unknown pilot |
. |
. |
2 Ju 88 burning |
. |
. |
unknown pilot |
. |
2 Ju 88 damaged |
. |
. |
20 September 1943 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
20 September 1943, Brindisi |
23 September 1943 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
23 September 1943, Bari |
03 October 1943 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
03 October 1943, Foggia |
26 October 1943 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
26 October 1943, Mileni |
Total 7.5 |
Total 2 |
Total 8 |
Date |
Pilot/Plane |
Destroyed |
Damaged |
Probable |
Notes |
30 January 1944 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
30 January 1944,
Cutella, 239 Wing is situated on the beach at Cutella. The
squadrons are dispersed in a line along the beach. All squadrons are under
27 March 1944 |
unknown pilot, would seem this was a Squadron
claim as it was strafed as it came in to land |
1 Fiesler Storch |
1 MC 202
Strafed by Bert Horden and Ken Stokes
. |
Aquila landing ground, 2nd mission that day
Incidentally, Bernie Peters' log book does
mention the Fi Storch that your page shows was shot down on March 27 44.
March 27: Viaduct at Antradoco;1hr35min;Rlwy
bridges. Line Copped;"Aquila" LG;F/Storch flamer & pilot.
I recall Dad telling me about that. The
Storch was airborne when spotted. The "whole squadron"
was trying to shoot it down. They couldn't turn with it, of course, and
the P40s kept getting in each other's way. Eventually the Storch ran out
of height, and was forced to land. Was then strafed - as was the pilot.
I don't think this "kill" was claimed by anyone in particular.
Generally left a bit of a bad taste - I suspect. War is cruel.
yours Greg
29 March 1944 |
unknown pilot |
. |
1 MC 202 smoking |
. |
3rd mission that day 1455 to 1625 hours Aquila
landing ground |
7 April 1944 |
Flt Lt L N Ahern
FT854 GA B
. |
2 FW 190 |
. |
approaching RIETI at 8,000 feet, aircraft sighted 12 plus aircraft taking
off and 3 plus airborne. The leader told top six to stay up. F/L Ahern
attacked aircraft taking off, seeing strikes and noticing that his No. 2,
F/Sgt WARBURTON, was with him. Then in a second attack F/Lt AHERN had made
2 strafing attacks on 2 F.W. 190s which were on the ground. He saw strikes
but makes no claims. He then chased another F.W. 190 down a valley seeing
bits fly off as he fired. F/L AHERN made a head on attack at a second F.W.
190 at 1,000 feet and saw strikes. |
. |
Flt Sgt B H Peters
FR862 GA E
1FW 190 See Below for more
details |
. |
1 FW 190 a probable should be given here see
below |
This F.W. blew up and went in in flames just
North East of L.G. at B.0428 Reiti Possibly Hptm. Heinrich Zwipf
Gr. Stab Fw 190 A-6, 470644
. |
Lt H J Hanreck
FR257 GA H
See Below for more details |
1 FW 190 |
. |
LT. HANRECK attacked a FW at zero feet. The FW
hit a tree, knocking his wing tip off. |
. |
Plt Off J O Grey
FR309 GA Q
. |
1 FW 190 |
. |
F/O GRAY made an attack on a FW, seeing bits fly
off. |
. |
WO R W Drown
FR390 GA F
. |
1 FW 190 |
. |
The top six aircraft then joined in. W/O DROWN
leading shot at at another F.W. 190, seeing strikes along the fuselage and
tail From Regs's log book L.T.R.
Recce Rieti - Terni, !!! Jumped 10 FW-190 T.O. Rieti L.G. Scrapping
1000feet, 3 Destroyed 6 Damaged Self 1 Damaged (Later confirmed Destroyed) |
. |
Flt Sgt W E Cocks
FR288 GA Z
1 FW 190 |
. |
. |
F/Sgt COCKS attacked another F.W. taking off and
it was seen to crash in flames at the edge of the L.G. F/Sgt COCKS made a
stall turn to attack another F.W. but went into a spin and crashed 1 mile
South East of L.G. B.0725, his aircraft and bombs exploding.
Possibly Uffz. Kurt Fischer,1./SG 4, Fw 190 G-3, 160825
See Reg
Drown entry |
unknown pilot |
1 FW 190 |
. |
. |
A FW 190 was seen to crash in flames at A.9825
before the top six attacked but it is not known who shot it. (See Reg
Drown entry) |
23 April 1944 |
unknown pilot |
. |
1 MC 202 smoking |
. |
. |
. |
unknown pilot |
. |
3 Ju 88 damaged |
. |
1 at Foligno 2 at Perugia landing grounds |
. |
unknown pilot |
. |
1 unknown Caproni damaged |
. |
Foligno landing ground north east side |
. |
unknown pilot |
. |
1 Fi Storch damaged |
. |
Foligno landing ground north east side |
. |
unknown pilot |
. |
1 Do 217 damaged |
. |
Foligno landing ground west side |
. |
unknown pilot |
. |
1 Ju 52 damaged |
. |
Perugia landing ground burning brightly |
21 May 1943 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
21 May 1943, LG San Angelo situated in a valley on the banks of the
Volturno River, The whole area is surrounded by mountains which in no way interfere
with flying, There is a permanent haze in the valley, |
13 June 1944 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
13 June 1944, LG Guidonia was a peacetime airdrome situated about 14
miles from Rome. The concrete runway was unserviceable and the buildings
uninhabitable. |
24 June 1944 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
24 June 1944, LG Falarium is an earth strip located about 2 miles from
Fabrica and situated very close to LG Fabrica |
09 July 1944 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
09 July 1944, LG Crete by road |
12 August 1944 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
24 August 1944, LG Crete to LG Rosignano detached for four days (16 August
1944) to cover the Landing on Southern France |
13 august 1944 |
unknown pilot |
. |
2 Bf 110 damaged |
. |
. |
. |
unknown pilot |
. |
3 Do 217 damaged |
. |
. |
. |
unknown pilot |
. |
1 Me 410 damaged |
. |
. |
16 August 1944 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
16 August 1944, detached for four days (from LG
Rosignano) to cover the Landing on Southern France |
28 August 1944 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
28 August 1944, From LG Crete to LG Iesi situated about one mile east of the
village of Iesi |
6 September |
unknown pilot |
. |
8 Ju 87 damaged |
. |
. |
. |
unknown pilot |
. |
1 FW 190 damaged |
. |
. |
. |
unknown pilot |
. |
1 Bf 109 damaged |
. |
. |
. |
unknown pilot |
. |
1 Ju 52 damaged |
. |
. |
. |
unknown pilot |
. |
18 unidentified aircraft damaged |
. |
. |
9 September 1944 |
Flt Lt R V Hearn
Mustang Mk III FB309
1 Ju 87
thought to be
ME 410 F6+EK
. |
. |
From 250 Sqdn F/L Hearn was later posted to No.
112 Squadron. On 9 September, flying a Mustang III, he shot down an Me 410
of 2.(F)/122 (claimed as a "Ju 88").(Took
of at 18.07, shot down by aircraft of 112 Sqdn and crashed on Treviso
airfield at 18.30. Ofw. Jackstadt and Uffz Schütze escaped with minor
injuries and were flying again within a short period of time. The aircraft
was written-off.* Ofw Jackstadt 2(F)/122 was probably shotdown by F/L R.V.
Hearn 112 Sqn, flying a Mustang III. Hearn claimed a Ju88 but it was
probably Jackstadt's Me410.(Andy Fletcher)) On 18 February 1945,
strafing Aviano airfield, he was shot down and killed by light Flak.
(See Air
War Italy 1944-45, pages 104, 156 and 162). |
. |
Sgt L W North
Mustang MK III
1 He 111 shared straff |
. |
. |
. |
. |
Sgt T R E Williams
Mustang MK III
. |
. |
1 He 111 possibly destroyed |
. |
. |
unknown pilot |
1 Ju 52 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
unknown pilot |
3 SM 79 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
unknown pilot |
. |
4 Sm 79 damaged |
. |
. |
. |
unknown pilot |
. |
2 Re 2001 damaged |
. |
. |
. |
unknown pilot |
. |
2 Bf 109 damaged |
. |
. |
. |
unknown pilot |
. |
1 unidentified damaged |
. |
. |
15 September |
unknown pilot |
. |
2 SM 79 damaged |
. |
. |
. |
unknown pilot |
. |
2 Bf 109 damaged |
. |
. |
18 November 1944 |
Fano |
. |
. |
T |
. |
. |
. |

Claim side One, Matt Mathias
account, Reiti LG with x marking the FW190 crash location
Dear Rob,
Attached are a couple of scans from
an original document (fragments only)
you might like to link these to your
"112 Sqdn Claims" page.
For historical reasons, people might be
interested in the details of how a "claim" was made - and these
fragments concern the claim of an FW190 by my late father, BH (Bernie)
Peters [your claims page, for April 7, 44.]
The second scan is the back of the first. it
contains a hand-written note from fellow pilot Matt Mathias, who was my
Dad's No.2 that day. In his note, Matt says he witnessed the kill. As many
willl know, no RAF claim was accepted unless there was a witness.
[Nice also to have something from the hand
of Matt on the site. He was a keen photographer and supplied all
with a great photographic record. Most of the photos in my Dad's album
came from Matt. Tragically, Matt was killed on his second
tour. A terrible shock to my father - who didnt hear of his death till
2004 ! Matt was a true gentleman, according to Dad.
As you can see from the first scan, Dad
describes hitting two FW190s. At the top of the torn page, he is
describing the disintegration of the first one. Then lower down he mentions
a second that he hit.
For this second claim, there was no witness
- so it was not accepted. Bernie did not have a No.2 by
then, as Matt had started back to base with that very big hole
behind his cockpit.
I got the impression Dad always regarded April 7
44 as the defining day in his life. During the dogfight, he saw Flt Sgt
Cocks (RIP) hit by fire from pursuing FWs, and he saw another 190 lose
its wing-tip. Chased by a P40, this one was pulling out of a dive too
low - and went through the top of a tree. It lost its wing-tip in
the tree, but kept going. (From your site, I gather the pursuing P40
was flown by Lt Hanreck).
I found this fragment inside Bernie Peters'
log-book. Pity he didnt keep it all.
The blue writing (ball point pen!) was
added by Dad, decades later.
your site is the greatest - keep up the good
Greg Peters
Sydney Australia.
Date |
Pilot/Plane |
Destroyed |
Damaged |
Probable |
Notes |
15 January 1945 |
unknown pilot |
. |
. |
1 unidentified possible destroyed |
. |
. |
unknown pilot |
. |
2 unidentified damaged |
. |
. |
25 February 1945 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
Cervia |
24 March 1945 |
unknown pilot |
. |
1 unidentified damaged |
. |
. |
19 May 1945 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
19 May 1945, Lavariano |
01 March 1946 |
. |
. |
. |
01 March 1946, Tissano |
04 May 1946 |
. |
. |
. |
04 May 1946, Lavariano |
23 September 1946 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
23 September 1946, Treviso |
11 November 1946 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
detachment to Lavariano 11 November to 18 November 1946 |
31 December 1946 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
Disbanded at Treviso |
Lists are accurate to the information I have on hand any pilot
logs that can help fill out the list will be appreciated. I leave it to the
reader to come to their own conclusions as I can neither confirm nor deny
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