Photos 1942 to 1943 I encourage anyone that has more information (Flight Log Book entries) or photos on 112 Squadron please send an e-mail to before the history is lost. During a period in 1943 Squadron identification letters and wheel discs where painted pale blue not white.
Sdn/Ldr Clive Caldwell (Aus), William Edward Carson, 404168 RAAF (Aus). Sgt Andy Taylor (Aus), P/O Nelville F Duke, Humphreys, Flt Sgt Roy Arthur Drew, 407415 DFM (Australian) KIA, on wing, Plt Off Henry George Burney, 402343, RAAF (Aus, KIA). Sgt A T Donkin (NZ, KIA), R M Leu (POW) Flt Lt E Dickinson (KIA) and Sgt Kenneth (Kit) Francis Carson, 404233, RAAF The Carson boys where brothers.
1942-01. WESTERN DESERT. SQUADRON LEADERS OF AN ADVANCED SQUADRON. AMONG THEM ARE TWO AUSTRALIANS, CLIVE "KILLER" CALDWELL (WITH PIPE), GROUP CAPTAIN CLIVE R. (KILLER) CALDWELL, DSO, DFC AND BAR, POLISH CROSS OF VALOUR, LEADING RAAF FIGHTER ACE OF WORLD WAR 2 WITH 28.5 AIRCRAFT DESTROYED. THIS PHOTOGRAPH WAS TAKEN WHEN HE WAS A WING COMMANDER 112 SQDN 1942 WEARING HIS DFC AND BAR. TAKEN IN FRONT OF A KITTYHAWK FROM 112 SQN Poor photo of ET790 GA ? , carried the name "Christine " under the cockpit. Billy Drake flew this plane 8 June 1942, claiming a BF109 it is also the plane that Plt Off John Satterehwaite Barrow, 118054, RAFVR was lost in due to flak damage on 22 July 1942
GA-F, FL714 Recce and bombing of Motor Transport, GA-F, 6-Apr-43, on this day going by his log book entry this plane was flown by and the regular mount of Sgt John Henry McDermott, service number 776098, may have been the plane WD Brown flew on this date Kairouan, Tunisia. c. 18 April 1943. A Curtiss P40M Kittyhawk fighter bomber Mark III aircraft (FL714, FR520 became the regular mount of Sgt. McDermott and FR803 all had code GA-F), of No. 112 Squadron RAF, which adopted the shark's head motif, takes the air. This photo due to dates mentioned is most likely FL714. 112 Squadron Ambulance Army type Austin with a reconditioned motor , on 19th August 1944, it was sent to M.T.L.R.U. (Motor Transport Line Repair Unit ?) for repairs when a front wheel fall off, while turning a corner. Tripoli, 1943 FR 282, GA X 1943 and one other coming in for a landing Bombing up a 112 P-40 Pictured above: Captured Ju87D Stuka,18 November 1942 the CO Sqn Ldr Billy Drake commandeered a Ju87D as the squadron beer run hack This recently found photo faintly shows the symbol on the nose of the Stuka, picture taken at El Adem 1942 Stuka JU 87 D captured by RAF 112 Sqdn sometime in 1942, artist Arkadiusz Wrobel image from Captured Stuka Ju87 D, at Sidi Haneish LG 13 , November 1942 used by 601 Sqn The image on the nose of the aircraft looks like the one used by 3/St.G 1 and 6/St.G 3 source Luftwaffe emblems, it is also the same symbol found on the 112 Sdqn Stuka
JU87 Dora S7-EP captured in North Africa the negative was received in United States during April 1943 but date the photo was taken is unknown, note the engine cowling symbol and plane code S7*EP Ju87 Dora S7-EP of 6/St.G 3
Sidi Haneish Airfield. 213 Sqdn. Egypt 1943 RAF 213 Sqdn used a Ju87D coded S7-LL captured at Sidi Heneish LG 101, it was test flown on 10th November 1942, RAF 601 Sqdn also captured a Ju87D at Sidi Heneish LG 13 during November 1942, this plane carried the same nose artwork as RAF 112 Sqdn Ju87D but the paint scheme differs greatly (Italian Ju87D maintained there green yellow mainland colors). See photos here (PDF page:
source: JU87d units Dive-Bombers (Stuka.) 17.01.42 Lfl. 2 Fl. Fü. Afrika Stab / St.G 3 Libya-Eygpt 4 2 Ju 87 D-1 - 17.01.42 Lfl. 2 Fl. Fü. Afrika I. / St.G 3 Libya-Eygpt 24 23 Ju 87 D-1 - 17.01.42 Lfl. 2 Fl. Fü. Afrika II. / St.G 3 Libya-Eygpt 29 20 Ju 87 D-1 - 17.01.42 Lfl. 2 Fl. Fü. Afrika Erg. / St.G 1 Libya-Eygpt 12 8 Ju 87 D-1 Einsatz-Erg.Staffel 04.04.42 Lfl. 2 Fl. Fü. Afrika Stab / St.G 3 Berca (Barce) 5 4 Ju 87 D-1 With Bf 110 & He 111 04.04.42 Lfl. 2 Fl. Fü. Afrika I. / St.G 3 Martuba 32 16 Ju 87 D-1 - 04.04.42 Lfl. 2 Fl. Fü. Afrika II. / St.G 3 Libya-Eygpt 8 0 Ju 87 D-1 Re-fitting Italy 7.4.42 04.04.42 Lfl. 2 II. Fl. Kps III. / St.G 3 San Pietro 35 22 Ju 87 D-1 10.05.42 Lfl. 2 Fl. Fü. Afrika Stab / St.G 3 Derna-Süd 2 0 Ju 87 D-1 With Bf 110 & He 111 10.05.42 Lfl. 2 Fl. Fü. Afrika I. / St.G 3 Derna-Süd 41 28 Ju 87 D-1 - 10.05.42 Lfl. 2 II. Fl. Kps III. / St.G 3 San Pietro 23 10 Ju 87 D-1 FliegerFührer Afrika (German Airforce in North Africa) 23 October 1942 Subordinated to 'X.Fliegerkorps/Luftflotte II' ======================================================================= HQ units 7/ZG1 ZerstoreGeschwader (12x Me210A-1 & 1x Bf-110D/E) 8/ZG1 ZerstoreGeschwader (12x Me210A-1 & 1x Bf-110D/E) 8/ZG26 ZerstoreGeschwader (12x Bf-110 various models) 12/LG26 Lehrgeschwader (12x Ju88A-4 Trop.) (F)/121 Recon (Ju88D-1/C Trop. & D-5 Trop) (H)/12 Recon (BF110F-3 & BF109E-7 Trop. & F-4/R-3) (H)/14 Recon (Bf109F-4/R-3) FlFu. Afrika 1st Wustennot (Desert rescue) 27th JagdGeschwader (Group) Stab./JG27 (4x ME109F-4 Trop.) I/JG27 (Few planes) II/JG27 (40x ME109F-4 & G-2 Trop.) III/JG27 (35x ME109F-4 Trop.) III/JG53 (40x ME109F-4 & G-4 Trop.) 3rd StukaGeschwader (Group) Stab./StG3 (4x Ju87D-3 & R-4) I/StG3 (40x Ju87D-3) II/StG3 (40x Ju87D-1 & D-3 Trop.) III/StG3 (40x Ju87D-1 & D-3 Trop)
I am not sure this is the correct captured Stuka for 112 Sqn but the image is from MEDITERRANEAN AREA, 1942. A CAPTURED GERMAN JUNKERS JU87 DIVE BOMBER AIRCRAFT WITH ALLIED MARKINGS BEING INSPECTED AT AN ALLIED AIRFIELD. (DONOR J.S. ARCHBOLD) JU87D coded HK927 or HK827 Captured JU87 coded HK827 Photo below provided by Bernie and Greg Peters Back
row left to right, Flt Sgt Bernard
Hyland Front
row left to right. Flt Lt Lance
Attached is a photo to put on the site, from Dad's album. I'm not sure who took this, as it seems various blokes on the squadron shared each others photos. The caption in dad's album says: "Self and Happy Ahern, Cox (d'cd) and Hooper. Mushrooms. 11/43." As you can see, they are all engaged in cutting up some mushrooms they've found. A constant activity on the squadron was scrounging for fresh food. So, no wonder they look pleased with themselves!
Yours Greg Peters Sydney, Australia.