31st Fighter Group
Great website for photos and more:
1940-1942 |



Squadron |
39th FS
('40-42) Cobras |
40th FS
Fighting Red Devils
40th Pursuit
Squadron was activated at Selfridge Field, MI on 22 December 1939
as part of the 31st Pursuit Group with the 39th and 41st Squadrons.
One of the early Commanders, Captain (now Lt General, ret) Albert P.
Clark, designed the first Red Devil insignia to fit on the anticipated
P-40s. Later in 1941 when the squadron was under 1st Lt. (now Lt
General, ret) Fred M. Dean, the Red Devil was re-designed to fit on
the cockpit doors of the new P-39s which were flown on the Summer-Fall
maneuvers in the south-eastern USA. In the Fall of 1941 the squadron
was flying P-39s and the Red Devil was emblazoned on the doors of the
aircraft. On 7 December 1941 the squadron was based at Baer Field,
Fort Wayne, IN and, three days later, they were headed to Port
Angeles, WA. The 31st Group was recalled to Selfridge and took half of
the 40th to become the 308th Squadron. The remaining 40th cadre
shipped from San Francisco for Australia and landed there on 25
February 1942. The Squadron, now designated the 40th Fighter Squadron
of the 35th Fighter Group under 5th Air Force, was ordered on 2 June
1942 to Papua and began flying missions over New Guinea |
41st FS
Flying Buzz Saws
Aircraft Codes: |
Squadron |
307th FS ('42-45) |
308th FS ('42-45) |
309th FS ('42-45)
The Wild Ducks
Aircraft Codes: |
MX |
Hurd, one of our 308 pilots was an artist and he designed the 308th
Squadron Insignia. Many in the 308th wore them on their jackets, flight
suits. etc. The Black Cat is
a FIGHTER! The cat has a golden crown because we flew British Spitfires.
WZ |
Callsign |
Playboy |
Gunna |
Woodbine also Hobnail |
Fighter Group

Fighter Group 307th Squadron Spitfire MX-P, shot down by Allied antiaircraft
over Paestum beach in Italy. Another source has Spitfire Vb MX-T, s/n JK707,
(15MU 24-2-43 76MU 10-3-43 Harpolycus 22-3-43 Casablanca 6-4-43 NWAfrica 30-4-43
31FtrGrpUSAAF Shot down by US Navy off Salerno 9-43),307th Fighter Squadron,
31st Fighter Group, operating from Gozo,
July 1943. This aircraft ended its days in September 1943, in a belly-landing on
the beach at Salerno, after having been hit by friendly fire.
Two Army Air Force fighter groups in World War II had the unique and distinct opportunity of transitioning to
and flying a famous British aircraft, the Supermarine Spitfire, throughout the Mediterranean theater. Those two groups
were the 31st (Squadrons 307th, 308th, 309th) and 52nd Fighter Groups (Squadrons 2nd, 4th, 5th), and this is their history.
Introduced to the Spitfire upon their arrival in the United Kingdom in the summer of 1942, they participated in
Operation Torch, then swept through the Mediterranean theater in support of Allied forces. Distinguishing themselves
with their performance in the Spitfire, they made major contributions to the war effort in that aircraft until they
transitioned to the P-51 Mustang in the spring of 1944
The 31st Pursuit Group, composed of a Headquarters squadron, and the 39th,
40th, and 41st Pursuit Squadrons was formed on February 1, 1940 at Selfridge
Field, Michigan. They were initially equipped with P-39s. In January 1942 the
39th, 40th and 41st were transferred to the 35th PG and the 307th, 308th, and
309th Pursuit Squadrons were formed in their place to comprise the 31st. These
three squadrons were equipped with the P-40B for three months then again
re-equipped with the P-39.
More on how the
Squadrons evolved with some in Australia.
In June 1942 the Group's personnel were shipped to England with
Headquarters, the 307th, and the 308th based at Atcham. The 309th was based at
High Ercall. All three squadrons received Spitfire Vbs and assigned the
squadron codes MX (307th), HL (308th), and WZ (309th). On August 1st the Group
was deemed ready for action and the squadrons moved closer to the fighting,
with the 307th moving to Biggin Hill, the 308th to Kenley, and the 309th to
Westhampnett. Under RAF control, the squadrons sent sweeps to France during
the first two weeks of August, took part in Circus 204 to Lille on the 17th
and the big Dieppe Operation on the 19th. Group claims for the Dieppe
Operation were 2 destroyed, 3 probable, and 1 damaged for the loss of 8
Spitfires. By the end of August the Group had all moved to the Westhampnett
area and through September and early October participated in the usual patrols
and Circuses of the time. The Circus operations were focused on Le Harve and
Abbeville. On September 14 the 31st was transferred from the VIII AF to the
XII AF. On Oct 13, 1942 the Group was declared non-operational and by the 23rd
was on board ships bound for North Africa.
The 31st Fighter Group was on overseas duty for thirty-seven months. During
that time, it received two Presidential citations; it participated in twelve
campaigns including Algeria-French Morocco, Tunisia, Sicily, Naples-Foggia,
Rome-Arno, Po Valey, North Appenines, Southern France, Northern France,
Balkans, Rhineland and Air Offensive Europe.
Air Forced Assigned To: |
8th AF (May '42 -Oct '42) |
12th AF (Oct '42 - April '44) |
15th AF (April '44 - end WWII) |
Stations Flown From: |
Atcham, England (June '42 -Aug '42)
28 Jun -
Many accidents are being registered. The 308th cracked up four planes
today, one turning completely over in a wheat field, but nobody was
29 Jun -
Lieut. Giacomini of 308 was killed in a crash today, apparently due to
mechanical failure; he died on way to hospital.
9 Jul -
Two planes cracked up.
10 Jul -
Two Spits collided in mid-air today, but nobody was hurt.
14 Jul -
Officers meeting in the morning. In the past 16 days, 21 planes have
been destroyed or badly damaged, most of them by 308 Squadron. That's
too many, and due to carelessness, says Col. Hawkins.
18 Jul -
Lieut. Kerr of 309 was killed last night during an oxygen hop. It
appeared that something went wrong with his oxygen and he blacked out,
went straight in.
Lieutenant Colonel Albert P Clark, Executive Officer of the 31st
Fighter Group, is shot down while flying with the 412 Squadron (Royal
Canadian Air Force), on a sweep
over France, thus becoming the first 8th Air Force fighter pilot to be
shot down in the ETO; he survives and is taken prisoner by the
Westhampnet, England (Aug '42 - Nov '42)
31st Fighter Group and 307th, 308th and 309th Fighter Squadrons move
from Atcham to Westhampnett, Biggin Hill, Kenley and Westhampnett,
England respectively with Spitfire Mk Vs.
5 AUGUST 1942, ETO (8th AF): VIII Fighter Command dispatches its first
mission-11 Spitfire Mk Vs of the 31st Fighter Group on a practice run
over France.
11 AUGUST 1942, ETO (8th AF): Referring to Operation TORCH (plans for the
invasion of N Africa in Nov 42), Major General Carl Spaatz informs General Henry
H "Hap" Arnold that, in his opinion, the UK remains the only base from
which air supremacy over Germany can be established.
12 AUGUST 1942, ETO (8th AF): 31st Fighter Group at Westhampnett, England
with Spitfire Mk Vs, is declared fully operational and ready for combat
operations under Royal Air Force (RAF) control until it gains enough experience
to be able to fight as a group; this is first US fighter unit in the UK
to reach this operational status.
19 AUGUST 1942, ETO (8th AF): Mission 2: 22 of 24 B-17s bomb Abbeville/Drucat
Airfield, France at 1032-1040 hours; 3 B-17s are damaged; 6 B-17s fly a
diversion and 2 airmen are WIA. This mission is flown to occupy the Luftwaffe
and prevent them from opposing an invasion by over 5,000 Allied troops, mostly
Canadians, who raid Dieppe, France. 123 Spitfire Mk Vs of the 31st Fighter
Group support the raid on Dieppe and claim 1-1-5 Luftwaffe aircraft with the
loss of 8 Spitfires (4 pilots are MIA); 2d Lieutenant Samuel F Junkin Jr of
the 309th Fighter Squadron, 31st Fighter Group, flying a Spitfire Mk V in
support of the amphibious raid on Dieppe, shoots down a German fighter, this
being the first aerial victory won by an 8th Air Force fighter pilot flying from
the UK. Units arriving in England from the US, (Lieutenant Samuel
F. Junkin of the 309 FS became the first 31 FG pilot to down an enemy plane on a
mission with 11 other Spits of his squadron. They took off from Westhampnett for
a rendezvous with RAF 130 and 131 Squadrons. After crossing the Channel to the
Dieppe beachhead, they were attacked by 25 FockeWulf Fw-190s (FW-190/FW). During
the ensuing dogfight, Lieutenant Junkin was one-versus-one with a FW, which he
managed to shoot down before he was subsequently attacked by a second FW.
Wounded in the shoulder by cannon fire, he momentarily passed out, but regained
consciousness just above sea level. He climbed to 1,000 feet where he planned to
bail out, having to break through his stuck canopy before he managed to get out
at an altitude of 600-700 feet. Rescued by an Allied torpedo boat, he was
transferred to another ship which had also picked up Lieutenant Collins, another
Spitfire pilot who had been shot down. When it was all
over, the 31 FG had flown 123 sorties for the day. The inexperienced group lost
eight Spitfires, with seven more damaged. Lieutenant Lewis P. Wells was killed,
Lieutenant Robert G. Wright missing, with three other pilots later reported as
prisoners of war. Lieutenant Junkin had scored the unit's first kill, however,
along with a kill by a pilot in the 307 FS. Captain Hill was credited with a
probable, along with Major Harrison Thyng and Lieutenant J. H. White, plus two
claims by the 31 FG for enemy aircraft damaged): HQ 1st Bombardment Wing at
Brampton Grange; 353d and 419th Bombardment Squadrons (Heavy), 301st Bombardment
Group (Heavy), at Chelveston with B-17s (first mission is 2 Oct). 2d, 4th and
5th Fighter Squadron, 52d Fighter Group arrive at Eglinton, Co Derry, Ireland
from the US (squadrons will be equipped with Spitfire Mk Vs and 2d and 4th
Fighter Squadrons will fly their first mission on 27 Aug; 5th Fighter Squadron
will not fly missions).
24 AUGUST 1942, ETO (8th AF): Mission 5: 12 of 12 B-17s bomb the shipyard of
Ateliers et Chantiers Maritime de la Seine at Le Trait, France; 3 B-17s are
damaged and 5 airmen are WIA. Major General Carl Spaatz reports the the RAF
attitude towards US daylight precision bombing seems to be changing from one of
skepticism to one of tentative approval. Unit moves in England: HQ 6th Fighter
Wing from Bushey Hall to Atcham; HQ 1st Fighter Group and 71st Fighter Squadron
from Goxhill to Ibsley with P-38s (first mission is 1 Sep); 307th Fighter
Squadron, 31st Fighter Group, from Biggin Hill to Merston.
25 AUGUST 1942, ETO (8th AF): Units of the Provisional Troop Carrier Command,
organized in the UK on 31 Jul pending arrival of the VIII Troop Carrier Command,
are transferred to the VIII Ground Air Support Command after plans to organize
the VIII Troop Carrier Command are abandoned. 308th Fighter Squadron, 31st
Fighter Group, moves from Kenley to Westhampnett, England with Spitfires.
"Joint British American Directive on Day Bomber Operations Involving
Fighter Cooperation" is issued; worked out between Major General Carl
Spaatz and the RAF, it consigns night bombing to the RAF and day bombing to the
Eighth Air Force; the purpose is to achieve continuity in the bombing offensive
and secure RAF fighter support for US bombers; General Spaatz orders all
tactical operations to give way to activity in support of Operation TORCH (plan
for Allied landings in N and NW Africa in Nov 42); processing of units of the
newly created Twelfth Air Force destined for N Africa takes priority over combat
operations for the present. In England, HQ 3d Photographic Group arrives at
Membury from the US; 342d and 414th Bombardment Squadrons (Heavy), 97th
Bombardment Group (Heavy), move from Grafton Underwood to Polebrook with B-17s.
transfer of the combat unit to the Twelfth Air Force (see below), the combat
units assigned to the Eighth are: HQ 3d Photographic Group and 5th, 12th, 13th
and 14th Photographic Squadrons and 15th Photographic Mapping Squadron with
F-4s, F-5s and B-17Fs; HQ 4th Fighter Group and 334th, 335th and 336th Fighter
Squadrons at Steeple Morden with Spitfire Vs; HQ 44th Bombardment Group (Heavy)
and 66th, 67th and 68th Bombardment Squadrons (Heavy) at Cheddington with B-24s;
HQ 67th Observation Group and 12th, 107th, 109th and 153d Observation Squadrons
at Membury with no aircraft; HQ 91st Bombardment Group and 322d, 323d, 324th and
401st Bombardment Squadrons (Heavy) at Kimbolton with B-17Fs; HQ 92d Bombardment
Group (Heavy) and 325th, 326th, 327th and 407th Bombardment Squadrons (Heavy) at
Bovingdon with B-17Fs; HQ 93d Bombardment Group (Heavy) and 328th, 329th, 330th
and 409th Bombardment Squadrons (Heavy) at Alconbury with B-24Ds; HQ 303d
Bombardment Group (Heavy) and 358th, 359th, 360th and 427th Bombardment
Squadrons (Heavy) at Molesworth with B-17Fs; HQ 305th Bombardment Group (Heavy)
and 364th, 365th, 366th and 422d Bombardment Squadrons (Heavy) at Grafton
Underwood with B-17Fs; and HQ 306th Bombardment Group (Heavy) and 367th, 368th,
369th and 423d Bombardment Squadrons (Heavy) at Thurleigh with B-17Fs. Twelfth
Air Force: HQ Twelfth AF, XII Fighter Command, XII Air Force Services Command,
and XII Bomber Command are attached to corresponding units of the Eighth AF in
the UK; The Eighth subsequently handles the buildup of the Twelfth by assigning
a large number of its own units to the new AF (appropriately dubbed JUNIOR) and
supervises its training. The following combat units are transferred from the
Eighth to Twelfth Air Force: HQ 1st Fighter Group and 27th, 71st and 94th
Fighter Squadrons at Ibsley and High Ercall with P-38Fs; HQ 14th Fighter Group
and 48th and 49th Fighter Squadrons at Atcham with P-38Fs; HQ 31st Fighter
Group and 307th, 308th and 309th Fighter Squadrons at Westhampnett with Spitfire
Vs; HQ 52d Fighter Group and 2d, 4th and 5th Fighter Squadrons at Goxhill
with Spitfire Vs; HQ 60th Troop Carrier Group and 10th, 11th, 12th and 28th
Troop Carrier Squadrons at Aldermaston with C-47s; HQ 64th Troop Carrier Group
and 16th, 17th, 18th and 35th Troop Carrier Squadrons at Ramsbury with C-47s; HQ
97th Bombardment Group (Heavy) and 340th, 341st, 342d and 414th Bombardment
Squadrons (Heavy) at Polebrook with B-17Fs; HQ 301st Bombardment Group (Heavy)
and 32d, 352d, 353d and 419th Bombardment Squadrons at Chelveston with B-17Fs;
and 15th Bombardment Squadron (Light) at Podington with DB-7s.
Twelfth AF, the 307th Fighter Squadron, 31st Fighter Group, and the 437th
and 439th Bombardment Squadrons (Medium), 319th Bombardment Group (Medium),
begin the move from the UK to N Africa.
27th and 71st Fighter Squadrons, 1st Fighter Group, and 308th and 309th
Fighter Squadrons, 31st Fighter Group, begin the move from the UK to N Africa (The
31st and 52nd Fighter Groups were both to participate, and were transferred
to Twelfth Air Force, XII Fighter Command in October. Due to the range
limitations of the Spitfires, the aircraft were to be left behind. New Spits
were to be assembled from their crates at Gibraltar once the two groups arrived.
On 21 and 23 October respectively, the 52 FG and 31 FG departed the United
Kingdom by ship for Gibraltar and Algeria)
Tafaraoui, Algeria (Nov '42)
7 NOVEMBER 1942, NW AFRICA (Twelfth Air Force): The invasion of N
Africa (Operation TORCH) begins. In French Morocco, C-47s of the 60th
Troop Carrier Group attempting to land troops at La Senia Airfield
find the French unexpectedly hostile and have several aircraft shot
down by fighters and AA; several other C-47s are damaged when trying
to land on the dry lake bed of Sebkra d'Oran. Spitfires of the 31st
Fighter Group, flying from Gibraltar into Tafaraoui Airfield,
Algeria during the afternoon of D-Day, claim 3 hostile French fighters
destroyed. In Algeria, the following units arrive at Tafaraoui
Airfield from the UK: HQ XII Fighter Command, HQ 31st Fighter Group,
HQ 60th Troop Carrier Group and 10th, 11th and 12th Troop Carrier
Squadrons with C-47s, air echelon of 2d, 4th and 5th Fighter
Squadrons, 52d Fighter Group with Spitfires, and the 308th and 309th
Fighter Squadrons, 31st Fighter Group, with Spitfires; the 71st
Fighter Squadron, 1st Fighter Group, arrives at St Leu from the UK
with P-38s. In French Morocco during Nov 42, HQ 5th Bombardment Wing
and HQ 7th Fighter Wing arrive at Casablanca from the US
arriving at Gibraltar, desert camouflaged Spit Vs were assembled,
equipped with specially designed air intakes for desert operations.
The word was "go" on 8 November 1942 for flights into
Algeria behind the invasion force. Departures were staggered, and the
31 FG launched for Oran in the afternoon, the pilots of the group
flying Spitfires from Gibraltar to Algeria on 8 Nov 1942 and the
ground echelon landing at Arzeu beach the same day, ith the 52 FG to follow
several hours later. With known Vichy French aircraft in the area, the
first Spits of the 31 FG led by Colonel John R. Hawkins arrived
overhead Tafaraoui (Figure 2) aerodrome outside Oran for landings.
Colonel Hawkins landed, however his wingman, Lieutenant Joe C. Byrd,
Jr., was shot down and killed by a French Dewoitine 520. The Dewotine,
misidentified as a British Hawker Hurricane, attacked just as Byrd
crossed the airfield boundary with his gear and flaps down. The
remaining airborne Spitfires gave chase, destroying three of the four
Dewotines. Major Thyng and Lieutenants Carl W. Payne and Charles
Kenworthy were each credited with one destroyed enemy aircraft)
JANUARY 1943, WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Twelfth Air Force): The 308th
Fighter Squadron, 31st Fighter Group with Spitfire Mk Vs begins
operating from Casablanca, French Morocco instead of Tafaraoui,
Algeria to provide protection for the Casablanca Conference between
Churchill and Roosevelt.
30 JANUARY 1943, WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Twelfth Air Force):, With the
conclusion of the Casablanca Conference, the 308th Fighter Squadron,
31st Fighter Group, which has been operating its Spitfire Mk Vs from
Casablanca, returns to its base at Tafaraoui, Algeria.
NOVEMBER 1942, NW AFRICA (Twelfth Air Force): In Algeria, Spitfires of
the 31st Fighter Group attack and halt an armored column moving
N toward Tafaraoui, and also attack artillery and AA batteries SE of
Tafaraoui and along the coastal road; at 1605 hours, Major General
James H Doolittle, Commanding General Twelfth AF, arrives in Algeria
from Gibraltar by B-17, escorted by 12 Spitfires from the 52d Fighter
Group; HQ Twelfth AF arrives in Algeria from the UK; HQ 52d Fighter
Group arrives at Tafaraoui from the UK; the 27th Fighter Squadron, 1st
Fighter Group arrives at St Leu with P-38s; the 307th Fighter
Squadron, 31st Fighter Group arrives at Tafaraoui with Spitfires.
In French Morocco, HQ XII Air Support Command arrives from the US; HQ
68th Observation Group and the 16th and 122d Observation Squadron
arrive at Casablanca and Fedala respectively from the US with A-20s
and P-39s.
La Senia, Algeria (Nov '42 - Feb '43)
12 NOVEMBER 1942, NW AFRICA (Twelfth Air Force), the 307th Fighter
Squadron, 31st Fighter Group, moves from Tafaraoui to La Senia with
14 NOVEMBER 1942, NW AFRICA (Twelfth Air Force):the 309th Fighter
Squadron, 31st Fighter Group moves from Tafaraoui to La Senia with
Algeria, fighters of the 31st and 52d Fighter Groups patrol in the
Oran-La Senia-Tafaraoui area. Weather prevents operations of all
bomber and fighter units in eastern Algeria.
Fighter Group transfers from La Senia, Algeria to Thelepte, Tunisia.
The 307th Fighter Squadron with Spitfire Mk Vs, assigned to the 31st,
transfers from Maison
Blanche, Algeria to Thelepte
Thelepte, Tunisia (Feb '43)
6 FEBRUARY 1943, WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Twelfth Air Force): The 308th
and 309th Fighter Squadrons, 31st Fighter Group with Spitfire Mk Vs
transfer from Tafaraoui, Algeria and La Senia, Algeria respectively to
Thelepte, Tunisia.
Tebessa, Algeria (Feb '43)
17 FEBRUARY 1943, WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Twelfth Air Force): The
Twelfth Air Force and other organizations of the Allied Air Force are
transferred to the North African Air Force (NAAF) which supplants the
Allied Air Force. NAAF, in turn, becomes part of the Mediterranean Air
Command (MAC), a new air command which comes into existence on this
date with RAF Air Chief Marshall Arthur Tedder as commander. MAC also
includes the RAF Middle East Air Command (later RAF, Middle East) and
the RAF Malta Air Command (later RAF, Malta). The Commanding General
of NAAF is General Carl Spaatz, USAAF. The two airfields at Thelepte,
with 124 operational aircraft on the ground, some are abandoned because
of the German advance. Eighteen unflyable aircraft are burned after
60,000 gallons (227,100 liters) of aviation fuel are poured on
them. HQ 31st Fighter Group transfers from Thelepte, Tunisia
to Youks-les- Bains, Algeria. The group's 307th, 308th and 309th
Fighter Squadrons with Spitfire Mk Vs transfer from Thelepte to
Tebessa, Algeria.
Youks-les-Bains, Algeria (Feb '43)
17 FEBRUARY 1943, WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Twelfth Air Force) HQ 31st
Fighter Group transfers from Thelepte, Tunisia to Youks-les- Bains,
31st Fighter Group transfers from Tebessa, Algeria to Youks-les- Bains,
Algeria. The 308th Fighter Squadron assigned to the group transfers
its Spitfire Mk Vs from Tebessa to Canrobert, Algeria.
FEBRUARY 1943, The 307th and 309th Fighter Squadrons, 31st Fighter
Group with Spitfire Mk Vs transfer from Tebessa, Algeria to
Youks-les-Bains, Algeria.
Kalaa Djerda, Tunisia (Feb '43 - March '43)
25 FEBRUARY 1943, HQ 31st Fighter Group and its 307th Fighter Squadron
with Spitfire Mk Vs transfer from Youks-les-Bains, Algeria to Kalaa
Djerda, Tunisia. The 308th Fighter Squadron also with Spitfire Mk Vs
transfers from Canrobert, Algeria to Kalaa Djerda.
FEBRUARY 1943, The 309th Fighter Squadron, 31st Fighter Group with
Spitfire Mk Vs transfers from Youks-les-Bain, Algeria to Kalaa Djerda,
11 MARCH 1943, HQ 31st Fighter Group and it's 307th, 308th and 309th
Fighter Squadrons with Spitfire Mk V's transfer from Kalaa Djerda,
Tunisia to Thelepte, Tunisia.
Thelepte, Tunisia (March '43 - April '43)
7 APRIL 1943, HQ 31st Fighter Group and it's 307th, 308th and 309th
Fighter Squadrons with Spitfires transfer from Thelepte, Tunisia to
Djilma, Tunisia.
Djimla, Tunisia (April '43)
APRIL 1943, HQ 31st Fighter Group and it's 307th, 308th and 309th
Fighter Squadrons with Spitfires transfer from Djilma, Tunisia to Le
Sers, Tunisia.
Le Sers, Tunisia (April '43 - May '43)
MAY 1943, WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Northwest African Air Force), The
309th Fighter Squadron Spitfires), 31st Fighter Group, transfers with
Spitfires from Le Sers, Tunisia to Korba, Tunisia.
Korba, Tunisia (May '43 - June '43)
20 MAY 1943, WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Northwest African Air Force),The
308th Fighter Squadron, 31st Fighter Group transfers with Spitfires
from Le Sers, Tunisia to Korba, Tunisia.
( On
10 June, the squadrons were supporting bombers attacking
Pantelleria, flying 72 sorties on 7 missions, in addition to 2
scrambles against enemy aircraft. Although one Spitfire and pilot were
lost, they successfully shot down 12 enemy aircraft, plus 3 more
probables. The one Spitfire lost, a case of mistaken identity, was
flown by Lieutenant Gooding.'' On that mission, he and his wingman
became separated from the rest of the group and returned to base
alone. Approximately 20 miles from their field, they observed three
P-40s closing from behind, as if to join up, and one of them shot down
Gooding. Lieutenant Gooding entered a spin and crashed into the sea. Ground
forces occupied Pantelleria, an island surrendered to the Allies from
aerial bombardment, with no opposition on 11 June 1943. The 52 FG was
flying cover for much of the operation as well as the 31 FG. The 52 FG
remained at their field in Tunis, where the Luftwaffe continued to
make attacks on the ports, but the 31 FG moved to a strip on Gozo, a
neighboring island to Malta, south of Sicily on 30 June (Figure 3).
The move did not go smoothly, though, as Lieutenant Stevens of the 308
FG was missing from the flight. One 309 FS Spit crashed on landing,
but the pilot wasn't hurt. Lieutenant Fardalla of the 308 FS then
crashed into the wreckage when he landed, killing three British ground
personnel and seriously injuring himself.)
Gozo (June '43 - July '43)
about Gozo a very under documented airstrip on an island by Malta: http://worldatwar.net/chandelle/v4/v4n1-2/gozo.html
30 JUNE 1943, WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Northwest African Air Force), HQ
31st Fighter Group and it's 307th and 308th Fighter Squadrons transfer
with Spitfires from Korba, Tunisia to Gozo Island, Malta.
3 JULY 1943, The 309th Fighter Squadron, 31st Fighter Group transfers
with Spitfires transfers from Korba, Tunisia to Gozo Island, Malta.
next campaign was the invasion of Sicily which began on 10 July
1943. A large armada of over 300 ships was covered by the 31 FG. The
landings at Gela, Sicily went relatively unhampered. The group flew
patrols continuously from about 0430 until 2200. Later missions
required flares for landing. Only one enemy 4-ship was observed all
day, and it was too far away for anyone to engage. The next couple of
days brought some air activity, however, as four enemy fighters and
three enemy bombers were destroyed on the 11th. An additional fighter
was destroyed the next day before the 31 FG moved to Ponte Olivo on
the 13th, an airfield located in Sicily. The group didn't remain there
long either, as on the 21st, it moved to Agrigento aerodrome. The 307
FS relocated to a Palermo aerodrome, and eventually all squadrons
regrouped at Termini by early August, operating from two aerodromes
called Termini East and Termini West)
Ponte Olivo, Sicily (July '43)
13 JULY 1943, WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Northwest African Air Force), HQ
31st Fighter Group and it's 309th Fighter Squadron transfer with
Spitfires from Gozo Island, Malta to Ponte Olivo, Sicily.
14 JULY 1943, WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Northwest African Air Force), The
307th and 308th Fighter Squadrons, 31st Fighter Group, transfer with
Spitfires from Gozo Island, Malta to Ponte Olivo, Sicily.
Agrigento, Sicily (July '43 - Aug '43)
JULY 1943. WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Northwest African Air Force) During
the night of 18/19 Jul, Wellingtons drop over 800,000 leaflets on
Rome, Italy. Northwest African Tactical Air Force (NATAF) light
bombers attack Catania, Sicily. During the following day, about 150
Northwest African Strategic Air Force (NASAF) B-17's bomb the Rome,
Italy railroad yards; B-25's and B-26's hit nearby Ciampino Airfield,
Italy; P-40's bomb rail facilities in the Alcamo, Sicily area; and
NATAF A-36's attack trains and motor transport in W Sicily. On the
ground in Sicily, the US Seventh Army continues to push N and NW while
the British Eighth Army's 13 Corps still faces firm resistance near
Catania. The 111th Reconnaissance Squadron (Fighter), 68th
Reconnaissance Group, transfers with P-51's from Ponte Olivo, Sicily
to Gela, Sicily. The 308th Fighter Squadron, 31st Fighter Group,
transfers with Spitfires from Ponte Olivo, Sicily to Agrigento,
21 JULY 1943, WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Northwest African Air Force), HQ
31st Fighter Group transfers from Ponte Olivo, Sicily to Agrigento,
Sicily. The 307th and 309th Fighter Squadrons, 31st Fighter Group,
transfer with Spitfires from Ponte Olivo, Sicily to Agrigento, Sicily.
27 JULY 1943, The 307th Fighter Squadron, 31st Fighter Group,
transfers from Agrigento, Sicily to Palermo, Sicily with Spitfires.
Termini, Sicily (Aug '43 - Sept '43)
AUGUST 1943, WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Northwest African Air Force):, The
307th Fighter Squadron, 31st Fighter Group, transfers from Palermo to
Termini, Sicily with Spitfires.
group 52nd and 31st, saw many big aerial engagements at this
time. One exception involved the 31 FG on 8 August while covering
landing operations at Cap Orlando. On that day, pilots encountered 16
to 20 FWs and MEs attacking Allied shipping. Three FWs were destroyed,
one damaged, while Captain Williams was wounded by a 20-millimeter
cannon shell in his neck and back. The 11th of August produced three
kills for the 31 FG. With the fall of Messina, hostilities in Sicily
effectively ceased. Both groups then had a well-deserved rest with few
operational missions or scrambles. This lasted until September.)
Milazzo, Sicily (Sept '43)
invasion of the Italian mainland began on 3 September 1943. The 31
FG was heavily involved. The 52 FG was located in Sicily for September
and October, but was out of range of most of the Axis airfields, and
saw little activity. The game plan on the ground was for the Eighth
Army to cross the Strait, of Messina and land on the "toe"
of Italy, while at the same time the Fifth Army would beach at
Salerno, south of Naples. The day the forces landed in Italy, the
Italians surrendered; however, the Germans didn't, and heavy fighting
Montecorvino, Italy (Sept '43 - Oct '43)
31 FG supported the landing at Salerno, operating out of Milazzo, a
field on the north coast of Sicily. Pilots flew support missions for
the invasion, but encountered few enemy aircraft. The group remained
there only a short time before moving on 20 September to Monte
Corvino aerodrome on the Italian mainland. There it found numerous
enemy aircraft left behind by the Germans, most in pretty bad shape,
although some were flyable. Living conditions improved significantly,
as the group was housed in buildings for the first time since
February. It was a nice change from tents
Pomigliano, Italy (Oct '43 - Jan '44)
Colonel Charles M.- McCorkle, who had replaced Lieutenant Colonel
Frank Hill as 31 FG commander when Hill returned to the States, scored
his first kill on 30 September just before the bad weather began to
affect his group in early October. Although the 31 FG, too, flew
little because of heavy rains, that did not stop it from moving to
another airfield, this time to Pomigliano in Italy on 14 October
1943. For most of the month, the pilots flew routine patrols,
escort missions, and tighter sweeps, some in the Naples area
the 31 FG was starting to face renewed resistance from the Luftwaffe
in Italy. There were numerous encounters throughout the month,
resulting in seven enemy aircraft destroyed, one probably destroyed,
and seven damaged. There were also four losses: Lieutenant Frost
of the 308 FS on 5 November; Lieutenant Mann of the 307 FS on 18
November; Lieutenant Van Natta on the l9th; and Flying Officer
Shenberger, a British pilot with the 309 FS. on 24 November.
interest to the 31 FG was a visit by General Arnold and Lieutenant
General Spaatz on the 10th of December. General Arnold, among other
things, presented a Distinguished Flying Cross to Lieutenant
Weissmueller. In passing conversation afterwards, Lieutenant
Weissmueller got into hot water with the general by making a comment
about how he thought the Spitfire was the best airplane in the world
Castel Volturno, Italy (Jan '44 - April '44)
31 FG was heavily engaged with Luftwaffe fighters and bombers
early in January. Colonel McCorkle destroyed two enemy aircraft by the
end of the first week, along with the group downing one and damaging
three others. .The fighting was similar to the high level of activity
that had occurred in Tunisia (3:44). On the l9th, the group moved to
Castel Volturno, Italy (Figure 3), a steel-plank strip near the mouth
of the Volturno River. From there, closer than ever to the enemy, air
activity increased, and the group flew air cover for the amphibious
landings at the Anzio-Nettuno area (Figure 3), southwest of Rome. On
that day, Colonel McCorkle gained his fourth victory, and relates a
story about one 31 FG pilot who had to make a forced landing a few
days later at Anzio: "One of my fellas was shot down over Anzio
beachhead, Major Thorsen, one of my squadron commanders. He had to
force land on the beachhead, and as he was going down with his engine
puffing smoke and pouring oil, and looking for a place to set down,
for some reason he didn't want to bail out. An ME-109 pulled up
alongside him, skidded down to his speed, or approximately that in
sort of a slip, and saw that he was going to have to land, and saluted
him, and flew away, rather than shooting at him. This is the last
piece of chivalry I ever heard of in air combat
the end of the month of January, the Luftwaffe and enemy ground forces
had taken a beating, although they had made their impression among
both groups, too. Between the 31 FG and 52 FG, a total of 16 Spitfires
had been lost
many previous months, February was an active month for both groups. On
the 1st, the 31 FG moved the 307 FS forward to Nettuno to operate out
of a landing strip there. Under constant attack and artillery
shelling, they pulled out two weeks later, but not before four
Spitfires had been destroyed on the ground. Several events of
significance occurred during the month, the first being Colonel
McCorkle's fifth kill, an ME-109 on 6 February, to make him an ace
(3:64). On the 13th, two 309 FS members were scrambled by a controller
to intercept two bandits, which they did, and promptly shot down two
FW-190s. Typical of a confident fighter pilot, Lieutenant Fawcett
called the controller on the radio to say, "You know the two
bandits you reported, well, they were here (23:--). Another ace was
produced on 22 February when Lieutenant Leland P. Molland
destroyed two ME-109s on an Anzio beachhead patrol. Also on that date,
Lieutenant Hackbarth was hit, and went down streaming glycol and in
flames. Attacked by three ME-109s as he was going down, the
attack was thwarted by Lieutenant Brown, who dove on the enemy
aircraft even though he was out of ammunition. On the humane side of
war, a story reached 31 FG Headquarters on the 27th from the
beachhead. German forces had returned to American forces the bodies of
Lieutenants Haberle and Comstock, pilots that had been killed on 28
January and 24 February, respectively. Both men were
buried at Nettuno
the 31 FG, March would be the last month flying Spitfires. On the
11th, Colonel McCorkle and Lieutenant Meador brought in the first two
P-51B aircraft. During a mock dogfight over the field on the 14th,
Colonel McCorkel in a P-51 paired up against Lieutenant Williams in a
Spitfire IX. The Spitfire completely outmaneuvered the new Mustang. On
21 March, Lieutenant Richard F. Hurd of the 308 FS destroyed two
ME-109s to become the last Spitfire ace before the 31 FG was taken off
operational status to transition to the P-51. Colonel McCorkle did get
permission for a farewell 36-ship fighter sweep over Rome on the 29th.
For the most part uneventful, 20 FW-190s were intercepted by one
4-ship of Spits, forcing the enemy to Jettison their bombs. Lieutenant
Emery destroyed one of the FWs, the last enemy aircraft downed by a 31
FG Spitfire
San Servo, Italy
(2 April '44 - March '45)
1 April 1944, the 31 FG was placed under the command of Fifteenth Air
Force (15 AF) for long-range bomber escort. Moving to a new airfield
the next day, San Severo aerodrome near Foggia, Italy, the group
continued transition training in earnest. On the 16th of that month,
they flew their first P-51 combat mission, escorting B-24 bombers over
Turnu-Severin in Rumania
Mondolfo, Italy (March '45 - end WWII) |
Campaigns Flown in: |
Air Combat, EAME Theatre |
Air Offensive, Europe |
Algeria-French Morocco |
Tunisia |
Sicily |
Naples-Foggia |
Anzio |
Rome-Arno |
Normandy |
Northern France |
Southern France |
North Appines |
Rhineland |
Central Europe |
Po Valley |
Awards Won: |
Distinguished Unit Citation: Rumania, 21 April
'44 |
Distinguished Unit Citation: Poland, 25 July '44 |
Victory Claims (in Air): |
Destroyed: |
Probable: |
Damaged: |
530 |
82 |
243 |
Aces were:
(scores in the group only- some scored victories while flying in other groups
or squadrons)
C.M. McCorkle (11) |
307th FS: |
Brooks, J.L. (13) |
308th FS:
J.J. Voll (21) |
309th FS: |
F.J. Dorsch (8.5) |
Skogstadt, N.C. (12) |
R.J. Goebel (11) |
J.M. Ainlay (8) |
Riddle, R.E. (11) |
L.P. Molland (10.5) |
V.E. Warford (8) |
S.J. Brown (10) |
W.J. Goehausen (10) |
M.D. McLaughlin (7) |
E. Shipman (7) |
R.F. Hurd (6) |
R.F. Harmeyer (6) |
J.D. Collinsworth (6) |
H.W. Dorris (5) |
R.D. Faxon (5) |
V.C. Fields (6) |
J.R. Smith (5) |
G.G. Loving (5) |
C.R. Fischette (5) |
F.O. Trafton (5) |
C.W. Payne (5) |
J.H. White (5) |
R.N. Baker (3) |
R.D. Thompson (5) |
W.J. Dillard (4) |
F.A. Hill (2) |
H.R. Thyng (5) |
G.T. Buck (3) |
W.J. Dillard (2) |
D.C. Wilhelm (5) |
W.A. Daniel (3) |
W.A. Daniel (2) |
S.J. Brown (5.5) |
J.A. Goodson (2) |
F.A. Hill (5) |
D.E. Shafer (4) |
G.T. Buck (3) |
Aircraft Flown: |
Spitfire |
P51 |
Spitfire Mk VIII, coded HL-HH of the 308th FS, 31st FG USAAF
Castel Volturno, Italy. March 1944

Spitfire Mk VIII, of the 308th FS, 31st FG USAAF
Castel Volturno, Italy. March 1944
Spitfire Mk
IX, of the 309th FS, 31st FG USAAF
Castel Volturno, Italy.1944
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